Headquarters of the Navy.

Different from the warmth of the Demon King Pirates.

The atmosphere here is terrible.

Sengoku looked at the puppy and monkey in the office and was in a bad mood.

"The domineering power of the two of you can't lift this fruit ability?"

the red dog and yellow ape nodded.

"Strange, it stands to reason that as long as the domineering is strong enough, the effect of the Devil Fruit can be lifted.

He looked at the two suspiciously and confirmed,

"Can you still use abilities and domineering?"

When the red dog heard this, the puppy stood on both feet, and molten slurry flowed on his body.

The yellow ape turns into a shining golden monkey, coming and going like the wind.

He even condensed a lightsaber in his hand.


A pig walked in.

He wore a helmet, none other than Orochimaru.

"Damn, I didn't expect even the old man to look like this!"

said Orochimaru, and the pig's trotters threw out two new helmets.

Red dog, yellow ape heart with a spirit rhino belt.

"This is the animal sound helmet made by Vegapunk.

As long as you obtain the corresponding lineage factor, you can make a device that understands the sounds of animals.

Even pigs can speak!"

said Orochimaru, always feeling that something was wrong.

Sengoku did not say a word.

The red dog turned around and looked fiercely.

"Oh, I didn't expect to be put together, that guy's ability is really terrible. The

yellow ape complained, jumped on the chair, picked up a cup of tea and drank it calmly.

"However, domineering and fruit abilities can be used just as much, and it doesn't seem to have much impact.

Akainu said deceitfully.

"Don't show up yet, I'll keep figuring it out."

Sengoku said and became worried again.

Headache, it's a headache.

Ye Zhuo first slaughtered the Draco, and then took away the female emperor of the Seven Martial Seas in the capital of the seven waters, severely damaging the two generals and the two-handed demon slaughter order.

Nowadays, there are countless rumors on the sea, which keeps him awake at night.

Right now.

His men quickly came to report.

"No, it's not good, Marshal of the Warring States, just now we traced the Demon King Pirate Group, flew into the sky!"

He was even wondering if it was possible to cooperate with Ye Zhuo to lift the fruit effect.

But what a price to pay if you do that?


Away from the capital of seven waters.

Ye Zhuo woke up from his sleep and his stomach was round from eating.

The view on the treasure boat was nice.

There are also greenery, large and small warehouses, cabins, artillery, and all kinds of new installations.

"Captain Ye Zhuo!" the

crew looked at him.

According to the order of the female emperor, the ordinary crew on this ship can only call Ye Zhuo Captain Ye Zhuo.

The affectionate title of captain belongs only to her.

Kalifa was wearing leather gloves and carrying a small hammer, and it seemed that she was really learning the skills of a shipbuilder.

Ye Zhuo had long thought that the iron block and finger gun would definitely be able to hit nails well.


Kalifa looked at Ye Zhuo, they had been adrift at sea for a day.

On the sea, it is necessary to obey the captain where to go.

"Go to

the sky!" If Ye Zhuo wants to complete the side quest, he will inevitably fly into the sky.


Kalifa was stunned, the ship had no wings, how could it fly.

"Of course it flew!" Ye

Zhuoyi forced.

The Demon King immediately floated from the sea.

The female emperor leaned on the railing with both hands, always looking at Ye Zhuo.

"Now it's time to fly into the sky, which means that the captain has received the blessing of heaven in order to marry his concubine?"

"Then you are amorous!" Ye

Zhuo glanced at Han Cook and flew with all his strength.

The chicken charm plus the rabbit charm works quite well.

Break through the sea of clouds in an instant.

Successfully landed in the White Sea

! Wow! Everything

in front of you became wonderful.

There is also a huge island in the sky

, Shandora, also known as Gaya Island.

Ye Zhuo originally did not know where their ship had traveled on the sea.

But flying directly to Gaya Island is also magical.

Because dirt is especially precious to empty islands.

The scramble over the island has been going on for hundreds of years.

"Empty island, legend exists above the sky, there is an ancient civilization!" The

female emperor stood next to Ye Zhuo, and Kalifa couldn't help but be shocked.

"Let's start the adventure. Ye

Zhuo landed on this island, which was considered taboo by the people of Empty Island.

The crew landed quickly and stepped into the woods on long legs.

For those who master domineering, good at swordsmanship and bows and arrows.

Apart from Anilu and the four priests, there are no creatures here that can stop the way.

Ye Zhuo strolled through the woods and was a little stunned after thinking about it.

"How do I say hello to Anilu?"

he walked a few steps and suddenly remembered something.

Anilu's domineering aura combined with the Thunder Fruit can form a heart net and monitor the entire empty island.

As long as he is witty and polite greetings, he will definitely inspire Anilu's hospitable heart

! "Anilu, you are a hammer god!

A thunderbolt on a sunny day.

See the thunder pillars overhead.

Ye Zhuo dodged it with only an easy dodge.

It's just a domineering look, who won't seem to be.


】【Side Mission Completed: Courtesy Greetings

】【Mission Reward: Thunder and Demon Qi Full Version】A

wave of magic energy poured into the body.

Fortunately, there are tiger charms to maintain balance, so that this huge power will not get out of control.

[Main Mission Opened: Defeat Anilu

] [Mission Reward: Black Shadow Corps Ninja]


This new reward doesn't seem to be bad either.

Ye Zhuo let out a puff of black smoke.

The body began to be intertwined with lightning and flames.


Another thunder pillar slashed.

I have to say that Anilu's domineering and devil fruits have been developed quite well.

It's a pity to meet Ye Zhuo.

This lightning slash was of no use to him.

Even simply squeezed it in his hand and swallowed it.

"That's nice. More

and more thunder pillars appeared to besiege Ye Zhuo.

He simply suspended in the air, stretched out one hand, and the thunder demon qi instantly controlled the thunder and lightning on this side, taking all the thunder and lightning.

No matter how many times Anilu cast it remotely, it all belonged to him.

This is the full version of Thunder and Lightning Magic Qi!

"Damn, you are violating the wrath of God!"

A figure hung in the air.

He has large earlobes and four three-hook tamatai drums on his back.

Anilu, who held the golden battle, was already furious.

He couldn't understand why he, as the god of the empty island, would encounter a guy who suddenly dared to provoke him.

"You shut up for me!" "

60 million volts thunder dragon!"

Towards Ye Zhuo.

"Raiden, I have it too.

Ye Zhuo also learned this trick, but he didn't need to drums too much to increase his power.

The two thunder dragons collided together, canceling each other out in an instant.

"It's just imitating me. "


Anilu's voice had just sounded.

Ye Zhuo slammed a punch into his abdomen.

The speed was so fast that Anilu, who had lightning speed, was amazed.

But he quickly sneered.

"Yehahahaha, God is the body of thunder and lightning, you can't hit!"

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