
Sengoku, Whitebeard, Renly, and Redhead all looked up at this scene.

This blow was enough to completely wipe Hive Island off the map.

The true king of the world on the blank throne, Im!

Red Earth Continent.

Mary Joya.

On the blank throne, Im stared coldly at the live broadcast in front of him.

Soon all the strong men of this era will die in this destruction.

Next, he will let the five old stars take action and use the Holy Knights and scientific troops to retake the sea.

And erase everything about the demon king.

Im threw away the map of Hive Island, and in his eyes, Hive Island was certain to die.

"Energy must be defeated with energy!"

Ye Zhuo looked at the birth of the eight demons and directly threw out these eight energy cocoons with the "Eye of Aurora".

A huge pillar of energy thrown into the firmament!

"Demon King, are they your power?"

Sengoku was surprised, and in his opinion, those eight beings that gave birth to energy cocoons seemed to contain an incredible power.

It seems that the surrounding nature is being contained and deprived by it, and it is simply a life that should not belong to this era.

"Soon it will be."

Ye Zhuo wanted to see if the eight demons that had just been born could block this blow.

He will definitely be able to carry it anyway.

The eight demons have just been born, and it will definitely not be too strong and outrageous.


The energy cocoon quickly broke open, and eight demons were born.

Their instinctive perception and obstruction of danger.

"Damn, where is this?"

"Aren't we completely sealed by the Panku Treasure Box?"

"Xiaolong doesn't seem to be there, I obviously sealed it after a battle with him."

"It must be Xiao Yu's bad!"

"Abominable, Xiaoyu? I also broke her tail because of her. "

Who is Xiaoyu?

What is Panku Treasure Box?

Everyone was confused when they heard the words of the eight demons.

"Phantom beast species! It's eight phantom beast species!

"Incredibly, the Demon King actually has the ability to summon the powerhouses of eight phantom beast species to block Im's attack."

"How many hole cards does he have!"

The defeated strong man was surprised.

At this time, they understood that being an enemy of Ye Zhuo was really the most stupid decision in their lives.

"Oh? The Black Shadow Corps, and all of them are collected? The

Holy Lord looked at Hive Island.

"Is it? I also felt the demonic energy attached to that person.

Bo Gang hissed, how strong her body was, what energy she was afraid of.

"I finally escaped, and I encountered this magical attack."

Nishiki opened his teeth and danced his claws, he was reborn with a broken finger, and he flew extremely fast.

"Then destroy it and question that guy again!"

Thunder Demon Su said disdainfully.

"It seems that there are still your twelve charms!"

Bazaar was even more surprised.

"Eight demonic qi, twelve spells, nine masks, what kind of monster is this kid?"

Di Kui couldn't wait to peel Ye Zhuo with cramps.

"Hey, I want to go to the moon."

Curse Lan also wants to solve the trouble in front of him as soon as possible.

The eight demons are all immortal bodies, physically destroyed, and souls still exist.

It will only be tormented by the years, become more and more stupid, forget magic, and even evacuate the power.

But Im's blow was nothing to fear for them.

"Brothers and sisters, you have too many words, aren't you afraid that Xiaoyu and the old man with dried puffer fish and dried lizards will appear?"

Howling Wind puffed up his cheeks and decided to destroy Im's energy attack with a storm!


"Without further ado, attack!"

"Damn, I forgot magic again!"

"Then use your thunderbolt, idiot!"

"Holy Lord, you are too presumptuous!"


The eight demons joined forces, they have been tortured by the years and forgotten a lot of magic, but they are still very skilled in magic qi.

Even if this body had just been born, the demonic energy was enough to block Im's blow.


A muffled noise erupted in the sky.

Im's invincible blow was also easily destroyed.

Above the blank throne.

Yim stared at the live broadcast, and the whole person was stunned.

"Failed? Then come again! "

Im is furious, this blow will consume life.

But so what.

If Ye Zhuo used these eight ugly things to break through the phantom beast species ability again, he would not be worthy to become the king of the world!


The energy attack had just been cracked, and the eight demons had joined forces to consume some physical strength.

"It's time to ask that kid."

"Look, what that kid has in his hand!"

"History of the years!"

The eight demons were shocked.

I saw Ye Zhuo write in the history books: "Ye Zhuo had an epiphany of the magic that sealed the eight demons, and possessed the divine token that sealed them.

"Yim is actually a beauty, she is not a king in the red dust, just waiting for my return."

"BIGMOM is in his youth, when he had no children."

"The nuns and Stussy of the House of the Lambs are also at their peak, and they are all alive."

"Everyone who is my crew will stay forever, including myself."

After Ye Zhuo wrote all this.

Eight divine tokens immediately floated around.

The relevant magic also changed in my mind.



The nun and Stussy are also at the peak of their appearance and appear here.

Red Earth Continent.

Im had just launched a second attack.

Her whole body was not even breathing properly.

The black robe gradually broadened.

Childhood memories are altered.

Ye Zhuo's figure appeared in her mind.

For eight hundred years, everything was waiting for Ye Zhuo's return!

"The history books of the years are so useful.

But I just like to watch the liveliness.

Have fun.

Ye Zhuo looked up at the eight demons.

Dark clouds converge.

The energy attack came again.

The eight demons who were originally rushing towards Ye Zhuo once again lacked skill.

"Abominable! This guy actually learned the magic of the eight immortal gods!

"Damn, he even has the original god tokens!"

"Who is he, who is he?"


In order to escape, the eight demons were unwilling to block this blow anymore.

Escape in different directions.

"Offended King Ben and still want to leave?"

Ye Zhuo jumped, the eight demonic qi fused, and rushed into the sky with one blow.

Summon the energy attack of Im and destroy it strongly!

This scene came to him like a myth.


Red Earth Continent.

Mary Joya.

The five old stars trembled in their hearts, it's over!

"It's all over!"

"Lord Im's two consecutive attacks have not worked."

"Damn, he can break it with one punch, this is still a fart, this thing is more outrageous than ancient weapons."

The complaints of the five old stars do not make any sense.

Because Yim on the blank throne is already a deer in his heart.

"It's really worthy of being Lord Demon King, it's really powerful."


Five Old Star suspected that he had heard it wrong just now.

Im's voice is too girly, and she calls Ye Zhuo Lord Demon King?

Could it be that the attack overload leads to stupidity?


Hive Island.

Ye Zhuo once again transformed into the form of the Great Snake of Yagi, and the eight heads opened at the same time, casting magic at the same time.

Eight god tokens burst out of power at the same time.

The Panku Treasure Box opens the Eight Hellish Demon Gates.


"Why are you kid's magic props, and the history books of the years!"

"Damn, were we born in this world just to make you seal again? I'm not convinced!

"Where is Xiaoyu?" Don't hide, this is definitely your conspiracy! In

the wail, the eight demons were once again sealed.

This moment.

The strongest evil magician in the world became Ye Zhuo!


To be precise, it should be the Demon King Mage!

"Why summon you without sealing."

Ye Zhuo clapped his hands and finished everything.


The country of Wa.

Xiao Yu, who was practicing ninjutsu and swordsmanship, also glanced at the live broadcast of the Flower Capital.

Everyone looked at her in confusion.

"Ayu doesn't know anything, and she doesn't know those animals."

Xiao Yu smiled, but she was also curious whether her dango fruit could control these eight strange animals.

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