"Overlord color domineering? Do you think..."

Barrett grinned, domineering that he had lost no one in his life.

What about the overlord color of the demon king Ye Zhuo?

The next moment.

The Heavenly Demon Qi, the Wind Demon Qi, and the Moon Demon Qi fused into an incomparable momentum.

Overlord color domineering, armed color domineering fusion casting.

The lion roar amplitudes and turns it into a big trumpet.

"What is this trick?"

The redhead stood up.

"The Lion Roar Gong Supreme Peerless Sect mentioned by Ye Zhuo, invincible big horn!"

Hawkeye also felt unconscious.

It is really worthy of being a man who single-handedly rewards the world.


When the camera turned on Barrett, his smile stopped abruptly.

The Whitebeard Pirates land in Rocky Harbor.

The purple breath is steaming.

The Barrett overlord color domineering that originally broke out strongly has been cracked at this moment.

A huge lion's head was formed by Ye Zhuo's two-color domineering qi condensed with the three major demonic qi.

Broke through Barrett's overlord-colored domineering impact.

He stood in place, and suddenly covered his chest with one hand.

The next moment.

A powerful sense of shock and impact throughout the body.

Barrett, who took a few steps backwards, knelt on one knee and looked up at Ye Zhuo in disbelief.

"Fusing all the domineering blows through unimaginable long-range damage.

Even if it is as strong as my physique, it will be broken from within.

At the moment, I seemed unharmed, but I was already scarred.

Barrett gasped in disbelief.

The corners of his mouth were bleeding, and it was difficult to control this unimaginable injury.



Barrett, the descendant of the devil, finally spat out a mouthful of blood.

His hands hurt so much that he stretched into five fingers, and he couldn't clench his fists anymore in pain.

"You focus your strength on me alone.

The sound waves that seemed to spread out eventually only touched me.

What is this subtle control of power?

Barrett couldn't believe an opponent he thought he only needed to go all out to beat.

It turned out that it only took a domineering impact of an overlord color to hit him hard!

Is this still human?

"In our martial arts, kung fu is a killing technique.

And those who implement it to the extreme can cultivate inch, bright, and dark.

Attacks on enemies can also be cracked with energizing techniques.

This is a mortal body comparable to a god, not to mention that I am already the body of a demon king.

It's strange that your body is so weak and you don't want to improve your skills.

Barrett looked up at Ye Zhuo, and the blood in his mouth kept gushing out.

"My body is weak?"

If someone else said so, he wouldn't have approved of it.

Only Ye Zhuo made him powerless to argue.

There is only one sentence at the end.

"If it's a spelling technique, I can definitely beat you to death!"


heard this sentence from Barrett.

Ye Zhuo gasped.

This man is also too confident.

"I'll talk about this later, you kneel first."

Ye Zhuo was lazy to pay attention to Barrett, who wanted to stand up, but found that the overlord domineering had been suppressing him.

As long as Ye Zhuo didn't move, Barrett would never be able to stand up.

"Overlord domineering is related to personal courage.

What you want to fight for is a place, the strongest on the sea.

But I know that there are mountains outside the mountains, and there are heavens outside the sky.

What I want to do is the strongest in the heavens, and your courage and king qualifications are only horns and kings at best. "

The Heavens Play System: The Host is Right!

"The strongest of the heavens?"

Barrett looked at the sky, and he knew there were empty islands in the White Sea.

But then, how strong can that heaven be?


Ye Zhuo was too lazy to take care of Barrett, and directly lifted the overlord color domineering.

The latter suddenly coughed up a mouthful of black blood.

I almost rolled my eyes with my hands on the ground.

"Look at it, as soon as I lifted the domineering, you didn't hold it directly."

Barrett never retorted again.

He is still trying to get his blood back.

The redhead also poured wine when he saw this scene.

"After many days, the overlord domineering of the demon king is immeasurable.

If I am a river, he should be a sea.

Barrett's desire to carry the lion roar is simply delusional.

He said this, but in his heart he was pondering the lion roar gong just now.

Those who have the qualification of a king will also be crushed.

But the redhead is a person who will never lose the heart of the strong because of a defeat.


Ye Zhuo laughed and walked straight towards the port.

"Point the camera on the Navy warship!"


The video phone worm instantly aimed at the mighty battleship.

The entire Hive Island was surrounded by warships from the naval headquarters.

"It turns out that this is the Lion Roar Gong!"

Whitebeard walked up to Ye Zhuo and patted his shoulder with one hand.

"The afterlife is fearful, and no one will always be the strongest.

But there will always be someone who will be the new strongest.

Boy, are you going to open up your own era next?

Ye Zhuo also patted Whitebeard's shoulder with his hand.

This scene made the immortal bird Marko, Diamond Joz and others all look sideways.

Cautiously watched the two.

The meteorite rain just now was really scary, and they knew Whitebeard's physical condition best.

It would be dangerous for fighting to break out at this time.

"I don't need to start my own era.

As I walked along the way, the eyes of those who came before me were no longer able to focus on my afterimage.

It is the times that chase the invincible me. "


Ye Zhuo passed by with Whitebeard.

He clapped his hands at the same time.

"Ceremony, open the cage!"


The female emperor Han Cook and Robin immediately brought five huge prison cages.

Beyond the cage are Black Maria, Runnie, and the Ice Witch.

The three were awake, but the people in the cage were still in a coma.

When these five cages came into view.

Barrett's eyes, which were still self-righteous, almost cracked.

Whitebeard was originally pleased with Ye Zhuo's arrogance, thinking that such an ambitious guy could take over the big sail of the times.

Unexpectedly, in the blink of an eye, he understood that he was superficial!

Ye Zhuo is not arrogant!

He is the number one honest man in the world!

Because what Ye Zhuo said is true!

It is this era that is chasing his afterimage!


At the same time, the person who said this sentence was not only Barrett.

Whitebeard, Red-Haired Shanks, Hawkeye Mihawk, His Majesty Nanabukai, Dark Emperor...

The Warring States on the battleship are even more pupil earthquakes.


The camera focused on this scene, and it became the whole world in shock!

"Gentlemen, those who come are guests.

My Ye Zhuo's Demon King meeting naturally has a meeting first, and then a banquet.

Anyone who is not convinced can stand up and talk.

The few in the cage are your examples.

I say now that I will have the final say in the future sea.

Guys, who is for and who is against! "

Outside Rocky Harbor.

The warship, which was still advancing, suddenly stopped.

Sengoku, Karp and the others all stood on the bow of the ship.

They were relieved that Zefa was still alive and seemed to be eating well.

But the bottom of the heart is messy.


You two are the four emperors, can you fight for some anger?

Coupled with the fact that Ye Zhuo solved Barrett quickly just now, it didn't look like a seriously injured person at all!

Could it be that their intelligence is wrong?

And this island in front of them, but really gathered the world's strong, once the war starts, can they win?

"The old man objected!"

The voice of old age comes from heaven.

Several huge islands are suspended as pirate ships.

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