"I heard you beat BIGMOM.

I was a little surprised, I thought you would go to cultivate for a while.

I didn't expect to meet so soon.

The red-haired Shanks looked up.

His face was gloomy, and the overlord color domineering was released without reservation.

The crew behind him were all waiting for them.

"Oh? It's terrible. Is this the Four Emperors? "

Ye Zhuo's overlord color domineering also broke out strongly.

"Four Emperors, aren't you too?"

Banbeckman's gun was also aimed at Ye Zhuo, and he would move as soon as the redhead allowed it.

"What a sea emperor.

It's just a title used by the Navy to set people on fire.

I'm the Demon King, Navy, Pirates, GM Army, Dark World, Draco, I can eat all! "


The blood-red overlord-colored domineering was like a sea of blood.

The powerful shock wave shattered the entire glass of the fortress.

Cracks began to appear on the walls, as if a powerful force field was about to crumble.

"Boss, this guy's overlord color domineering is actually a little interesting."

Lakiro took a bite of the roast.

Although Ye Zhuo and the red-haired overlord color domineering constantly impacted.

Behind them, their respective crew members were equally fearless.

Even the drinks and food between the two.

And Hawkeye Mihawk, who was sitting in a chair and watching this scene, was not affected.

It can be seen that they both cherish good wine.

"The ambition is very big, then you must have enough strength to match."

The redhead looked at Ye Zhuo, and the two looked at each other.


The two who did not move have stimulated the overlord-colored domineering to the extreme.

The baboons outside the fortress fainted and foamed at the mouth.

Even the waters beyond the islands are making ripples.

"On the overall strength of the pirate group.

Your red-haired pirates are not qualified to join forces with Hawkeye.

If it is individual strength.

I can beat up everyone in the room.

But in swordsmanship.

Everyone on the sea wondered who was stronger between the red-haired Shanks and the hawk-eyed Mihawk.

From now on, this doubt will disappear.

Because none of them are as strong as me! "


Purple, blue, black lightning bursts.

Hawkeye's palace was destroyed by the shockwave after the duo used the overlord-colored domineering impact.


The shock wave swept out, and the trees on the entire island were broken by the barricade.


The waves rise tens of meters high.

The clouds rolled in half.

A head of sea kings in the sea was stunned and floated to the surface.

"Your domineering is very strong."

The redhead didn't understand why Ye Zhuo's overlord color was so powerful.

He not only developed the "seeing and hearing killing", but also constantly improved his courage to be unique and powerful.

"You passed too."

Ye Zhuo's overlord-colored domineering is also "seeing and killing".

Because his evil qi and demon king aura became more and more powerful, he was able to rise to this level.

"But we'll have to try again."

Ye Zhuo's five fingers clenched into a fist, his whole body tensed, and he poured power into his throat.

"I learned a move that can be a human move that can make the sound of the yellow bell.

It is necessary for the human body to sink the dantian and then release it.

I've spent my whole life only to the point where I have become energetic.

For the legendary True Qi internal power, it is still out of reach.

It wasn't until I mastered domineering that I understood that as long as I mastered the technique.

It turned out to be all the same. Ye

Zhuo sank his domineering spirit into the dantian.

The armed color, the overlord color, all melted into his throat at this moment.

He moistened his throat and looked at the heavily armed red-haired pirate group in front of him.

"How much is the limit of domineering.

I haven't reached my limit yet, if I can.

I would like to see the power of the Demon King. The

redhead held his sword and stood firm.

He was already ready to start the domineering.

Is there really anyone in this world who can reach the point of surpassing his overlord color domineering?

Ye Zhuo stood in shape and fused the overlord-colored domineering with the armed color-domineering.

"Lion Roar Gong!"

He gulped in his throat.

The power that turned into a shockwave was released with him as the core.

This move is similar to BIGMOM's overlord-colored scream when he goes crazy and loses his mind.

The difference is.

Ye Zhuo had truly cultivated and took the initiative to condense his power in one point and release it.


He was domineering, as if he was really condensing into a lion's head at this moment.

It's just that this invisible aura swept the audience in an instant after it was released.

The castle collapsed in an instant!

Domineering is multiplied by several times magnified.

The redhead originally thought that his overlord color domineering was the extreme.

I didn't expect to go further!

The same overlord color is released in the form of a roar.

BIGMOM is estimated to be able to be sobered up by Ye Zhuozhen here!

The red-haired pirate group is known as the Iron Wall Pirate Group, and the strength of each cadre is exceptionally strong.

How could ordinary overlord-colored domineering make them fearful.

Even if it is as strong as red hair, after the overlord color domineering is released.

Stun Lieutenant General Headquarters is already the limit!


The cloak shattered, and their domineering was actually unstoppable.

"Boss, how could his overlord-colored domineering become so much stronger all of a sudden?"

Raki pavement is grim.

"There is no way to cultivate the overlord color in this world, only the ever-increasing courage.

But the demon king's overlord-colored domineering has found a different way to use it from bullying and seeing.

He can increase its power even further through sound waves! The

red-haired Shanks saw through the reason, and the most terrifying point was in Ye Zhuo's lion roar.

He can only protect himself, once he releases the overlord color domineering to rush, he will break the defense!

The same goes for everyone else.

In addition to Deputy Captain Banbekman, combatant Lakilu, and sniper Jesus Bu.

The rest of the big cadres can't withstand the strong overlord-colored domineering attack of the lion roar!

"Can it further enhance the overlord color domineering?"

Hawkeye Mihawk finally understood what a terrifying monster he was in front of.

"It's time for some people to step out."

Ye Zhuo's voice just fell.

There are only four people left in the red-haired pirate group who can still stand.

One by one, the crew fell.

The remaining Bambeckman, Lachilu, and Jesus Bu are also palpitating.

In order to block the lion roar just now, they actually consumed a lot of domineering!

It was not a shock or a fist, nor a cover for one's own breath.

It is a highly targeted overlord-colored domineering attack!

"This trick is called Lion Roar?"

The redhead looked at Ye Zhuo and asked seriously.

He was sure that Ye Zhuo's domineering attainments in the overlord color were even more terrifying than him.

"That's right, the lion roars.

And not only will make enemies dizzy.

It will also make you slightly dizzy.

Ye Zhuo patted his head, and his whole figure expanded rapidly.

The body of the Holy Lord, the body of the Demon King, the steel balloon, the mountain demon qi and all other physical forces are all full of firepower.

Holding the supreme fast knife in his hand, the original Ghost Che made the redhead's eyes change again.

"That knife came from the Five Old Stars."

"It's mine now."

Ye Zhuo wrapped the armed color domineering, and the overlord color domineering around the sword body.

The tall body forms an invisible sense of oppression.

"You have too many secrets in you."

The redhead pulled out Griffin and went all out to meet the enemy.

"You're not qualified."

Ye Zhuo looked at Hawkeye and motioned for him to strike as well.

"Hey, this guy shouldn't want to!"

Lachiro covered his chest in pain.

"As rumored, powerful and crazy."

What Beckman said was exactly what all the strong people on the sea said about Ye Zhuo.

"Emperor of the Sea.

The world's number one swordsman?

I decided to fight one against two!

Ye Zhuo's smile made the red-haired and hawk-eyed draw their swords at the same time, and said in unison:

"The lion roar of the king, you can hear my sword!"

"The lion roars of the king, you can hear the sound of my sword!"

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