After a little understanding of the usefulness of all skills.

Ken’s eyes completely turned cold, and he couldn’t help but mumble in his mouth.

“Next, you can go to the sixth level of infinite hell.”

“I really want to see the strong man who used to be known as the old era… How powerful can it be? ”


“Show up and act with me!”

“Prepare to attack the sixth level of infinite hell… As well as Warden Magellan! ”

“I’m going to make Warden Magellan my first subordinate!”

The voice fell.

The king of wisdom in his mind was already about to move, and he turned into a human type on the spot and fell into this advancing city.

This moment.

There is no need for him to continue to be sneaky.

Solve the criminals of the sixth level of infinite hell early.

Ken also calmed down early.

“Charles… Come with me. ”

Ken intends to step into the lower prison – the Extreme Cold Hell!

The fifth level of prison is completely different from the fourth level of prison.

Extremely cold and hot conditions.

Complete and complete transformation.

Sometimes the cold can make human willpower completely lose resistance!


Ken and Charles arrive at the entrance to the fifth level of the prison.

A chill spread up.

It is enough to shiver.

You must know that this is still the location of the fourth layer of scorching hell, usually with extremely hot temperatures, and it can be slightly neutralized.

The result is still so cold.

If he really reaches the fifth level of Extreme Cold Hell.

It’s simply not a place where humans can stay.

It can be transformed into an ice sculpture in an instant!

Signs of loss of life!


Not far away.

Little Satie rushed over, she searched the entire fourth level of the prison, and found no trace of the murderer.

For this.

She was afraid that the murderer would fall into the fifth layer of extremely cold hell.

It wasn’t the area she disciplined… Completely unmanageable at all.

She hurried to the entrance to the prison on the fifth floor…


Little Satie noticed the signs of the murderer and shouted angrily in his mouth.

“Finally let me find you damn murderer!”

“Is that why you killed my servant jailer beast?”

“And dare to kill criminals in my area.”

“I want you to die here!”

“The servant rushed up to ——!”

“Kill him——!”

The voice fell.

Two jailer beasts rushed out behind little Sadie, which were the remaining jailer beasts before, and now under the order of little Satie, they attacked fearlessly!

“Where’s the ant?”

“Dare to want to hurt Young Master Ken?”


Charles was standing next to Ken, her eyes full of cold, and whispered in her mouth: “Prisoner’s arrow——! ”

In an instant.

A huge pink peach-colored heart-shaped substance suddenly appeared in front of Charles, and a large number of pink arrows shot out in an instant.

The sheer number.

It’s like a heavy rain!

The stupid jailer beast is not very intelligent, and when he fights, he relies on his powerful body and amazing recovery and regeneration ability to forcibly consume the enemy to death!


The jailer beast also thought that this time the pink arrow… It’s just an ordinary attack, which is not dodged at all, and wants to rely on a tough body to resist it abruptly!


The pink arrow pierced into the jailer beast, and in an instant, the body began to be forcibly petrified, and the jailer beast suddenly turned into a stone sculpture and stood sluggish on the ground, unable to move, and even led to death and loss of life breath!


“My servant!”

“You nasty stinky woman!”

“Don’t think you’re beautiful enough… You can do whatever you want! ”

Little Satie saw the last two jailer beasts turned into stone sculptures, and collapsed on the spot, her figure rushed over, and the long whip in her hand was thrown at Charles!

“Lightning Strike Shock Ray ——!”

“Throughout the ——!”

Ken’s face was a little displeased, he frowned slightly, and couldn’t help but stretch out his finger, and a dazzling electric current appeared from his fingertips, which instantly turned into straight rays that penetrated little Sadie’s delicate body.

This ray does not kill little Sadie on the spot.

It just makes little Satty go into shock… passed out on the spot.


After the thunder ray penetrated Little Sadie’s delicate body, there was no injury on the surface, but the pupils were completely dilated and fell to the ground on the spot.

The breath of life has not completely dissipated.

I believe that when little Satie wakes up.

Ken has thoroughly completed the plan!


“Leave this woman alone.”

“Follow me to jail.”

Ken turned his head directly and began to walk into the fifth layer of prison.


Charles hurriedly followed, but her tone was a little puzzled.

“Could it be that the young lord looks at little Satie’s body… So releasing water didn’t kill little Satie? ”

“It’s quite possible!”

“According to my calculated success rate… Totally to the point of being 100%! ”

This made Ken in front of him hear these words, and he couldn’t help but tilt his body and step unsteadily, and his face became a little helpless.

What the heck?

Is he such a person?

He’s a gentleman, okay!

Definitely not a lewd person!

Why didn’t Charles trust him, the young master?

This shouldn’t be!


The icy aura spread.

The entire extremely cold hell turned into ice and snow.

Ordinary people enter this prison… Sooner or later, you have to perish!


“Do you have anything?”

“No cold, right?”

Ken fell into the fifth layer of extremely cold hell, and his body felt slightly cool, and there was no big problem at all.

Previously, when the evolutionary predator became the king of gluttony.

His physical fitness… and a radical improvement in the ability to restore regeneration.


Those who are physically stronger than him… There aren’t many under the sun.

At present, it is relatively clear that the strongest physique.

It is estimated that it is the Four Emperors Kaido.

“It’s okay with the Charles.”

“I didn’t even feel the chills.”

“So please don’t worry, young master.”

Charles’s face was a little strange, as a superconscious conductor, she didn’t feel the fear of cold at all.

For this.

Ken couldn’t help but nod in satisfaction.

“That’s good.”

“I’m satisfied.”

Finish speaking.

He looked in.

Discover the criminals in this prison… Most of them couldn’t move.

The criminal’s body has been completely frozen, like ice cubes, and his eyes have no light and are completely dim.

This is…… Criminals corpses?

“Most of the criminals here actually died?”

“Is the environment so bad?”

Ken’s face became a little surprised.

But for him… These corpses are the best nourishment!

Devour and you’re done!

“The King of Gluttony——!


Ken broke through the prison here on the spot, forcibly entered it, and directly swept all these corpses in and swallowed them inside.

The number of corpses devoured, about ten corpses.

But know the criminals here… All of them have exceeded 100 million bounties!

Presumably, his strength was not weak before his death.

It’s a pity that after becoming a prisoner … Criminals have become completely devoid of human rights.

In an instant.

Parsing crazy tips.

“Primary armed color domineering – intermediate armed color domineering!”

“Intermediate Seeing and Hearing Domineering – Senior Seeing and Hearing Domineering!”

“All physical enhancements, including swordsmanship, etc.”

“The physical strength increases and becomes more durable.”

“The quality of strength has increased, and it has become more powerful.”

“The speed quality has increased, and the agility has become more agile.”

“The defensive quality has increased, and it has become more resistant to fighting.”

“Plundering the life of criminals – seven months.”

“Plundering the life force of criminals – four months.”

“Plundering the life of criminals – two years and three months.”



After all prompts are complete.

Ken’s face was a little shocked.


He has plundered his vitality and his body has become more vibrant.

The vitality of ten criminals in total.

Already six years and four months for him in total!

Although it is not clear why some criminals have so little vitality … But no matter how small a mosquito is, it is meat!

And this is the vitality that can increase life!

What a small mosquito meat… Eat it all too!

Even vitality is definitely the most precious thing!

Absolutely not to be lost!

As for why he didn’t plunder the soul power this time.

It should be that this group of criminals has died completely … The soul is estimated to have been reincarnated.


He should also be able to plunder soul power this time.

It’s a shame.

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