【Ding! 】

【Main line chain mission completed: Demon King Big Ship Group III: Check in to advance the city, invite little Sati to the sea

】【Mission Reward: Sky Magic Qi · Full Version】

Ye Zhuo smiled with satisfaction.

The Demon King is about to sink to the bottom of the sea, which is in the Chambordi Islands, and the film plated by Rayleigh.

[The main quest has been opened: Demon King Big Ship Group IV: Check in to Fishman Island, invite Fishman Princess White Star to the sea

] [Mission Reward: Power Fruit]


Force fruit.

This reward is good, and it is better to give it to the helmsman.

Ye Zhuo looked at the bottom of the sea indifferently.

Eve the Yang tree, brought the sunlight to the bottom of the sea with bubbles.

Ye Zhuo was immersed in it, and for the first time felt that the scenery under the sea was not bad.

Various sea kings swim around, and it seems to be quite good.

"Can the Black Shadow Corps fight in the sea?"

Ye Zhuo thought about it and waved his fingers.

The various Dark Shadow Corps under his command then dived into the sea.

There is also a bamboo pipe in the mouth.

This is the bottom of the sea, and you can't breathe oxygen if you have a bamboo tube.

Ye Zhuo couldn't laugh or cry, but this was just what it was.

What oxygen does the black shadow need.

"It's so violent."

Wei Wei saw Ye Zhuo casually throwing the black shadow into the bottom of the sea.

I thought that if this ability was obtained by outsiders, I don't know how terrifying power it would be to exert it.

However, the thought that Ye Zhuo himself was very powerful dispelled Wei Wei's idea.

"Go, look for the guy who uses the target fruit."

Ye Zhuo said and walked to the cabin with a smile.

Fishman Island is the first stop on your way to the New World.

Here at the bottom of the sea, there are countless secrets.

Because the white-bearded Newgate is still alive, Fishman Island is also okay.


bubbles flew by.

The Demon King finally came to Fishman Island at the bottom of the sea.

There's a bigger bubble here too.

Although it is not clear how this bubble withstands the strong sea pressure.

If you are good at using it, you should be able to burst out more terrifying power.

"If Fishman Island is at the bottom of the sea, will there be a corpse sinking?"

Robin's words made Perona's face turn ashes.

"I heard there are very nice cafes here."

Nami blinked, and Vivi stretched happily.

Their captain walked out of the cabin.

Caught everyone's attention.

"Little ones, I have to go find a helmsman first, there is something to contact the phone worm."

Ye Zhuo jumped up and jumped out of the cabin.

The female emperor Han Cook and Vivi choose to follow him, and the others have their own affairs.

Separately purchase what you want to buy.

Fishman Island is different from the Chambord Islands, and there are many specialties here.

Only Dusty and some of the combatants remained on the Demon King.

She kept swinging her sword, reviewing the techniques that Kalifa had taught.


Ye Zhuo had just walked halfway and approached the palace of Fishman Island.

A figure blocked in front of him.

"Demon King, ahead is the most important place in the Dragon Palace Kingdom of my Fishman Island, please stop."

Sea hero Jinping, the current captain of the Sun Pirates, His Majesty the Seven Wuhai.

"I'm going to invite a helmsman."

How could Ye Zhuo stop there.

"As far as the old man knows, the crew you are looking for are all beautiful women.

Regardless of nobility and civilians, naval pirates will be chosen by you.

This time I came here for the princess of my Fishman Island!

Jinpei cautiously put on a fishman karate posture.

The female emperor is known as the world's first beauty.

If there is anyone else in the world who can compete with her appearance.

Only Princess White Star - so the world says.

"You seem to have misunderstood, how can I be that kind of person."

Ye Zhuo waved his hand, and black shadows appeared behind him.

The Black Ninja and the samurai hold a corpse in both hands.

It is the ability to target the fruit.

Unexpectedly, thousands of black shadows really found this guy in the vast sea.

"How did Your Excellency know about this?"

Jinping swallowed a mouthful of spit, and couldn't help but respect when he looked at Ye Zhuo again.

"Don't give way yet, do you want a concubine to kill you? Very flat! "

The female emperor is furious.

"I also want to meet the princess of Fishman Island, who is said to have long pink hair."

Wei Wei looked at Jinping and said with a smile.

Face a queen, a princess.

Jinping said with great preciousness: "Your Excellency the Demon King, please also let the old man go and talk to King Neptune . "

As you wish."

Ye Zhuo waved his hand, and the black shadow warrior immediately found a chair.

"Thank you!"

Jinping quickly left and went to the palace.

Inside the main hall.

The king's great knight Neptune had been waiting trembling with several princes and ministers for a long time.

As soon as he heard that he saw the trace of the Demon King, he became worried.

The notoriety of the demon king Ye Zhuo is unknown to everyone, and no one knows it!

He was afraid that Princess White Star would be targeted.

It wasn't until Jinping stepped into the hall that he felt a little more at ease.

"How? Very flat!

"Demon King Ye Zhuo brought the corpse of the target fruit ability."

Jinping said.

Neptune helplessly threw aside a copy of the latest newspaper.

After the Twin Point Wars and the Triangle of Terror.

The Chambord Islands and the Advance City incident once again involved the horror of the Great Shipping Route.

Demon King Ye Zhuo is worthy of his name!

The bounty also soared to three billion Baileys.

And the bounty of the female emperor and others on his ship was also raised.

Since the era of sea pirates, the first monster to offer a bounty of three billion before going to the New World!

"Guys, I don't seem to be welcome."

When the mind moves.

Eight black shadow warriors carried the palanquin and sent Ye Zhuo in.


He shook his hand, and the Black Ninja immediately sent a bottle of West Sea spirits up.

Seeing this scene, Neptune and the princes became more and more desperate.

"Your Excellency the Demon King also asks Old Man Rong to talk with King Neptune again!"

Jinping didn't want to let things get to a step that could not be explained.

"No need, I came here for only one purpose, I need to find a helmsman of a pirate ship."

"If you don't mind, you can do it next."

Jinping stepped forward and took the initiative to ask for help.

"Ah, I think Princess White Star's height is big.

That physique seems more suitable to be a helmsman.

Ye Zhuo's words made Neptune look ashen, he held a spear in his hand, and he was determined to fight.

"Then Your Excellency is going to make enemies of my Fishman Island!"

As a king, how could Neptune not shelter his daughter.

"That's not going to be discussed."

As Ye Zhuo spoke, the whole person melted into the black shadow.

With the control of the Black Shadow Corps, he can naturally infiltrate the Black Shadow Empire.

"What kind of devil fruit is this?"

Neptune got up nervously.

"I don't know, it is said that the demon king Ye Zhuo is a replicant who ate the replica fruit!"

Jinping walked out of the palace worriedly, and the group quickly walked towards the tower.


In a tall tower.

Ye Zhuo quietly appeared and slid down the slide, waking up the sleeping white star.

"Who is it?"

White Star's voice cried and cried.

The lights came on.

Ye Zhuo looked up and smiled.

"White Star, follow me to the sea and become my helmsman!"

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