Ken’s eyes were cold, and he walked directly over, he felt that the aura of the priest Ohm completely dissipated, and he was already dead and could not die anymore.

Priest Ohm is really clever but clever.

There is no strong physical skill… Even if Priest Ohm learned to be domineering, it would be of no use.

Like Priest Ohm clearly felt the danger behind him, even he wanted to avoid this deadly attack.

But…… His physical fitness does not allow ah!

Without that burst response capability… It is impossible for Priest Ohm to move his body to avoid the attack!


Ken whispered in his mouth, “Anilu… You’re my goal this time. ”

The fruit of thunder is bound to be obtained!

In an instant.

At the top of the empty island in the distance, the moment Anilu saw the death of God Ohm, his mouth burst into shocking laughter.


“You mortals are still mortals after all!”

“Human beings are so fragile… Priest Ohm, you disappointed me so much! ”

“And you, the intruder… How dare you offend this god! ”

“I will let you die under the punishment of my gods!”

The voice fell.

“Boom ——!”

The figure of Anilu began to descend on this area, and a violent thunder current rose from his body, spreading throughout the sky, as if he wanted to destroy this piece of heaven and earth!

“God’s Sanctions ——!”

A furious thunder ball appeared from Anilu’s palm, raised high, and the thunder ball suddenly became larger and larger, forming a huge thunder column that enveloped this area!

Ken saw this scene below, his eyes were a little fiery, and he muttered in his mouth.

“Soon… This thunder fruit belongs to me! ”

Such a cool Devil Fruit.

He must plunder success!

No matter what the cost!


“You will die under my god’s punishment!”

“To die at my hands… Already your glory! ”

Anilu’s finger waved downward, and the huge thunder and lightning pillar in the sky instantly crashed down!

Accompanied by a deafening sound.

The area was instantly shattered.

And directly blasted out a large hole in the ground, deep and bottomless, the surrounding ground spread out thrillingly deep as a ravine.


Anilu converged the thunder and lightning that came out of his body, and his eyes were full of boredom.

“What a weakling.”

“It seems that I am too strong… It is no longer suitable to stay on an empty island. ”

Originally, I thought that I could have a little trick with the intruder.

Didn’t think of it.

One move of God’s sanctions… The other party can’t stand it anymore!

It’s boring!


Anilu’s pupils widened slightly, and he could still feel the breath of nothingness.

The invaders did not die ?!

How can it be!

Bearing God’s sanctions head-on did not die?

Anilu quickly turned his head and found that in the large hole in the ground, he began to slowly walk out of a huge unknown intruder with silver-white fur, red eyes, and electric current!

“You’re nice… I feel more and more that I need your thunder fruit! ”

“You god’s sanction… It made me sober up a lot. ”

Ken entered the Moon Lion form, his eyes full of killing intent, and returned directly to the ground.


He had just endured the sanction of this trick of God.

The Great Sage has also been reminded loudly.

【Thunder antibody resistance enhanced】

[83% damage reduction evolved to 84% damage reduction]

It seems that the lightning strike of the sanctions of God has exceeded ten million volts.

Otherwise, it is impossible for him to reduce and continue to strengthen!

“Damn it!”

“God’s sanction is nothing more than my casual move!”

“Hugh is rampant!”

When Anilu saw this scene, he couldn’t help but grit his teeth, this is the first time that someone can withstand his moves and can also jump alive!

This upset him!

In an instant.

“30 million volts beast ——!”

Anilu knocked on the taiko drum on his left shoulder, showing the thunder and lightning he created from the taiko, and a giant wolf-shaped thunder wolf instantly condensed and began to run towards the target at high speed!


“I’d rather see… Can I influence you! ”

Ken watched the giant thunder wolf rush towards him, a smile on his lips.

The voice fell.

He stretched out his finger to point at the giant thunder wolf, and whispered in his mouth: “Electric control——! ”


In an instant.

During the running of this giant thunder wolf, it suddenly stopped, and condensed into a thunderbolt body, and began to completely rage, decomposing the most primitive posture “lightning”.

In an instant.


The giant thunder wolf exploded directly, emitting an earth-shattering roar!


“What’s going on?”

Seeing this scene, Anilu also found that something was wrong, and his eyes were a little stunned.

He discovers the Thunder Wolf in control… It actually exploded directly and automatically without control!

As a result, Thunder Wolf has already detonated before he can approach Ken.

What the hell is going on here?

“What’s going on?”

“Naturally, because I can control your lightning!”

“Just you or God?”

“Laugh at the dead!”

Ken taunted loudly, “Wake up… God is not you at all! ”

He wants to provoke Anilu.

Let Aniluke hate him!

Directly bombard him with hundreds of millions of volts!

Then let the thunder antibody achieve the effect of complete immunity!

“What did you say?”

“Fools … You completely me off! ”

“Dare to control God’s thunder at will?”

“Just you?”

“I don’t believe it!”

“I want you to die——!”

When Anilu heard this, his expression became extremely hideous, and he instantly used thunder speed to rush towards Ken, intending to fight in close combat!

“Good to go!”

Ken’s face was serious, he saw that the domineering spirit was in full swing, and let the Great Sage remind him at any time.

After all, the thunder speed is still too fast.

Maybe even he can’t react!

“Lei Metallurgical ——!”

Thunder and lightning appeared in Ennis’s hand, directly melting the gold in his hand, turning into a trident weapon on the spot, and stabbing at Ken!

With his amazing thunderous speed.

He didn’t believe it… This stupid intruder can react!



Ken’s body instantly burst out with thunder and lightning, and his speed soared directly, directly dodging this blow!

To know the speed of the Moon Lion type… That’s only half a beat slower than Anilu!

The next moment.

Ken’s arm spread out a pitch-black armed color domineering, and his backhand hit Anilu!

“60 million volts Tresolon ——!”

Anilu couldn’t help but be a little shocked when he saw Ken dodging his attack, but he quickly knocked the taiko drums on both shoulders, showing the thunder and lightning he created from the taiko drums, and instantly formed a huge thunder dragon rushing towards the target!


Ken was instantly knocked away by this huge thunder dragon, directly knocked away and flew out, and the thunder dragon burst out with a violent impact, making him unable to approach Anilu at all!


If Anilu was hit by his armed punch… Presumably, Anilu has to live better than die!

After all, Anilu relied too much on fruit abilities.

In terms of physical fitness… It’s similar to the priest and others!

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