South China Sea.

Located outside the windless zone of the Great Sea Route.

It's always been a great place to see.

Among the supernovae of the future of the Extreme Evil Era.

Kidd, Kira, Bonnie are all from this area.

The tyrant Xiong, one of the seven martial seas of His Majesty, was also one of the kings here in the past.

According to the life card, the hometown of Kidd and Kira is actually a kingdom entrenched by pirates.

This shows the situation here.

At this time, the tyrant bear also joined Vegapunk's pacifist and blazing angel plans.

His daughter Bonnie is still playing around in this area.

There is no real strength to grow to go to sea.


After crossing the Red Earth continent.

Pass through the windless zone.

Ye Zhuo didn't have a chance to make a move yet.

The white star, which gradually mastered its own power, let the sea king class give way.

And push the Demon King forward.

After exiting the windless zone.

Ye Zhuo's mood also improved a lot.

"Keep cultivating!

Navy Six Style, marksmanship, swordsmanship!

These are all required for you!

Wait until after the breakthrough to awaken the domineering! "

The deputy captain of the female emperor professor is domineering, and Kalifa teaches the sixth style of the navy.

There is also Rebecca, who teaches swordsmanship by Dusty.

Peach Rabbit could only pretend to cough when he saw this scene.

She could only sit in the corner of the Demon King all day long, waiting for new newspapers and news.

It was another late night.

Ye Zhuo was sleeping soundly.

A silhouette came out.


Ye Zhuo knocked the peach rabbit who took the opportunity to sneak up on him with one punch.

"Damn, is it so strong without arming color domineering?"

Peach Rabbit fell angrily on the deck of the Demon King.

Feeling that her bones were about to fall apart, she could only slowly recover her strength with her sword.

"Let's eat a little."

Dusty placed a roast in front of her.

This scene resembles the immortal bird Marko exhorting Fire Fist Ace.

"The captain is a monster, you can't beat him."

"You also used to be in the Navy, how can you say such a thing!"

Peach Rabbit breathed heavily to calm himself.

"I've always been, and a lot of people on board have three-year contracts.

If you want to get off the boat in three years, that guy won't stop you.

But before that, if you dare to leave, you must die, how to implement justice!

Dusty leaned against the wall, and a word made Peach Rabbit come back to consciousness.

"That guy needs you to be one of his seven martial daughters."

Dusty gave the last piece of information.

"His Majesty's Seven Martial Women?"

When Peach Rabbit heard this, he picked up the roast meat and ate it in a big gulp.

Apparently, she is still the first.

Is it a fluke?

What a strange fate.

Momo Rabbit, dressed in a maihime dress, felt delicious food for the first time.

Three years?

More than a thousand days won't be long.

She was more curious about what had happened to the Navy headquarters.

Why didn't Draco send a navy admiral after the attack?

Peach Rabbit also dislikes Draco, but even the five old stars nod their heads and look even more strange.

A tall figure wearing a cloak walked out of the cabin.

He stretched out one hand and stared at Peach Rabbit.

"Peach Rabbit! Become my royal seven warrior girls!

Use the name of the demon king to break into the sea!

Become strong and let your justice resound through the sea!

Ye Zhuo's words made Peach Rabbit's heartbeat accelerate slightly for some reason.

"What justice do you say as a pirate?"

Peach Rabbit continued to nibble on the roasted meat.

"Wait until I destroy Draco.

Take all the four seas, the great shipping route, the new world, and the red earth continent.

I am justice! I'm fair! I am free!

Ye Zhuo laughed, making Peach Rabbit's heart beat faster and faster.

"Demon King, with me, you don't want to dominate the world!"

"Is it? My Majesty, the Seven Martial Women, you have to work hard.

Also, ask for the honorific title of captain.

Ye Zhuo knocked the peach rabbit's head again, and this time did not refute again.

Because Peach Rabbit fainted.


The sea, you are always full of romance!


Kingdom of Solbe.

The kingdom once ruled by the tyrant bear.

Ye Zhuo set foot on the island.

The Pirate Flag of the Demon King caused countless disputes to come to a standstill at this moment.

"It's a pity, the tyrant bear is in the new world, how fun the meat ball fruit is."

Ye Zhuo saw the domineering sweep across the kingdom, looking for the whereabouts of the gluttonous girl.

Bonnie is hard to find, and her Devil Fruit allows it to switch at will at different ages.

Unless you have portraits of Bonnie of all ages, it's hard to find.

Of course, a strong enough domineering spirit can also remember its breath.

Unfortunately, Ye Zhuo is this person.

As soon as the Black Shadow Corps made a move, they quickly looked for Boni's whereabouts in the streets and alleys.

A day later.

The winter port of the Kingdom of Solbe.

Inside a tavern.

The gluttonous girl Bonnie is feasting.

She looked to be in her seventies, but she ate exceptionally quickly.

While eating, he also looked at a newspaper in his hand.

Her identity could have been said to be the princess of this kingdom.

But because of the slander of the world ZF, he had to become a pirate.

Like a tyrant bear, a gentle man is called a tyrant.

Recall that Kobra of Alabastan was vilified for using dancing powder.

King Riku of Dressrosa is manipulated by Tenyasha to slaughter civilians.

The same is true of Bartholomew Bear.

"Demon King Ye Zhuo snatched a distinguished Draco in Golden City?

Rubbish, what Draco should die.

But this guy actually came to the South China Sea.

I still want to find the old lady, but I don't want to think about how he can find this vast sea of people.

Bonnie said, and the body of the sword sounded behind her.

Ye Zhuo's supreme speed struck.

Rested on her neck.

"Boss, give me a case of your strongest wine."

The tavern owner who saw this scene immediately began to search.

"How did you find me?"

Bonnie has changed her age seven times in the day, and no one should have noticed.

"Nothing, just a lot of eyeliner."

As Ye Zhuo spoke, black shadows appeared in the shadows inside and outside the house.

Nine black shadows are enough to cover the sky.

Coupled with the sea king class controlled by White Star, it can be called the strongest in the sea, land and air.

"Your abilities are as perverted as rumored.

But the old lady will not give in.

Don't want me to be your woman!

Bonnie quickly got up, briskly dodging the sword.

The first time she turned into a little girl hiding under the table.

As she progressed, she appeared behind the wine cooler.

"Damn, why don't you black-clad subordinates turn into babies?"

Bonnie discovers that her fruit ability has no effect on Ye Zhuo.

"Is it? I don't know.

Ye Zhuo waved his hand.

Boni, who was about to escape through the back door of the tavern, was kicked back by the tall female emperor.

From every direction.

One by one, figures appeared.

"What exactly do you want to do?"

Bonnie saw that there was no way to heaven and no way to enter the earth.

"Bonnie, come with me to the sea and become my chef!"

Bonnie, who was originally looking for life, was stunned at this moment.

She thought that she would snatch herself back to be a lady of the village, but she didn't expect it to be a cook!

"Do you think it's possible?"

"If you don't make a deal, say hello first!"

Ye Zhuo rubbed his fist and a finger popped out.

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