The Dark Emperor except for the two who were killed by Ye Zhuo.

All of them appeared.

Among them, the leader is naturally the gold emperor Tezzolo, the news king Morgan and the loan king in charge of lending.

This lender once aided a laboratory that had not yet risen.

The characters who came out there were Vegapunk, Gaji, Quinn, and Caesar.

"We have brought a lot of wealth to Lord Demon King, as well as piles of gold and wine!"

The Golden Emperor Tezzolo laughed maniacally.

It's good that he is sensible, otherwise he will end up in the same fate as Tenyasha Doflamingo.

"Got it, sneak in."

Kalifa casually fingered.

"Oh, got it."

The Golden Emperor's momentum was instantly discouraged.

The invincible dark emperors did not dare to refute in the slightest.


A ship flying the pirate flag of the Demon King Pirate Group appears.

Tezzolo was a little confused.

"Who are they? The forces under the Demon King? The

dark emperors looked at each other and got no answer.

"Lonely, this banquet of the Demon King Lord is to inform the world how powerful his power is!"

Morgans felt too humiliating to be with Tezzolo.

Can't understand anything.

Do you dare to talk nonsense again, are you afraid that you will not die early enough?

I didn't want to think about how the person who could be invited by Ye Zhuo to participate in the Demon King's meeting could be a nobody.

At this time.

An uncle with a windmill on his hat leads a group of villagers to look around.

It seemed a little nervous.

When they saw Tezzolo in a gorgeous pink suit, they quickly walked up.


Are you responsible for picking up guests?

We are villagers from the village of Cocosia in the East China Sea. "


Pick up guests?

Tezzolo took a few steps backwards in surprise, was this looking down on him?


The people who watched the live broadcast were the most surprised.

"Are there still forces in the East China Sea that are sheltered by the Vince Mock family?"

"Damn, suddenly so envious!"

"Who are they?"


The sound of high heels sounded.

Nami appears and protects Nokiga.

"Nokigao, is everyone okay?"

"Well, Nami, you look a lot stronger, and your physique is at least double the original!"

"It's okay, fighting often will promote physical growth."

Nami wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes and led the villagers to the venue.

"Nami-san's family?"

The Golden Emperor Tezzolo instantly petrified.

His heart was beating wildly, glad that he hadn't made a death rebuttal just now.

Almost killed on the spot!

Cocosia Village, terrifying!

Morgan nodded repeatedly, it seemed that Tezzolo was still not as cautious as him.

The other frightened Dark Emperors said no more.

If you stay here in Rocky Harbor, the devil knows how many monsters you will encounter.

It's better to be there quickly, after all, they have no one to greet them, how embarrassing it is to stand here.

In fact, Ye Zhuo didn't let people greet him at all.

It's just that they come to find their friends and relatives.


"Mom, where is this place?"

Whitebeard II Weibull had a runny nose.

As soon as he became His Majesty Erwuhai, he decisively rebelled and came to participate in the Demon King Conference.

"Will I see my father here?"

"Weibull, hurry up and go to the venue.

The Whitebeard Pirates will definitely come, and a battle will inevitably be inevitable when the time comes!

We have to go to the venue and seek refuge, now is the age of the Demon King! The

old woman stood on his shoulder and shouted in a sharp voice.

"Mom, father and the demon king are at war, who should I help?"

"Help a fart!"

"Mom, who's a fart?"

Seeing this scene, the most surprised person is, of course, the reporter.

They quickly wrote on it:

"Demon King Ye Zhuo invited His Majesty King Erwuhai, Whitebeard II!"

"Shocked, His Majesty the Second Wuhai has become a Wuhai again!"

"The Marshal of the Warring States was blown up with gas, he actually said this!"

This is the moment.

Above a battleship in the sea.

Sengoku was already dizzy and leaned on the sofa.

"This traitor, damn traitor!"

"I said earlier, His Majesty the Seven Wuhai should be abolished."

Karp calmly ate the roasted senbei, and also said cool words.

"At least there are bears, aren't they? He is a smart man.

Tsuru's voice did not fall.

A tall figure appeared in the harbor of Hive Island.

The world does not know.

A week ago, Ye Zhuo sent the Black Shadow Corps to the hometown of all the crew members of the Demon King Pirate Regiment.

The now accepted power is no longer the former kingdom.

The Vince Mock family of the North Sea, and its original homeland.

The kingdom of Sobel in the South China Sea, home to Bonnie and Bear.

The village of Cocosia in the East China Sea, and the island on which it is located.

The naval branch base in the West Sea suppresses the five major black hand families.

The New World includes the territory where the redhead originally sheltered, the nations of BIGMOM.

Today, it includes Kaido's power and territory.

Ye Zhuo can be said to really swallow the world!

This is also the reason why the bear, who was not originally going to come to the meeting, finally arrived.

Even if he leaves the world ZF, not only the kingdom can be sheltered.

The Future Kingdom and Vegapunk will not encounter any danger.

And Ye Zhuo's territory has long been the first in the new world.

and many areas of the four seas and great shipping routes.

The Demon King Council is not benchmarking against the World Conference, but is open and proven to the world.

Demon King Ye Zhuo is the real world overlord!

"That tyrant bear?"

"Incredible, this means that His Majesty's Seven Martial Seas have completely collapsed!"

"Scary, shouldn't the Sand Crocodile and Moonlight Moriah also come?"

Port location.

Bonnie and Betty had been waiting for a long time.

"Bear, you go to the Demon King with Bonnie first, I'm waiting for the dragon here."


The bear nodded, just as the dragon said.

Demon King Ye Zhuo is about to overturn the whole world!

And they came here to help at any time.


Live screen.

I don't know who screamed.


"What about the prophet just now? I'm going to stab him!

"There is a new King Qiwu Hai here, that is Doflamingo!"

"What? Isn't he locked up in Advance City? "

People are wondering.

The five old stars who were also watching the live broadcast already knew the seriousness of the matter.

"Advance City is lost?"

They look at each other, shouldn't they.

Why did Doflamingo escape?

Just as he was wondering, a tall figure appeared in front of the camera.

His skin was blood-red and he folded his arms in his hands.

"Demon King, get out!"

Devil's descendants!


He escaped with Doflamingo and they escaped!

"Fufur, the changes of the times are really surging in people's hearts!

I didn't expect that I would have a day to reappear so soon!

Demon King, even you didn't expect it, I'm back!

Doflamingo stood on the roof of a building.

It's time to laugh maniacally.

Thousands of dark shadows have appeared.

"You deserve it too?"

Ye Zhuo's voice sounded.

Doflamingo, who was originally arrogant and domineering, swung on the swing for the first time.

He had read it in the newspaper earlier.

The demon king has a legendary power that is regarded as the meaning of overlord-colored domineering.

Whether Barrett can hold it or not doesn't know, he doesn't dare to try anyway.


With Doflamingo just flew out on the front foot.

Barrett stepped into the harbor and wanted to go to war with these countless dark shadows.

He escaped in order to fight Ye Zhuo.

Legend has it that every battle must be won, defeating countless pirates and Ye Zhuo of the navy.

is the only person worth beating in this era.

(PS: As mentioned earlier, Barrett is going to come out to challenge Ye Zhuo) is

at this moment.

Barrett's gaze was drawn to two very cute creatures.

One is a crocodile with a cigarette, a gold poison hook in one hand, and a suit.

The other is that bats also like to wear suits, but in a classical style, and bring a pair of gloves.


The sand crocodile turned his head and spit out a smoke ring.

"Will Kaido the Hundred Beasts come to declare war today? I'm ready for revenge!

Moria opened her paws arrogantly.

This moment.

In the old era, His Majesty the Seven Wuhai was left with only Hawkeye and had not yet arrived.

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