"Be quiet, you scared me."

Ye Zhuo shut up Blackbeard with a word.

"Everyone is here today, and I Ye Zhuo won't sell it.

Let me tell you what the Demon King Conference is.

In the future, the Demon King Conference will have two parts.

First, the king and the power were sheltered while giving me a share of pure profits.

The second is the Demon King Big Ship Group, and all pirates who come to the meeting will join my big ship group.

Become a group of pirates under your command and be responsible for guarding the side.

The Draco World Conference wants, Ben Wang wants!

If the Draco can't eat it, the king will also want it!

Ye Zhuo strode forward, and his words were already announced to the world.

The Demon King Ship Group formed an organization equivalent to the World Conference.

Thoroughly fight the world army and the Draco!

"Start now!

Sacrifice Tichy!

Start the banquet! "

Ye Zhuo pulled out the Supreme Great Speedy Knife First Ghost Che.

Tichy's eyes immediately burst with fear.

"No, don't!

Lord Demon King, I'm still useful!

I know how to get other people's devil fruits!

Titch shouted in horror, his back already covered in sweat.

Did he just come back to life and die?

"I can also join the Demon King Ship Group!"

Blackbeard shouted, he really didn't want to die!

"In fact, to resurrect you is to let you die awake."

Ye Zhuo said seriously.

This sentence also made everyone in the banquet hall swallow a mouthful of spit.

Heal and kill again.

We are not human.

But you Ye Zhuo is really the sixth old.

To say that it has to be the whole system.

Ye Zhuo was born kind-hearted, how could he think of this execution method.

A sword slashed.

Tichy's voice stopped abruptly.

Blood splattered.

Ye Zhuo walked slowly in front of his corpse.

There is really no way, the system task requires the execution of Blackbeard.

More importantly, he has a special physique.

Once attacked, there is double pain.

Such a person simply cannot be a qualified sandbag.

You can't bear to fight!

Blackbeard Tichy, if you want to blame, blame your physique mutation, not suitable for being beaten as a sandbag!

In the next life, don't mutate blindly!

"What's wrong, Whitebeard, don't you attend the banquet? I love your gift.

Ye Zhuo beckoned, and Newgate also stepped in from outside the field.

Tichy was finally executed in front of him.

Where should the Whitebeard Pirates go in the future.

Do you really want to submit to the Demon King Ye Zhuo and become part of the Great Ship Group?

He chose a place to sit down.

Looking around, the redhead, Hawkeye, and the rest of the former kings Qiwu Hai did not react at all.

Until he saw a dodging mother and son.

Whitebeard II, Weibull!

That old woman hid behind Whitebeard II for the first time.

The white-bearded, who has always been open-minded, is getting angrier the more he thinks about it today.

After seeing these two turtle grandchildren, I was really angry.

"Demon King."

"What's wrong, old white?"

Ye Zhuo said very flatly, and when he heard these words, his face twitched.

In the end, I chose to accept.

Times have really changed.

The redhead would regard him as an opponent, an enemy, but Ye Zhuo's eyes were not.

Throughout the new world, which is not his amusement park.

"Nothing, just trying to solve a little trouble."

Whitebeard looked at Whitebeard II.

He was in a very bad mood today.

"Mom, how does daddy look at me fiercely?"

Whitebeard II said dumbfounded.

"That's pitying you!"

The old woman also patted Whitebeard II on the shoulder.

"Go find your daddy, he's already dying of you!"


Whitebeard II did not know what it was.

Whitebeard himself really wanted him to die, really.

The old woman took advantage of this opportunity to slip away.

If she stays any longer, she will have to die.

"Hey, I have to catch you and go back and watch!"

The hearts of the immortal bird Marko and the others also pressed a fire.

Ye Zhuo's words meant that the pirates would surrender next.

If Whitebeard II opened his mouth to join the Demon King Great Ship Group, he would also obtain Ye Zhuo's permission.

How else can their white-bearded pirates solve this trouble.

"Abominable! Is Whitebeard old too?

I'm actually afraid of the Demon King!

Have you forgotten the Rocks Pirates? "

The old woman was caught and still yelling.

"Your son Titch has been executed, and you're still ignoring it.

Even if your body returns to its peak, your heart is already old.

Newgate, are you a man? You say something! The

old woman roared and was quickly arrested by the captains.

"Let go of my mother!"

Whitebeard II took a knife and cut it out, only to be caught by Whitebeard himself.

He held the blade with one hand and took Whitebeard II down on the spot.

The innate strange power of the second life could not escape.

"Daddy, let me go, I'm your own son!"

"Don't come out again, this sea is not for you to wreak havoc, Weibull!"

Whitebeard knocked it unconscious with a punch.

Shocked to vomit blood, Weibull rolled his eyes and whimpered.

"Obviously injured by the Demon King, do you still have such strong strength?"

Bucky was eating, and his heart trembled when he witnessed it.


The supreme fast knife is sure to cut the clouds.

Whitebeard sat in place.

The golden lion on the other side also wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and ate and drank.

He was left with a ship doctor and a gorilla.

Come and go as you please, everywhere.

What's more, the research results of more than ten years were all taken down by Ye Zhuo in one breath.

This big gift is offered, you can't beat it, and if you don't eat more, you will lose a lot.

"Old white, old gold.

Little red, little eaglet.

You are all a little strong, touch one.

In the future, it will be the Three Emperors Pirate Group under my command.

Responsible for guarding the side.

Ye Zhuo's words were changed to others saying that he had already been turned over the table.


Bucky, the clown who had not cared, immediately roared.

He didn't know why he was so manic.

But as soon as I opened my mouth, I regretted it a little.

"Devil... Beelzebub!

Bucky's teeth were trembling, and at this time he also attracted a series of eyes.

"What's wrong, little Bucky?"

Ye Zhuo cast a concerned gaze.

"What three emperors! I'm not here to be someone else's little brother! Bucky

was in the air, his heart beating into an imperial engine.

"Is it?

Then you will be the new fourth emperor in the future, in charge of the express delivery industry.

Lao Jin is responsible for air express transportation, and Lao Bai is in charge of this sea transportation.

Xiaohong and Kitty are responsible for handling offline orders.

If someone gives a bad review, then follow the route and say hello. "


Four Emperors!

Bucky's forehead was dripping with sweat.

He immediately swallowed a mouthful of spit.

I wanted to apologize and thank Ye Zhuo for his cultivation, but it became a sentence.

"Okay, Lao Tzu will accept your love! Demon King Ye Zhuo!

Bucky flew around and returned to the banquet.

It immediately attracted countless eager eyes.

"Are you? I didn't have time to take a second look at the battle just now.

Whitebeard then discovered that it was the red-nosed pirate who had challenged him with the redhead.

"The red-nosed one who is very good at naval battles?"

The golden lion took a bite of the roast meat and said.

What the?

See this scene.

Sand Crocodile and Moria looked dazed.

"This guy is a little familiar."

"I seem to have said hello to Barrett before."

"Made, are we going to join the Big Ship Group?"

The two were whispering.

Haixia Jinping sat next to the two of them.

Sand crocodile, Moria glared at him at the same time.

Xiong also sat silently next to him, Dragon, Ivankov also did not have the idea of going to talk to Ye Zhuo now.

They tried to ally with Ye Zhuo instead of joining the Big Ship Regiment.

"The old man just eats something."

Jinping is very strange, do these two wonderful animals have any ulterior purpose?

Kings and dark kings are intertwined.

Mixed in with the golden emperor Tezzolo, the king of news, Morgan is overjoyed.

That's nice.

Fortunately, they knelt under Ye Zhuo early.

Look at how embarrassing the sea overlord is on that big table.

Not yielding?



Today is different.

After all, it is a latecomer, not to mention that the old face cannot come down.

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