"The captain's reputation doesn't seem to be very good."

Vivi tiptoed a little and looked into the distance.

The entire Golden City hid as soon as it learned that Ye Zhuo had appeared.

The streets were empty.

Quiet, quiet and scary.

"I blame Morgans for that stupid bird who denigrates me all day long."

I wrote in those newspapers that I did everything.

Well, now it's hard to find a city that never sleeps, and people end up off work. Ye

Zhuo was in a bad mood.

He could go find Peach Rabbit, but now the atmosphere of Golden City made him uninterested.


After Ye Zhuo shouted these three words.

The golden floor tiles on the street immediately melted and turned into a staircase.

A man in a pink suit walked out of it.

He has nine gold diamond rings on his ten fingers, and only his left ring finger is vacant.

He looked at Ye Zhuo with a smile on his face and gave a salute.

"Lord Demon King, welcome to the Golden City!

Hearing your news, we Golden City specially emptied all the guests on the street!

Today's Golden City is only for the Lord of the Demon King! "

The appearance of the Golden Emperor Tezzolo is really the same as he was back then.

Sure enough, people will eventually become the people they hate the most.

As for whether the dragon slayer will turn into an evil dragon, it is a fool's dream.

"Today? I packed it in Golden City, three days!

Ye Zhuo knew that the Golden Emperor had said this on purpose.

But he really wanted to play here for three days, since the Golden Emperor said that it was for him.

That's a little more thorough!

Since you want to play, follow through!

"Good, good, Lord Demon King is right!"

Tezzolo closed his mouth happily.

But the bottom of the heart is dripping blood, three days, how much to lose.

He is a gold Bailey that he can't spend enough, but he can't make it like this.

No matter how painful it is, you have to endure it, lest Ye Zhuo be unhappy, and the entire Golden City may sink on the spot.

"Lord Demon King, there is a ship to escape."

Lookout Violet reported as soon as possible.

Dusty and Rebecca immediately appeared on both sides of Ye Zhuo to guard.

The female emperor, Kalifa looked around to confirm the situation.

Baby5 is even more absolute, directly to become a cannon.

The Golden Emperor was already dead-faced.

Only then did he realize that Violet was glaring at the fruit in front of Ye Zhuo.

Isn't this a sister-in-law?

Doflamingo is also too miserable, even if he lies in the Advance City, his head is glowing.

"Tezzolo, what's going on with that battleship?"

Ye Zhuo's words pulled the Golden Emperor Taizoro back to reality.

Tezzolo followed Ye Zhuo's gaze.

There are three warships on the sea protecting the frontmost warship from escaping.

"It seems to be the navy, they should be afraid of the arrival of the Demon King!"

The Golden Emperor just wanted to hit a mahaha.

Violet had turned around and confirmed,

"The person they found they were escorting wearing an oxygen mask was Draco!"


Tezzolo's face was ashen.

Before the Demon King came to Golden City, he told everyone to hide as soon as possible and not show up.

In general.

Draco didn't care at all when he heard this.

I don't even want to bother, after all, there are great generals to take care of everything.

If necessary, the Holy Knights will intervene.

As a result, as soon as he heard Ye Zhuo coming, Tianlong's face turned pale.

He disappeared on the spot.

The Golden Emperor originally thought that the Draco was scared and hid because of Ye Zhuo's previous atrocities.

I didn't expect to slip away at the first time.

This is pure escape.

And there are also three warships to escort, isn't this attracting Ye Zhuo's attention?

"How many Draco?"

Ye Zhuo was too lazy to use the super distance to see and smell domineering.

"Three, two men, one old, one young, and one young woman."

Violet reported quickly.

"How's it looking?"

Ye Zhuo's words made the Golden Emperor's whole person stupid.

He had long known Ye Zhuo's bad taste.

Before the Demon King Ye Zhuo, men, women and children would hide when they heard the Draco coming.

After Ye Zhuo, those beauties did not dare to go out when they heard Ye Zhuo's name.

"Also... Not bad.

Violet didn't understand what Ye Zhuo meant.

"baby5, in the future, as the head maid, you will have the first maid under your command.

Little Sadie, when this thing comes back, you have a good training.

Robin, give the newcomers a little pain!

The three nodded, and little Satie even flicked the whip.


Ye Zhuo shouted.

Stretching out, the water demon energy surged.

The sea water turned into a giant and directly blocked the battleship's path.

"Come here!"


The sea turned into a huge wave that traveled backwards, sailing in the opposite direction towards the Golden City.

It soon appeared near the port.

"Dispose of it."

Ye Zhuo waved his hand.

The female emperor directly turned two Draco, one old and one young, into stone sculptures.

Only the female Draco was left standing dumbfounded.

"Okay, take it away."

Ye Zhuo's understatement made Little Satty wave out with a whip.

Near the port.

The Golden Emperor Tezzolo, who witnessed this scene, had a trace of memory flickering in his eyes.

The Draco who had become a maid was trembling with fear.

Who would have thought that this group of high-ranking guys would also tremble with fear.

"Lord Demon King, if you do this, you will attract the Admiral and the Demon Slayer Order.

Be careful, let me Golden City entertain you well! "

The Golden Emperor did not dare to make a second attempt, but his heart was dark.

Back then, if he could have Ye Zhuo's strength.

Whether you can save your loved one.

"Admiral? Let him come, I'll wait.

Ye Zhuo moved forward.

"Don't you have any good food in the shops on this street?"

Lively, do you really think I will accept everyone?

Rest assured, if the appearance is lower, it is equal to that Draco's can only become a slave.

Ye Zhuo's words silenced the Golden Emperor.

He clapped his hands, and one by one the shopkeepers walked out.

They started business with a smile on their faces.


All the crew consumption of the Demon Lord for these three days.

I pay for Tezzolo!

The Golden Emperor greeted warmly.

The pirates who usually bully the soft and fear the hard are not the only one who dares not move.

As soon as they saw the Draco maid following behind Ye Zhuo, they felt trembling.

Is the Admiral coming?

Will the Golden City sink then!

"Crew, stay here for a while, let's go again!"

Ye Zhuo raised his glass to celebrate this moment, and couldn't help but smile.

He glanced at the alley in the distance.

After bidding farewell to everyone and Tezzolo, he quietly came here.

A tall and beautiful silhouette was reporting to her superior.

"Demon King Ye Zhuo killed two Draco, and enslaved the remaining Draco as a maid.

I need support now, please drain it as soon as possible!

It takes at least two great generals to take this existence!

Peach Rabbit's words did not fall.

Ye Zhuo, who was domineering in the overlord color and "saw and killed" to hide his breath, appeared in front of her.

The phone worm started talking back.

"Peach Rabbit, hide your identity, we won't send generals.

The current situation is special, and it has been confirmed by the five old stars.

There will be a time to solve him next, but not now.

Peach Rabbit raised his head and looked at Ye Zhuo in front of him.

"I don't think I can hide it."

Her eyes flickered, and she drew her sword in her hand.

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