
Robin had thought Ye Zhuo was invading Alabastan so quickly.

There must be some ulterior motive.

Maybe it's also for the secret of Hades.

Unexpectedly, he just invited her to become a masseuse!"

for the health of the crew.

My Demon King Pirates desperately need a masseuse.

Your flowers and fruits are really suitable.

After Ye Zhuo finished speaking.

Robin didn't even figure out how to answer. The first time she encountered this kind of strength was unbelievably powerful.

Even the sea thief, His Majesty Klockdar of the Seven Martial Seas, was defeated at will.

Uproot the undercover CP9 in the capital of seven waters.

Chambordi Islands executes Draco.

In the face of the demon slaughter, he was not afraid to defeat the two generals, so that he did not dare to show his face now.

You just want to recruit her as a masseuse?"

Robin looked at Kalifa.

"What does she do?"

Robin lowered her head and was silent for a moment, feeling that joining the Demon King Pirates would be the right decision she would make in her life.

Robin, who has a black belly, can always poke cute spots in inexplicable places.

Kobra, Vivi, and Ikalem, who witnessed this scene, stood in place dumbfounded.

They feel that the three views are somewhat collapsed, it is an illusion that the breathing is going to stagnate and the brain cannot think.

Kalifa has been offered a bounty, claiming that she is a traitor to CP9.

Robin, the son of the devil, was rewarded since childhood, O'Hara survivor, to be a masseuse.

They were speechless, and even began to think about what Ye Zhuo had said before.


Zhuo walked to the rainy field and threw out bags of dancing powder.

Take out the Baroque studio material from Klockdar.

Look at the contact information of each member above.

One by one, the black ninjas, the stabbing blade left.

Soon, the Baroque studio will be completely crushed, and then the task will be completed.

"This is!"

Kobra picked up the dancing powder and picked up the secret materials of the Baroque studio.

The whole person suddenly realized.

The reason why Klockdar wants to save Alabastan and expel the pirates is an unimaginable conspiracy.

He looked at Ye Zhuo's back, and his heart was shocked.

"I'm going to build a fountain here, it should be a lake, and then a water park."

Your royal family will collect tickets for me at that time, and in the future, except for spices, the tickets will be under your control.

Ye Zhuo said.

A system tone finally sounded in my ears.

[Chain Main Mission Completed: Crew Completion Plan II: Capture Alabastan

] [Mission Reward: Water Demon Qi Complete Version (with Water Summoning Array)]

Ye Zhuo swallowed the Water Demon Qi in one gulp.

The magic of Bazaar also came to mind.

[Chain main quest has begun: crew completion plan three: use water magic qi for the first time, invite Robin, Vivi to become a crew

] [Mission reward: advanced insight domineering super distance]


A huge dragon tail grew behind Ye Zhuo and quickly drew on the ground.

Then he chanted the words, ignoring everyone's gaze.


More and more water came out of the formation.

This unscientific scene made Kobra completely lose his sense of self.

Is the Devil Fruit so outrageous?

He couldn't help but think of Ye Zhuo's words just now.

"Build a water park, and the royal family will collect the entrance fee for him..." Thinking

of this, he was surprised and delighted.

"It's fresh water, it's fresh water!" What's

wrong with collecting tickets, even if Klockdar's conspiracy is unsuccessful.

Alabastan is also an oasis in only a few places, and rain is still scarce.

But Ye Zhuo brought a lot of fresh water!

"How? You like seawater.

It's okay, I can summon it too.

By the way, you can also transform your Alabastan into Atlantis and sink it completely to the bottom of the sea. "

Bazaar the Water Devil was once the overlord of the sea and rivers.

"No, no, no, this is good, just build a water park here

, Lord Ye Zhuo, my Alabastan royal family will do my best, and

I will also pay a certain amount of Bailey for these fresh waters!"

said Kobra happily.

Demon King Ye Zhuo has been known to the world since his name was spread in the capital of seven waters.

"Whatever, normal price will do.

Ye Zhuo looked at Wei Wei and invited again.

"Become my ship doctor, like this fresh water, turn into a new hope for this world!"

I also like to take risks, but this kingdom will definitely be without me..." Vivi

decisively refused, she still had responsibilities on her.

She also wanted to take risks, but without her, what would Alabastan do in the future.

Her father was getting older, how could he be willing to work hard.

"First of all, Alabastan is my kingdom.

Your father doesn't need to be very tired in the future.

His main job is to collect tickets for the water park.

Ye Zhuo patted Wei Wei's shoulder.

"Secondly, if you don't go to sea.

I will summon the sea water and sink Alabastan to the bottom of the sea.

Your dad doesn't want to charge for tickets. "

Are you threatening me?"

Wei Wei looked at Ye Zhuo, her eyes burning.

"Well, do you want to become a crocodile, or an eagle?" Ye

Zhuo pointed to the sand crocodile that had passed out.

It's like a real crocodile.

"I'm willing to get on board.

Vivi's gaze darkened.

She knew that she did not have the capital to negotiate with Ye Zhuo.

If she does not agree, not only will Vivi turn into a crocodile, but even her father, King Kobra, will also become a crocodile.

Ye Zhuo's notoriety was enough to stop the child.


system prompt sounds in your ears.

Ye Zhuo smiled with satisfaction.

"Okay, you're free, get off the boat. "

[Chain main quest completed: crew completion plan three: invite Robin, Vivi become a crew

] [Mission reward: advanced sightseeing and domineering super long-distance]

This Ye Zhuo can really see the rain from the port of Alabastan with sight.

[Chain main quest has begun: crew completion plan four: Go to the East China Sea, find a female swordsman with glasses, and invite her to sea

] [Mission Reward: Thunder Fruit]


As soon as Anilu died, the Thunder Fruit was empty.

Ye Zhuo was very satisfied with this reward.

But you still have to go around the East China Sea.

As soon as his task is completed, he naturally does not need to take Wei Wei out to sea.

What's the point of facing a bitter melon face all day long.

"I got off the boat?"

Vivi didn't understand, she hadn't officially set out to sea yet.

Just left the Demon King Pirates.

"Yes, you've already disembarked.

Ye Zhuo turned around and said.

"We're going to refill our supplies here and leave in three days. "

Leaving Vivi alone, I don't know why.



After returning home, Vivi became more and more lost.

She didn't understand how Ye Zhuo's brain worked.

The more Wei Wei thought about it, the more angry she became, and she couldn't wait to punch Ye Zhuo now.

Ikalem, Bell, and Jaka all came to persuade her.

Demon King Ye Zhuo is a moody person.

But Wei Wei couldn't listen to it, but she had a thought in her heart, go to sea!

The underground tunnel behind the royal palace.

Kobra is desperate, and the secret that their royal family has guarded for generations is about to be known.

But he had no other way, Ye Zhuo could destroy the homes of countless people at any time.

Robin was looking at the historical text here and said to Ye Zhuo:

"This is the whereabouts of Hades. In

her opinion, Hades would definitely interest Ye Zhuo.

"Oh, no need to look for it.

Ye Zhuo took out a drawing.

"It's just Hades, when we have time, we can go directly to the capital of seven waters to build one." Kobra

, who was originally sad, and Robin, who wanted to use Ye Zhuo to further adventure, were stunned.

"I was chased by CP9 because of this in the capital of seven waters.

Ye Zhuo handed it to Kobra.

Or build two, you one, me one.

Kobra glanced at the drawing, the corners of his mouth raised.

He smiled.

All the worries in my heart turned into flying ash, meaningless.

"Hahahaha, is there really anyone in this world who is not interested in Hades?"

"To be precise, Mr. Iceberg of the Seven Waters Capital did not dare to create it.

Ye Zhuo was helpless.

"How much else do you know about the text of history?"

Robin found for the first time, her calculations meaningless.

"The sea will give us the answer!"

laughed Ye Zhuo, his adventure had just begun.

Robin, like Kobra, looked at Ye Zhuo's gaze full of shock.

Three days later.

The Demon King Pirates go to sea.

Robin officially becomes a crew member and Vivi sneaks in.

Kobra laughed at the worried gazes of the ministers.

Princess Vivi will be dangerous if she rides on that guy's ship!"



On the shipping route to the East China Sea.

Ye Zhuo looked at Wei Wei in front of him.


I prefer to go to sea, I will go back in three years, and you can't stay."

Vivi screwed her head to the other side.

"Whatever you want, Doctor Weiwei, this devil fruit is for you, develop it well. Ye

Zhuo threw the diseased fruit to Weiwei.

"It's so unpalatable!" Wei

Wei looked bitter, stood up and looked in the direction of Alabastan and burst into tears.

"I'm going to sea

!" "Little crying bag!" Ye

Zhuo's words made Wei Wei's crying stop abruptly.

She took another bite of the sick fruit to adapt herself to life on the sea as soon as possible.

When he looked at Ye Zhuo, the latter had already slept on the deck.

The sea breeze blows.

This year, Vivi is still waiting for adventure.



The news of the Demon King Pirates' occupation of Alabastan spread throughout the Great Route.

What shocked the world was that the former king Qiwu Sea, Klockdar did not even have a corpse left.

A week later, the Crocodile Pirates were formed.

The captain is a crocodile and is said to have eaten the devil fruit of the former king Nanabu Haiklockdar.

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