"Mr. Demon King, it's been a long time since I said goodbye last time."

Tyrant Bear glanced at the past, and his current transformation was only partial.

His tall body also exudes an inner tenderness hidden beneath a fierce exterior.

"I was shocked when I learned you left Hive Island.

People all over the world are guessing where you're going.

Amazing Mr. Demon King, who are you going to attack this time? "

A tyrant bear of six meters nine.

Leaves more than seven meters tall.

The size of the two looks like they have a sense of equal confrontation.

However, this is only what it seems.


I still remember the last time I saw you.

So, is that dragon guy here this time?

Ye Zhuo clenched his fists, he wanted to try the fusion of domineering qi with the moon demon qi.

Whether it can achieve the effect he wants to touch.

"No, Mr. Demon King.

If you have to fight, I can accompany you.

This is the hope of humanity in the future, and no destruction will be allowed. "

Tyrant Bear just wanted to do it.

Bonnie and Betty appeared in front of him.

"Betty, Bonnie? Are you guys okay?

He said gently.

"Look, I know, it's my part.

His subordinates can solve the enemy at will.

What smoke man Smogg, CP Zoo, His Majesty the Seven Warrior Sea.

It's all chickens and dogs.

Ye Zhuo just wanted to walk past the tyrant bear.

The bear, who was originally talking about the old time, blocked him for the first time.

"Even if you die here, I must stop you!"

Holding the determination to die, this is the consciousness when facing Ye Zhuo as a life.

Who do you think this guy is?

He is a big devil who gets up, lazy, and loves wine!

Known as the most evil pirate in modern times, Ye Zhuo, the demon king who is enough to open up an era!

The real villain is worshipped by countless pirates, and it also makes countless nobles tremble!

"Oh? Unconsciously.

I've been taken as a villain by the world.

Why is I so gentle and misunderstood by the world?

Ye Zhuo shook his head helplessly.

His fists are entwined as "iron fists", and Ryu Ying and Bully are fused.

Combined with the powerful gravitational pull of the Moon Demon Qi!

"Push the pressure cannon!"

Bartholomew Big Bear slapped several palms in an instant.

Air and domineering are condensed into pressure cannons.

While attacking continuously, it turns into the shape of a bear's paw.

Powerful destructive power is enough to destroy everything in front of you!


Ye Zhuo allowed these attacks to hit him.

He didn't even take half a step back.

On the contrary, as he kept moving forward, the attacking Bartholomew Big Bear was pushed further by his own attack.

"Your Excellency's physique is so terrifying!"

Bartholomew Big Bear was incredible.

He originally thought that Ye Zhuo's strength was originally the Four Emperors, so he would defeat him in the East China Sea.

But now it seems that Ye Zhuo's true strength is even more above this!

The terrifying ability of the flesh ball fruit can hold its strength to the limit.

Even the Hundred Beast Kaido stood here and was attacked by Bartholomew Bear.

If you don't use your own defense, you will still be injured if you rely purely on your physique.

What about Ye Zhuo?

He walked so strongly.

Domineering is all condensed on the hands.

He carries all attacks with his physique!

"The strongest group fight is the Demon King Ye Zhuo.

So the world says!

This group fight means that the demon king beats everyone in a group! "

Bartholomew Big Bear has taken dozens of steps back in the midst of the attack.

The floor beneath his feet had shattered into pieces.

The earth cracked, as if to tell of its own defeat.

"I should give it a try."


"Rulai God Palm!"

Ye Zhuo was infused with domineering energy into the powerful gravitational force of the Moon Demon Qi.

A powerful palm burst out.

He put his feet on the ground, luck with one hand and forward with the other.


Bartholomew Bear wanted to try to block the blow.

But when the attack passed his ears, a deafening shockwave rumbled by.

A tall fortress behind him shattered in an instant!

A huge palm print was engraved on the steel tall building behind him.

Bartholomew Bear's usual calm gaze slowly retracted.

He was surprised not that this palm could destroy steel tall buildings.

The same destructive power he can also do with the flesh ball fruit.

What was really terrifying was that Ye Zhuo further developed the use of domineering.

The attack will increase under the palm of your hand!

Neither attack range nor damage will be reduced by distance.

On the contrary, it will continue to increase!

Until it is excited to the extreme, it suddenly explodes!

"The principle of the fleshy ball."

Bartholomew Bear couldn't believe that Ye Zhuo was a replica of his fruit ability.

Or can I really rely on domineering to develop this move!

The tall buildings on the ground of the future kingdom were destroyed by this palm.

At a glance.

With each passing building, the attack area increases further.

Until the shock wave of Mahamudra reached the sea.


A terrifying explosion sounded.

The sea seemed to be stimulated by some force, and it was blasted open a big pit comparable to the size of Egghead Island!

Once again, the sea will capsize back.

But the steaming white gas told of the harm it had suffered.

"When it is strong, it is strong, not my face."

Like the palm of God, unparalleled in the world.

Ye Zhuo originally thought that he had learned normal martial arts in his previous life.

Now it seems.

Any move that has a theory to learn can be replicated.

"Rumor has it that you defeated Karp with physical skills.

He defeated Hawkeye Mihawk with swordsmanship.

When I first heard about it, I just thought it was ridiculous.

Now it seems that this is the extreme!

I'm afraid that the Dragon Claw Fist, Fishman Karate, and Navy Six Styles are inferior to your physical arts faction. "

Bartholomew Big Bear understands that even if he dies here, he will not be able to stop Ye Zhuo.

In the face of absolute power, his blood seemed so small.

"I can also Jeet Kune Do, do you want to learn it?"

Inches can continue to exert force after hitting the human body!

With Sakura and Bully, it can also deal secondary damage.

"I lost.

Mr. Demon King, please don't hurt Vegapunk yet.

His technology is human hope. "

The tyrant bear fell to the ground with a bang.

I saw the clothes behind his back shattered.

There is a huge fingerprint!

It turned out that Ye Zhuo's palm only reached him a little by his fingertips!

The ever-increasing damage completely lost its strength.

"Captain, you killed my father!"

Boni looked puzzled, she had become the chef of the Demon King Pirates.

How can her dad still be beaten to death?

"Bear, hold on, our ship doctor Vivi will be here soon!"

"Princess Vivi? The last time I saw her father was many years ago. "

The organs and bones in the bear's body were destroyed, not to mention the modified parts.

"Can't die, just pop it out with your flesh balls."

Ye Zhuo was helpless, this bear was purely touching porcelain.

"Overloaded, Mr. Demon King."

The bear was helped to turn around.

"I really want to turn you into a bear, but you are not a human being."

Ye Zhuo looked at Basolomew Big Bear's bear ears, as well as bear paws.

One finger out.

The horse charm is about to heal it.

Healing and repairing are the dual abilities of the horse charm.

Even broken sculptures can be restored.

The parts inside the bear are also reassembled.

"I'm not interested in that big head of Vegapunk.

You will be misunderstood if you talk nonsense like this.

I thought my whole aesthetic collapsed!

Ye Zhuo immediately gave Xiong a kick.

As soon as the injury was healed, he kicked and broke his leg.

The bear did not complain, he confessed.

The daughter is in the hands of others, and she can't say it, and she can't fight what to do.

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