
Chapter 14 is all subdued (please support all kinds of votes~)

“We have a total of fifty-two people in a row, one The platoon leader, a second lieutenant, a deputy platoon leader, and a second lieutenant are absent, three squad leaders, and three deputy squad leaders. Each squad is divided into three combat groups, led by three corporals. There are five full members.”

Clay began to explain to William the organization of the entire row, as one of the three classes in the row, including William and Clay, one row at a time There are seventeen people in total.

In William’s impression, this is actually a relatively large system. Of course, this is the foreign world after all, and some things cannot be directly substituted.

“I will lead the first squad in this battle.”

Sergeant Clay looked serious, he was trying his best to restrain his emotions, not to let him He showed an unwilling expression.

“Are you very unwilling?”

However, William, who “hates dogs and hates dogs”, directly exposed his thoughts, making his efforts to restrain himself like a joke.


With Second Lieutenant Bellmere watching, no matter how much Sergeant Clay was unwilling in his heart, he would not dare to bring it up.

After all, it was the order given by Second Lieutenant Bellmere to let William take over as a squad leader, and he immediately stood up to sing the opposite.

“en? Clay, is it possible that .you want to take over as a squad leader?”

Bellmere asked in hindsight astonishment, while she This reaction was what allowed Sergeant Clay to truly break the defense.

Because this, without a doubt, illustrates the brutal fact that Lieutenant Bellmere probably, simply did not consider letting him take over as a squad leader.


Looking at Sergeant Clay who was speechless, William observed a second of silence for him. This feeling of trying to show but not being seen, probably every time. Have you ever felt it before?

I have to say, it’s really tough.

“Sorry, Sergeant Clay, I have seen your efforts.

However, I don’t think you are capable of being a squad leader for the time being. It is suitable to be the assistant squad leader of the squad, and your talents can be better used in the position of the squad assistant.”

Seems to have noticed the loss of Sergeant Clay, Bellmere made an emergency remedy, and her These words made Sergeant Clay take a deep breath.

“Please stop talking, Lieutenant Bellmere, I understand that compared to Sergeant William, I am really weak, and I will try my best to assist Sergeant William.”

Sergeant Clay bowed deeply and asked Bellmere, who was “comforting” him, that this 1.9-meter tall man seemed so humble at this time. Sure enough, the most painful injury in the world. , is always true damage.

“I’m relieved to think so.”

Bellmere patted Clay’s shoulder in relief, and then she gave William a slightly amused look.

I don’t know what she’s proud of, does she think she’s helping? Help solve a hidden danger?

“If you don’t mind, I would like to convene a squad of Seamans. As comrades who will fight side by side in the future, I think I should show my strength. As squad leader, I should convince the warriors. .”

William can’t help but see, the position of “squad leader”, he thinks he shouldn’t be able to do it for a long time, but this position is actually very convenient for him.

After all, as the lowest level of the entire army management organization, not the “officer” of the officer, the squad leader will be directly responsible for the combat tasks, training tasks, duty tasks, etc. of all warriors in the entire squad. manager.

In this position, William can confidently exercise his soldiers and clean up everyone’s “EXP”.

“Of course there is no problem, there is still practice in the afternoon.”

Clay replies, his mentality has returned to calm now, after all things have been settled, and William’s strength, He was really convinced, maybe he didn’t get to be the headmaster, it was because he was not strong enough.

“Okay, that’s it.”

William nodded, and the three of them chatted.

Soon, the lunch break time passed, and the afternoon practice time came. William, Bellmere, and Clay came to the training ground together. Bellmere assembled the entire row.

First of all, Bellmere naturally wants to introduce William to his comrades. After all, everyone will fight, train and live together in the future, and they are brothers who get along day and night.

“This is Sergeant William Crow, an outstanding graduate of Marine School, who will be the class monitor.”

Bellmere to William, the “outstanding Marine graduate,” “I still feel a little proud of my identity.

In the time of chatting at noon, she had a general understanding of William’s experience after going to sea. Bellmere really has a kind of honor for this younger brother in her village who has suffered through hardships and finally made it to the top. Yan feeling.

However, for this “airborne sergeant” who suddenly appeared, the other two sergeants who were the same as William’s squad leader, the sergeants in the other two squads, and the “airborne sergeant” who was about to be under William’s jurisdiction. The Seamans in one row and one shift all have different views, and apparently very few are welcoming.

William could see their expressions clearly, but he was not annoyed, and even understood their thoughts.

The two sergeants, apparently shot and stabbed from the bottom, threw their heads and poured their blood, finally climbed up. Seeing such “academic soldiers” as him would naturally be disgusting. convinced.

And most of those sergeants have the same idea as Sergeant Clay, one squad leader is missing in one row, and if they want to make up for it, naturally they can only get from their sergeants. Promotion, Sergeant Clay is indeed the greatest hope, but it does not mean that other sergeants have no possibility of taking over.

As for the Seamans in the first class, most of them were out of the mentality of grievances for Sergeant Clay. Only the five Seamans who had played against William were a little worried.

“I know that the overwhelming majority among you are not very convinced of me, and a squad leader, if he can’t convince the crowd, is obviously not good at leading a team, so if you have any Anyone who doesn’t agree, just come and challenge me!”

Looking at the “row” of Seaman who were whispering in front of him, William stood up directly and stood in front of Bellmere.

As soon as he said these words, the entire row of Seaman was absolute silence.

“Don’t worry, I’ll never fight back, I’m standing here, as long as someone can knock me back, I’ll let him do the job of the squad leader!”

Looking at the “row” of Seamans who seemed to be stunned by his unconventional cards, William took another shot, and he was going to beat the entire row of Seaman today. .


_(:D)| ̄|_

(this chapter end)

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