Great Routes.

Marin Fando.

In the office of the marshal of the headquarters of the navy, the contemporary naval powerhouses are gathered.

Sengoku, Karp, Red Dog, Blue Pheasant, Yellow Ape ....

I saw that the skin of the three major generals was emitting a light similar to iron armor.

It seems that there are still six years left before the Blazing Angel is freshly baked.

The technology used on them is not yet mature.

"Demon King Ye Zhuo went to war with BIGMOM.

But it's a great opportunity for us to enter a new world!

If the two fight, they will inevitably lose both.

Sengoku looked at everyone.

Karp was snacking, not knowing what he was thinking.

When he was discharged from the hospital, he heard that the Demon King had broken into the New World.


Sakaski spoke, and his half-mechanical, half-modified stomach suddenly opened a hatch.

Inside was a big dog barking.

Fortunately, there is a translator invented by Vegapunk.


A small hatch also opened on the pheasant's belly.

The cyan one only spoke:

"If you want to recover your body, you must kill the capable person."

The other side.

A rare serious book for yellow apes.

I saw its stomach open, revealing the head of a monkey.

He was drinking coffee inside.

"It stands to reason that we are domineering enough to lift the fruit effect."

See this scene.

Ah He helplessly covered his eyes with his hand.

"Zefa has traveled to the New World."

"No, you will be turned into a real crane when you go."

Sengoku thought that Ah Tsuru was going to strike on his own.

It took a pause to hear clearly.

"Didn't Zefa just change his arms and form some pirate pursuit team on his own?"

Isn't that adding to the mess?

"Maybe he is pursuing the Demon King Ye Zhuo."

Karp's words lowered the atmosphere of the Navy headquarters to the freezing point.

Zefa grew increasingly emaciated after his arm was cut off.

Just changed the robotic arm, and stopped cultivating freshmen.

Form a pirate chase team and go to the New World.

It's an eventful time, and it's really intriguing.

Four years later, the war ended.

Whitebeard II became His Majesty the Seven Warriors, which was when he defected.



Cake Island.

BIGMOM is eating a mouthful of oil.

She has already sent ten pirate ships to take the lead.

It won't be long before the Hive Island is besieged.

At that time, she will personally lead the army!

Raze the place where the Rocks Pirates were stationed back then!

What kind of demon king pirate group, but a fledgling little ghost.

Not only surrendered the dark world, but also slaughtered her best friend.

Just damn it!

"Katakuri, what's the mess outside?"


"Mom, someone should have come to report to the advance fleet."

Katakuri lifted the trident and walked towards the door.

A potato Homiz suddenly stumbled in.

"Mom! Not good!

Our pirate ship is completely destroyed!

The Demon King is calling! "


Charlotte sat up in shock.

Immediately became furious.

"He's coming?"

Prometheus turned into a long hair of flame, and the hat and sword Napoleon in hand.

Step on the thundercloud Zeus and circle the sky.

"Follow me!"


She led the deputy captain bread, the four general stars, dozens of ministers under him, and the strong cadres.

The pirate group is strong from all walks of life, and there are countless armies of Homiz.

(PS: At least 5 years or so before Snag was removed)

Four Emperors, Charlotte Lingling.

Became famous decades ago, known as steel balloons, mutant physique.

Tricolor domineering and demon fruit are all awakened monsters.

When the House of the Lambs ran away, he killed the two captains of the older generation of giant soldiers and pirates.

(PS: It's not the two in the small garden, it's the older mountain beard, the waterfall beard)

After forming a pirate group with Long Bread.

And because of the pirate game, join the Rocks Pirates.

He befriended Kaido when he was young and gave him the Demon Fruit, a phantom beast.

Claimed to have never been injured, born strange!

Cake Island is over.

BIGMOM's aura is steaming, the clouds are thick overhead, and the thunder and lightning are intertwined.

The deputy captain of the captain was old, but he still stood in the crowd and waited.

Katakuri, Smooji, Kriji, Snag.

The four great generals were domineering, and the blood-red light was like the return of hell.

Dozens of children served as ministers to guard the side.

This moment.

When a Four Emperors Regiment is revealed.

The powerful sense of oppression has swept across the sea, making people feel burning even to breathe.


A huge pirate ship appears.

The Demon King destroyed the camp all the way.

Until it reached the hinterland of all nations.

Cake Island!


Ye Zhuo stood at the bow of the boat, and when he saw this scene, his whole body was numb.

"What about being an old 6 for me?

No wonder those people on the road are weak and vulnerable.

It turns out that it's all hidden here? "

[Ding! 】【

Main line chain mission completed: destroy the second of the four emperors, attack Cake Island

】【Mission Reward: Aurora's Eye Perfect Edition】

A gold necklace appeared on Ye Zhuo's neck.

This big golden chain can be teleported to the Eye of Aurora all over the world.

"I'm almost shaking one now."

As soon as Ye Zhuo wanted to complain, he saw a brand new task.

[Main Chain Mission has begun: Destroy the Four Emperors and Defeat the BIGMOM Pirates

] [Mission Rewards: Steel Balloon, Lunaria Flame, Snow Fruit]


Three rewards at once?

The steel balloon refers to the super mutant constitution of BIGMOM.

The Flame of Lunaria is the first of the three plagues, the characteristics of the Flame Tribulation.

Snow Fruit?

Ye Zhuo thought about it before remembering that it seemed to be the cadre of the Don Quixote family.

Already a life-whimpering.

"It's too dish, next time I give such a bad reward, I will retire and become One Piece."

Ye Zhuo rubbed his fists.

Spit on the spit and spit on.

Mission rewards are still a must.

Even if there is no countdown, it has to be done early.

Otherwise, the opponents are old and dead.

He will not have a mission reward in the future.

"Such a big battle, it's really unbearable."

Ye Zhuo uses the Eye of Aurora.

Directly with the whole boat on the cake island.

The Nine Dark Shadow Corps also appeared.

"Little ghost, you set foot on the territory that belongs to the Sea Emperor!"



Ye Zhuo raised his head and twisted his neck very unpleasantly.

"I don't like people talking to me condescendingly."

The monkey charm glows.

Transform into an animal line of the pirate world.

Renren Fruit, Phantom Beast Species, Nika Form!

The clouds were shrouded in mist, and the hair turned snow-white.

Even with the robes of the eight demons, the armor of the gods turned pure white.

Only the Eye of Aurora and the Shivass bracelet, the original Oni Toru maintain their respective colors.

White light Nika, golden accessories, pitch-black supreme fast knife.

The three became Ye Zhuo's embellishment.

He couldn't help but laugh, feeling that everything around him could be used for himself.

"What kind of fruit ability is this?"

BIGMOM looked at Ye Zhuo on the ground in surprise.

Next second.

Ye Zhuo used the cake island as a pop-up window and jumped up laughing.

“BIGMOM! Get on my knees for me! "

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