Pirates: Starting Impure World Reincarnation Madara

Chapter 278 Accident! World government's sudden action!


Hearing Lin Xuan's words, Turtle Immortal couldn't help but be startled, and became even more puzzled.

Not from Earth?

Could it be an alien?

As for Sun Wukong, Ke Lin, and the others, it was strange to hear their conversation. They kept talking about this world and that world, and it sounded like there were many worlds.

Are they not from this world?

Lin Xuan ignored their doubts and thought to himself: It's rare to come here. After the World's No. 1 Martial Arts Tournament is over, should I go to other planets to exchange ideas?

And just when Lin Xuan was thinking about these things, the second game started.

The second match is Piccolo VS Uchiha Izuna.

When Uchiha Izuna learned that he was going to play, he immediately jumped out and landed on the ring, posing a very cool look.

Apparently, after watching Senju Tobirama pretending, he can't wait to pretend too!

When he saw this scene, Lin Xuan sighed in his heart: "Sure enough, when these guys who were originally old rivals were brought under his subordinates, they competed on their own, and they would take the initiative to help me earn reputation points, which is really cool. !

Besides, Uchiha Izuna died too early and had a chance to come back. He has been reluctant to admit defeat, so he repeatedly tried various ways to improve his strength, but he did not want to be compared by Senju Tobirama!

And this time Uchiha Izuna actually played Piccolo, Lin Xuan is still looking forward to his performance this time.

However, just as Lin Xuan was about to see Uchiha Izuna's performance, another thing suddenly caught his attention.

I saw that Sarutobi Hiruzen, who was staying in the Hokage World chat group, suddenly sent a message: "@Group Master, Lord President, we have suddenly received news that the World Government is going to attack the Nine Snake Island" 々!


When Lin Xuan saw the news, his brows couldn't help but wrinkle, and he asked in the group, "Why did the World government suddenly attack Jiu She Island? Do you know the reason?"

Because when he left Pirate World, he didn't pay much attention to the news, so he didn't know that when he announced that he would hold the World Conference, the Empress then announced that he supported him and was going to participate in the World Conference.

After Sarutobi Hiruzen explained it, he knew about it.

Obviously, this time the World Government was provoked by the Empress, so they launched a sudden action, wanting to teach the Empress a lesson, but also to warn other countries, so that the world can see clearly that the World Government is not as weak as they thought!

After guessing the cause and effect, Lin Xuan couldn't help but sneer: "Do you want to use the Nine Snake Island to establish a prestige? Then you have to see if I agree or not!"

Afterwards, he directly said to Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara who were beside him: "I have to go back first, and leave the affairs here to you for the time being!

Senju Hashirama and the others naturally saw the information in the group, so they knew what he was going back for.

Senju Hashirama asked, "Is there any need for us to go back there and help?"

Uchiha Madara said: "Maybe this is a conspiracy of the World government, setting up a bureau to lure you!

Lin Xuan also calmed down a little after hearing this, thinking of the mysterious Lord Im from the World government!

If it is the other party, if you want to calculate him, it is not impossible!

However, Lin Xuan didn't care much, saying, "If that's the case, I'll just kill him!"

With that, he stood up and was about to leave.

However, he did not go alone, but took Ōtsutsuki Kaguya with him.

Obviously, this also means that if he needs help from Senju Hashirama and the others, he will naturally reincarnate them at any time!

The audience at the scene didn't notice Lin Xuan's departure. Only the Turtle Immortal who had been following Lin Xuan and the Heavenly God who was possessed by the contestant "Xian" noticed his departure. puzzled.

However, Guixianren did not ask in public, but only asked in the group, Lin Xuan naturally just replied: "I will go back to do something, and I will be back soon! 99

As for the gods, no matter how much he doubted in his heart, he could only endure it.

The most urgent task is to solve Piccolo first, and then study the origin of this group of mysterious people!

At the same time, Lin Xuan has taken Ōtsutsuki Kaguya to an unnoticed place, opened the world channel directly, and then returned to the pirate world.

In this regard, Ōtsutsuki Kaguya also expressed some puzzlement: "Why are you so low-key this time?

What she was referring to was, of course, that Lin Xuan did not open the world channel in public.

You know, Lin Xuan gives her the feeling that she likes to be in the limelight, in other words, she likes to pretend!

For something as exciting as opening the world channel, Lin Xuan didn't use it to pretend, which really surprised him.

In response, Lin Xuan just curled his lips and said: || You may have misunderstood me, I have always been very low-key.

Ōtsutsuki Kaguya immediately threw an "I believe in you jerk" look at him.

Lin Xuan sighed softly and said, "Before I just couldn't help myself!

When he said this, he secretly added in his heart: "It's all the fault of the system, if it weren't for so many items in the system's prestige mall that require prestige points to buy, how could I have embarked on such a deliberate attempt to shock the world. The point of no return to earn reputation?

System: "...giant"

Well, it turns out that too much service is also a sin!

In fact, where is Lin Xuan low-key?

He clearly felt that the audience who picked up (Nuo Zhao) down the earth would have been able to generate enough reputation points for him by watching the martial arts meeting, and there was no need to show the world channel at this time.

After all, there is a "cooling off period" for the same group of viewers to contribute reputation points to him. It would be more cost-effective to take out the world channel after the next cooling off period has passed!

Obviously, Lin Xuan has now reached a level of madness in order to earn reputation points, and he has to make careful calculations for every opportunity to earn reputation points to ensure maximum benefits!

While the two of them were talking, they had already crossed the World Passage and returned to the Sabaody Archipelago.

Afterwards, Lin Xuan also set off for Nine Snake Island.

This matter is not only about the safety of the Empress, but also about Lin Xuan's face and the face of their ninja guild, Lin Xuan naturally has to deal with it immediately!.

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