“You’re just a fool.”

“I want to kill God… No way! ”

Anilu is in the form of Thor, which can be said to be the strongest of the monolith, and his eyes are full of incomparable defiance.

He has more powerful moves… That is to trigger the wide-ranging thundercloud created by the Ark Proverbs to release the thunderbolt of its own making, thereby stimulating the thundercloud to turn it into a huge spherical black cloud.

This move is called “Lei Ying”.

The power is so great that the entire country can be wiped out!


If it is a time to fight alone with the enemy.

The Thor form is definitely the strongest!



Blood spread from the corners of Ken’s mouth, and he almost couldn’t withstand the ravages of lightning strikes, but after regenerating recovery, he almost healed back.


He has reached 99% thunder antibody resistance and can no longer continue to increase.

Want to achieve 100% immune antibodies… That is to kill Anilu and completely devour him!

Then get the ability to sound the thunder fruit.

This way you can truly become immune to any thunder attack!


Ken is no longer afraid of Anilu!

Anilu can’t really kill him anymore!

“Foolish ——!”

“Die here!”

Anilu saw that Ken could still stand up, his eyes were full of anger, and his figure dragged the thunder to burst out, wanting to put Ken to death!

“Don’t underestimate me!”

“Armed color domineering ——!”

“Seeing and smelling domineering——!”

“Great Sage help me!”

Ken knew that his speed was no longer able to catch up with Anilu, and his whole body transformed into a monster body of a giant octopus, and countless tentacles swung away violently!

As long as he hits him once… It can make Anilu live better than die!

His power is great… It’s not something that Anilu’s physique can withstand at all!

Plus … This time he had the Great Sage attached to his consciousness.

It is equivalent to Ken having the super fast thinking and reaction ability of the Great Sage!

In an instant.

Anilu was instantly hit by countless tentacles, and was completely covered in the attack range!

“Heart net maximum!”


Anilu’s body shook, frantically dodging the attack of the tentacles, even if he was under this kind of ultra-high-speed action, he was actually miserable, and he was almost swept in!

Not sure how it goes.

This intruder … As if he could predict his next move!

How could this be!

Human responsiveness… Can it be reached to this extent?

If he hadn’t been extremely fast… It has already been hit countless times!

“Great Sage!”

“Crush him!”

“Teach him a hard lesson!”

Ken’s consciousness relaxed, has let the Great Sage take over, in the subconscious, he observed Anilu’s miserable appearance, and couldn’t help but feel a little proud: “The reaction power of the Great Sage is definitely not comparable to yours Anilu!” ”


The Great Sage controls countless tentacles, as if conscious, predicting the next move of Anilu!

The super-intellectual consciousness of the Great Sage.

Not at all comparable to humans!

If it weren’t for Ken’s shot speed… Completely unable to reach the amazing speed of Anilu, causing Anilu to forcibly dodge.


Anilu has already been defeated!


Anilu is in Thor form… Such a super-high speed dodge.

Causes Anilu’s physical strength… Crazy consumption!

“Not good!”

“I can’t sustain my physical strength for a long time.”

“It seems that it can only attack!”

“Just… Use that trick! ”

Anilu felt more and more tired, and couldn’t help but plan to take the initiative!

The essential.

He can’t be hit by tentacles!

His physique can’t withstand this blow!

Otherwise, Anilu would have met the tentacles long ago, intending to exchange injuries with Ken!

The rogue nature of the key natural fluid effect cannot be born!

Plus being in Hortheon form… Can’t kill Ken in seconds.

This makes Anilu intend to give it a go!

“I’m going to let this empty island… All destroyed! ”

“Death to all fools!”

“You completely anger me!”

“I’m going to destroy you all!”

“Lei Ying ——!”

Anilu instantly squeezed all the thunder and lightning energy in his body and instantly blasted into the sky, which also caused him to be unable to continue to replenish the consumption of the Thunder God form, and instantly changed back to his original posture!

This lightning energy burst out.

“Boom ——!”

The countless tentacles surrounding him who were besieging him were instantly ejected by this crazy air current.

The top of the empty island.

The Ark Proverbs instantly created a wide range of thunderclouds.

And to meet all the thunder and lightning energy on Anilu, a huge spherical black cloud was directly born, and the entire sky has been shrouded, resulting in the empty island being directly covered, the vision being deprived, and the five fingers are missing!

“Nourish ——!”

The huge spherical black cloud is filled with amazing air currents and currents.

It’s like the end of the world.

Just smash it down!

The empty island will be destroyed in an instant!

“This is God’s wrath!”

“Fools … Accept God’s sanction! ”

Anilu had not used Lei Ying for a long time, and when he saw this scene again, he laughed loudly: “All turned into dust!” ”


The Great Sage controlled Kenan’s body, and his eyes flashed with a godless light.

For the Great Sage.

Human fear and panic?

It didn’t… Although it also has the experience in absorbing and wanting to truly become human.

Merely…… Now is not the time.

It needs to evolve!

Its duties are also simple.

That is… Defeat Anilu!

“Multiple Airgates!”

“Space Trap!”

The Great Sage controlled a large number of Ken’s tentacles, directly touching them in the air, opening countless doors.

In an instant.

Anilu, who was above, suddenly felt that something was wrong!

He was actually covered by countless doors, causing him to be unable to move!

What’s going on?!

He is suppressed?

“Fuck off ——!”

Anilu wants to break out!

Only to find that touching the air door … The body actually began to disappear!

He hurriedly stepped back… Discover the body reappearing!

There is actually a problem with these air doors!

If it weren’t for his reaction… He was swallowed up by these air doors.

Inside the airdoor… Anilu didn’t dare to imagine it!

“You can’t escape.”

The Great Sage controlled countless tentacles, directly stuffed into the surrounding air doors, and changed the position of space!



Anilu, who had been trapped and locked in space, was directly covered by countless tentacles!

Due to the spread of tentacles on armed color domineering.

As a result, Anilu has completely lost hope of escape!

“Dead ——!”

The Great Sage’s eyes were full of coldness, and he tried his best to increase the power of the tentacles, instantly crushing Anilu!

This made Anilu die before… Can’t even let out a wail!

“Predator ——!”

It controlled Ken’s body and directly re-transformed Ken back into slime form, instantly devouring Anilu’s body.

In an instant.

The Great Sage began to analyze in an instant!

“Devouring success.”

“Gain the skill – Thunder Fruit!”

“Acquire skills – intermediate level to see and smell domineering!”

“Get Mimicry – Anilu!”

“Gain Resistance – Complete Immunity to Thunder Antibodies!”

This moment.

The Great Sage has perfectly completed the task Ken gave it before – crushing Anilu!


The danger is over.

Above his head, there was also a huge spherical black cloud born from Lei Ying.

It’s just that for Ken today… It’s nothing anymore.

Antibodies that are 100% immune to thunder can be completely resisted!

As well as the ability to fully control the Thunder Fruit, you can even make the confrontation go back!

There are even extreme methods!

Open the door of the other space, and this huge spherical black cloud will transfer to the location of the whole world!

A large number of methods… Filled with the consciousness of the great sage.

It selects the most interesting extreme methods!

Put the huge globular black cloud… Move elsewhere!

It depends on which… Place is more unlucky!

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