East Sea, Windmill Village.

Karp is chatting with Sengoku through the phone bug.

"Demon King Ye Zhuo went to the East China Sea, and he appeared in Rogue Town.

Smog has been sent to the headquarters of Marin Fando for treatment.

After we have deliberated, only you can go and negotiate with him and become His Majesty the Seven Wuhai!"

replied Karp in a deep voice.

"Nani, how can such a fierce and vicious guy become His Majesty the Seven Wuhai.

Sengoku, are you dreaming?

If you don't beat him down, you won't have a peaceful conversation for the rest of your life. Karp

walked towards the port, he was going to solve Ye Zhuo with his own hands.


Coco Yasi Village.

He has been entrenched by the Along Pirate Group for many years, and here he can be said to be the emperor of the earth.

Ye Zhuo's Demon King pirate ship landed.

With his sniper's ultra-long range, the domineering swept away.

No trace of Nami was found.

Ye Zhuo yawned, intending to rest here.

"This gentleman, our village has been occupied by pirates.

It can be dangerous to stay here, and you will be threatened with death at any time.

Please leave as soon as possible!" the

villagers hurriedly came forward to persuade.

In this ordinary town, many people have not yet realized that Ye Zhuo in front of them is by no means an existence that Along can provoke.

It should be the Aaron Pirates who should really escape.

"Can't you see, I'm also a pirate.

If black eats black, I have always been the biggest.

Ye Zhuo pointed to the Demon King behind him, and the pirate flag moved with the wind.

"Our Kokoa West Village has always been entrenched by the Aaron Pirates.

Even if you are killed, no one cares, you

are not their opponent!"

Kensuke said with a grim face.

In his opinion, Ye Zhuo's crew were all girls, and they were not Along's opponents at all.

"Let's go, let's replenish a little supplies before that."

Ye Zhuo said casually, he had a lot of Bailey in his hand.

"Do you want to leave after replenishing your supplies?"

said Uncle Kensuke rejoicingly, he didn't want these innocent people to die because of it.

"Of course.

Ye Zhuo nodded.

Nokiko also took a large number of oranges from the orangery.

It would be better if it could be exchanged for a little Bailey.

Today is another day for Aaron to collect money.

The female emperor, Kalifa has long sensed that something is wrong here.

In the course of trade.

Vivi and Robin learn the truth of the matter from Nami's sister Nokiko.

Dusty was already furious when she heard this.

She did not expect that in the most peaceful East China Sea, there was still such a thing.


Dusty gripped the knife in her hand and looked firmly at Nokigao.

"I'm the Navy, tell me where the Aaron Pirates are?"

the villagers' gazes followed.

"Navy, but aren't you a pirate?"

Kensuke glanced at Dusty and pointed to Ye Zhuo's pirate flag.

"It's a long story, I'm definitely the navy anyway!" said Dusty

with a determined tone, she would definitely solve Aaron's gang.

When Kalifa heard this, she also stepped forward.

"Just twist their necks.

Robin narrowed his eyes and smiled, and said something extremely dark.

"Lord Ye Zhuo, please let the concubine crush them all to ashes. The

female emperor took a step, and the cheongsam wrapped around the slender perfect figure.

"Ye Zhuo, come with us to solve that guy!" Wei

Wei took Ye Zhuo's hand that was peeling an orange.

"Aaron is just rubbish, don't bother with it. Ye

Zhuo threw a piece of orange in his mouth.

Seeing that the domineering spirit had already foreseen Aaron's arrival.

But the villagers began to dissuade.

They were very happy to meet Ye Zhuo before they were about to be cut by Aaron.

In exchange for a sum of Bailey, it can relieve a lot of burdens.

"Nami, Nami is back!" At

this moment, a figure appeared from the sea and returned in a small boat.

"There's no time!" Nami

seemed to be carrying a bag of gold coins in her hand.

When passing by, he also looked at Ye Zhuo.

It seems that a lot of gold coins were stolen from the sea.

She must hide the gold coins before Aaron arrives.


looked in the direction Nami was running.

"I always feel like I've seen her somewhere.

Shaking her head, she thought how could this be her first time in the East China Sea.


"Are you ready?"

"Bailey and gold coins are fine, don't waste my time, not a single point can be lost!" "There's

a pirate ship?

At a glance, he set his eyes on the rather good treasure ship Demon King.

Take another look, except for Ye Zhuo, they are all beautiful women.

It's even brighter.

"Boy, this ship is yours?"

looked at Ye Zhuo, who was crouching on the ground peeling oranges.

"Why, you have an opinion on trash?"

"Find death!"

Aaron's words made the villagers face gray, they didn't want their benefactor to be in danger like this.

"Damn it, you actually dare to appear in our Coco Yaxi Village and leave all the valuable things!" Nami

appeared in front of Ye Zhuo and smashed her punch.

Only if she took action to drive Ye Zhuo away could she save his life.

"Nami!" Ye

Zhuo easily grabbed Nami's cold and delicate wrist like mutton fat jade.

"Come out to sea with me and become my ship's master electrician!"

She didn't expect Ye Zhuo to dare to say such things in front of Along.

"You're dead!" Ah

Long punched Ye Zhuo.

The fist was burned by flames.

I saw Ye Zhuo's whole body swelling, like a dragon, and the flames were entangled.

"Who is the dragon now?"

Ye Zhuo looked at Along with a smile.

"Animal ability?" "

Ah Long didn't know who Ye Zhuo was.

When did Donghai come out with such a number one figure.

"You better ask Bermel!" Ye

Zhuo punched out.

Aaron's spike-like nose was broken.

The head exploded like a gourd.

Plasma all over the ground.

A tall fish-man corpse fell to the ground in response.

Nami saw this scene and instinctively trembled.

Her nightmare was over.

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