
Ken strode to the headquarters of the navy, his expression somewhat serious.

The yellow ape had already informed him this morning… It seems that Sengoku wants to see him.

It seems that this Pluto battleship design drawing incident.

Still too serious.

Sengoku must come and personally question him as the solver, presumably in the details of the matter.

However, the yellow ape said to reassure him, after all, he was the person who completed this incident, and the process of questioning would definitely not be very harsh.

On the contrary, the headquarters of the Navy was grateful to him.

After all, if there is no Ken to make a move.

Their naval headquarters is still being kept in the dark by the world government!


After he arrived at the naval headquarters, he hurried directly towards the red and white attic where the navy high-ranking officials were staying.

The navy that can stay in the red and white attic must be a vice admiral, a general, a marshal!

It is simply impossible for an ordinary major general to enter!

Only high-level navies can be stationed here!

The top officials of the Navy usually discuss important matters in the red and white attic.

but did not think… Ken was surprised that he could actually go here this time.

“You’re Ken, right?”

“Hello… I am Lieutenant General Mole. ”

“I’ll take you to the office of the Marshal of the Warring States.”

Vice Admiral Mole was guarding the bottom of the red and white attic, and when he saw a young handsome man walking over, and he was not wearing navy clothes, he naturally knew that this was Ken!

“Yes… Hello Vice Admiral Mole. ”

Ken was a little flattered, but he still held out his hand to shake it with the mole, showing his kindness.


Lieutenant General Mole also did not grind and led Ken directly into the red and white attic.

There is no lieutenant general status … Naturally, it is impossible to bring Ken in.

And the yellow ape at this moment also has an emergency, so he can only let Lieutenant General Mole lead it.

“This is the office of the Marshal of the Warring States, after you go in, remember not to talk nonsense.”

“Although the Marshal of the Warring States has a good temper … But don’t make a bad impression on the Marshal of the Warring States! ”

After Lieutenant General Mole led Ken to the place, he pointed to the office building in front of him and said.


Ken stared.

He found that there was a door number in front of the office house, and there was a special text on it, and the font written on it, dragon flying phoenix dance, and golden light, extremely cool.

[Admiral – Sengoku]


“How handsome!”

Ken’s expression showed surprise.

If he hadn’t wanted to be free… It is estimated that after joining the Navy.

He wanted to try to become a marshal!

Think about it.

Under one order!

A million navies listen to orders!

That scene… It’s really domineering!

“It’s a pity.”

“That’s not my personality.”

“Strong in itself… For me at the moment, that’s the main thing! ”

Ken shook his head helplessly, not wanting such a meaningless thing.

He came to the door of the office building, stretched out his hand and began to knock on the door: “Knock knock.” ”

“Hello Marshal of the Warring States, I’m Ken.”


A deep male voice came from within.

“Come in.”

“Don’t be too restrained.”

Ken twisted the doorknob and walked straight in, closing the door by the way.

For the Warring States.

He is still more respectful personally.

At least the Warring States are in terms of peace … Make a lot of contributions!

This kind of person.

Worthy of his admiration!

It’s just that.

After he went in… Don’t help but be dumbfounded.

Sengoku sat on the front seat of the office room, his face was cold and solemn, and his expression was a little solemn.

And next to the sofa … And someone!

A tall, broad-chested, muscular old man with short gray hair, holding senbei in his hand, kept stuffing it into his mouth.

This is the naval hero – Monchi · D. Karp!

Ken really didn’t expect it.

Even Karp is here!


“Good morning!”

“Leave me alone… You talk to Sengoku. ”

When Karp saw Ken, he looked at him with some interest, and then laughed heartily while eating senbei: “Just because I’m an outsider, don’t be nervous!” ”



“Be quiet!”

Warring States sighed helplessly, stretched out his hand to support the table, and his eyes were a little helpless.

Karp, an old friend of his.

It is estimated that only Karp dares to be in front of him, the marshal of the navy … Dare to speak like that!

Even if it is Lieutenant General Tsuru … It also depends on the occasion!

Now there is a junior in front of him.

Karp is good… Completely do not pay attention to the seniors!


Sengoku became serious, he called Ken over, naturally there was something.

For this.


“Come and sit.”

“I’m just asking you something… No need to be nervous. ”

Sengoku pointed to the chair in front of him and motioned for Ken to come over.

The other side.

Ken looked at Karp next to him and Sengoku in front of him.

Oh, my God!

These two are one of the pinnacle powerhouses in the world today!

I didn’t expect to be able to meet!

Once or two!

Especially Karp.

Karp holds the highest honor in naval history!

Naval hero!

To know.

The only person who can get this honor is Karp!

Like Admiral, Admiral, Vice Admiral.

Many people have this honor.

But a naval hero… Not everyone can be a fool!

Karp…… Arguably the highest honor in the history of the Navy!

For this.

After Ken calmed down a little, he came to his seat with a smile on his lips.

“I wonder what the Marshal of the Warring States came to me to ask about?”

“Before that.”

“I am very grateful to the Marshal of the Warring States for his approval, and actually allowed me to advance the city experience, I am sincerely grateful to you!”

These words come down.

It made Sengoku have some good feelings for Ken.

As long as it’s talent!

You can shine anywhere!

Not to mention… Ken accomplished such a wonderful task this time!

Expose that the World Government wants to get the blueprints of the Hades battleship.

It is enough for the Warring States not to underestimate Ken!

“No problem.”

“It’s just the little things.”

“But I want to ask you.”

“Do you have any impressions that the design drawings of the Hades battleship mentioned by the Water Capital Shi Long Iceberg have been destroyed?”

Sengoku began to ask about business.

If the design drawings of the Pluto battleship are destroyed, it is naturally good!

If it is not destroyed, then pay attention!

Battleship Hades… I heard that mass production is possible!

This thing is mass-produced.

For the whole world can destroy the world!


Sengoku can only ask Ken, the solver this time!

After all, Ken was there at the time!

Iceberg also told the yellow ape … It is said that he personally destroyed the design drawings of the Hades battleship.

“Pluto battleship design drawings?”

“I watched the iceberg destroy this drawing.”

“But I saw it once.”

“I don’t understand at all… The font above is crooked. ”

“I don’t even know what it means.”

“This font looks like this.”

Ken wanted to lie in front of the Sengoku, it was absolutely unlikely, and he could only say it half-truthfully.

This is still what the great sage suggested, so naturally he will not be afraid to expose the truth.


He also used his fingers to describe roughly the shape of the word, so that this half-truth was so true.

“Have you seen it?!”

“Really fake?”

When the Warring States heard this, they quickly stood up, their faces full of shock.


After he listened to the content in its entirety, he couldn’t help but gasp.


Ken described it this way.

Sengoku can also guess … This is mostly ancient writing!

People who can now analyze these fonts.

All over the world… Only one!

That’s Nicole Robin!

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