Pirates: Starting Impure World Reincarnation Madara

Chapter 209 Whitebeard Pirates vs World Government Army!

"Marine was hit, and it looks like he's going to get angry next!"

Rayleigh has been staring at Marine's layout at the scene, and he has seen many faces that he thinks are very unfamiliar. At this time, seeing the change in Sengoku's expression, he also knows that the main event is next.

Even Roger couldn't help but be more focused and serious at this time.

Because, the next thing is related to whether he can successfully rescue his son!

Although he is full of confidence in his own strength, he does not dare to underestimate the World Government, not to mention the World Government that has been developed for twenty years after his death!

In fact, the power that Marine showed next really surprised everyone.

First of all, there are many powerful new faces among the warriors that no one has ever seen before.

Rear Admiral level, Vice Admiral level, and even Admiral level characters are not lacking.

Secondly, all kinds of powerful weapons appeared. Those special artillery pieces were so powerful that Marco and the others at the captain level had to deal with them carefully, and they would be injured if they were careless!

So, at the beginning of the big melee, Whitebeard's side was clearly at a disadvantage.

However, even in such a situation, the members of the Whitebeard Pirates still look reckless.

"Come on!

"Rescue Ace!"

The members of the Whitebeard Pirates shouted and attacked Marine frantically!

Under the impact of their willingness to sacrifice their lives, the formation of the World Government, which had the upper hand, also appeared in some confusion.

Seeing this, the members of the Whitebeard Pirates became even more excited.

"Hahaha, I didn't expect Marine to hide so many strong men!

"This scale is probably about the same as the last super-large Buster Call of the last Sabaody Archipelago war! 35

"Hey, after all, their opponent this time is us. If it wasn't to this level, how could they dare to fight?"

"That's right, that's right!""

While they were talking excitedly, their attacks didn't stop for a moment, and they kept hitting Marine.

"Hmph, what a bunch of arrogant pirates!"

Huoshaoshan Vice Admiral listened to the voices of these discussions, his face darkened, and he directly slashed a group of pirates with a sword!

And at the moment when he just flew a (cjac) group of pirates, he saw the crane Vice Admiral who had entered the battlefield at an unknown time and was also fighting a group of pirates.

He hurriedly said: "Crane Vice Admiral, leave this to us, you can go back to the rear to drink tea."

Crane Vice Admiral just snorted coldly and said: "Arrogant little devil, don't think that after the World Government has used its hidden power this time, we will win!"

While speaking, she directly activated the ability to wash the fruit, washed the pirates in front of them as if they were clothes, and then hung it up!

Huoshaoshan scratched his head, feeling a little helpless in his heart.

In the past, he was a recruit who taught him a lesson, but in front of Vice Admiral, he was just a recruit.

He naturally accepted the criticism of Crane Vice Admiral humbly. After all, Whitebeard's strength is indeed strong, and from the situation just now, it seems that he is not as old and weak as the Marine information said, but still Incomparably fierce!

This is the strongest man in the world after Roger's death, who dares to underestimate it? I didn't see that the three Admiral made a joint shot just now, and they were all easily defeated by the opponent?

And just when Huoshaoshan was thinking about this, Akainu, Aokiji, and Kizaru, who joined forces to besiege Whitebeard again, were suddenly slashed and flew out by Whitebeard's knife. Some nearby buildings were smashed, and some were directly smashed into a certain warship.

Seeing this scene, the pupils of many people on the battlefield shrank.

If Whitebeard defeated the three Admirals just now, and there were some unexpected elements, then now that Whitebeard knocked Akainu and the three of them into the air again, it was not an accident!

Marco, Diamond Johnson and others originally wanted to come over to help Whitebeard defeat Marine's three Admiral, but they were blocked by Fujitora, Green Bull, and two strong CPOs. When they saw this scene, they couldn't help but be overjoyed!

They can be sure that Whitebeard must be fully healed now, so they don't need to worry about Whitebeard anymore and focus on fighting the people in front of them!

"I didn't expect that there are still strong people like you in the world government!"

"The World government is hiding too deep!"9

"However, this time even you guys have been dispatched, I think that coming to the World Government is really afraid of our Whitebeard Pirates!

"Hahaha, if we beat even you guys together, the World Government's face will definitely be ugly! 35

Among the discussions, Marco and others also frantically fought with their opponents.

At the same time, Whitebeard's eyes fell on the battlefield, but he found that his sons had basically cleared all the obstacles in his path.

A path leading directly to Ace appeared in front of him.

This time, because there is no trouble with injuries, he doesn't need to worry about physical exhaustion, and the force dispatched by the World government is far more powerful than the original plot, which makes him somewhat afraid, so he decides to take the shot himself and rush over directly. Rescue Ace!

As a result, he jumped suddenly, jumped directly from the Morbidia, and then strode towards the direction of Ace!

The king travels, Weiya Quartet!

When the surrounding Marines saw that Whitebeard went out in person, all of them felt heavy pressure in their hearts.


Ace was on the execution platform, looking both excited and guilty.

He doesn't know that Whitebeard's injury has been cured, he only knows that Whitebeard is so old, and he is so rushing and fighting for him, and he feels very unfilial.

However, at this moment, a figure appeared in front of Whitebeard.

That's Mihawk with the Black Knife!

"Oh? The kid with the black knife, do you want to fight me too? 35 Whitebeard looked at Hawkeye with interest and asked.

Hawkeye took a deep breath, his eyes fell on the tall figure in front of him proudly trembling, and he said in a deep voice: "I am here, not for the World Government, let alone Marine, just to see, me and the world. How big is the gap between the strongest!" 5

"Gu la la la la, then come and try it!"

Whitebeard laughed, but his footsteps didn't stop for a moment, as if he didn't put eagle eyes in his eyes at all.

Hawkeye couldn't help but be furious, so the black knife on his back suddenly came out of its sheath!

ps: I recommend a friend an urban work titled "Pretending to Be a Rent Collector at the Beginning". He said that this is the first book in Laifeilu, and it was written with great care, but I don't know if readers like it or not, so everyone should help identify it!

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