
Chapter 35 Garp’s Home The solution, after all, he had just transferred Ace to Mount Gorbo, and then Marine came to the door. Whoever changed it must have overreacted!

Garp didn’t want to let the sacrifice of Ace’s mother Portgas · D · Rouge fall short because of his problems.

“Stinky brat! Come back to me soon! I really want to come to Foosha Village, and I’ll come back after I finish the report! Did you hear that?!”

In order to hide her overreaction, Garp punched William directly, and then drove William away.

Garp really doesn’t know what to say to this little fellow.

Golbo Mountain has a complex terrain and can be called an extremely dangerous deep mountain forest. Many Mountain Bandit is hidden in it. After so many years, there is simply no one who is willing to take care of it.

As a result, this little fellow just came to East Blue a few days ago, and he was eyeing here, Garp can only sigh with emotion “newborn calves do not fear tigers”.

He is very pleased with William’s positive attitude. Although this little fellow is not very disciplined, maybe he can really become an excellent Marine.

“Wait, wait a minute, Garp old man, I’m already here, won’t you invite me to sit at your house?”

Where will the rising “EXP” William be willing to go? He desperately wanted to be a guest at Garp’s house.

“I don’t have a disciplinarian Marine in my house!”

Garp flatly refused, then punched William again.

[Rank increase, get 1 draw times]

Seeing this prompt, William is even more energetic.

Isn’t that much faster than fighting the Pirate and paying someone to “EXP”? ! Sure enough, the most cheap people are invincible!

“Garp grandfather, stop fighting! Stop fighting!”

William was secretly relieved, and Makino, who was stunned by the side, finally reacted, she was a little anxious shouted.

William’s previous words obviously left a good impression on Makino. She thinks that William should be a good person, and he is also a very brave good person. Golbo Mountain is very important to the people of Foosha Village. It is a very dangerous place, and usually no one dares to go there.

“Are you going?”

Makino’s request made Garp stop. Garp still has a lot of affection for this cute little girl.

“Don’t go.”

William’s neck was stiff, highlighting a dead face.

“No, I’ll leave later.”

How could William not leave?

If he dares to drive the Battleship and lose contact with the new recruits, can’t he kill him with a knife when he goes back to Bellmere?

But it doesn’t seem to work? Anyway, Bellmere can’t kill him, William suddenly reacted, wouldn’t this serve multiple purposes? Can you go back and harvest another wave?

I have to say that William has always been very innate talent when it comes to not being a human being, and a dog has to say “real dog” when he sees it.

“Forget it, Garp, let these Seamans stay for dinner, that’s not how we entertain guests at Foosha Village.”

Mayor Up Slapp It’s a little hard to watch next to him, and Garp is a little too harsh on this second lieutenant.

This reminded him of the dragon in his youth, when Garp would beat him with his fist at every turn.

“Slap, you don’t understand, this little fellow is just untidy!”

Garp shook the head, but didn’t rush William and the others away.

Upshrap shook the head, he always took Garp’s words as farts when it came to educating children.

“Unfortunately, there is not even a decent place to eat in the village. If you don’t mind, please come to my house. It just happens that I have fresh vegetables that I just received recently.”

Slap ignores Garp, then speaks to William and the others.

“Let’s come to my house. I happen to have no one in my house, so I can hold these guys, but remember to call your old woman over to cook for us. There should be no food at home.”

Garp picked his nose, but he wasn’t polite to the village chief Slapp at all. They were indeed old acquaintances.

“You bastard.”

The village chief of Slapp, who called the head, also had nothing to do with Garp, but he didn’t mind taking care of Garp.

After all, the reason why Foosha Village can be peaceful and quiet here is a very important reason. Every time Garp comes back, he goes to intimidate the little ones around.

“I’m going to open a pub in the village in the future!”

Listening to the old man’s words, Makino suddenly raised her little hand and said, her little blush looking excited.

“Hahaha! Good! I’ll definitely cheer for you when the pub opens!”

Makino’s cute look made Garp laugh, he “haha” laughed and said with a smile, This makes Makino happy straight nodded.

“I’ll be there too.”

William also said, after all, Makino’s tavern, the place where all stories begin, is quite important.

“Thank you, Lieutenant William.”

Makino thanked William blushing.

“Just call me William big brother.”

William gentle said with a smile, what I have to say is that his handsome face, coupled with this harmless to humans and animals’ smiles look really deceptive, especially for women.


William was punched in the head, and Garp was looking at him with a “nuclear” look, his eyes were clearly warning him.

William couldn’t help rolling his eyes. He didn’t have any strange thoughts about a little girl who was only eleven or twelve years old. Besides Ace, does this child have anything else?

“I’m going home first.”

Makino politely bid farewell to everyone with a flushed face, and then trotted all the way back to his home.

“Let’s go, go back after dinner, as a Marine, you have to be disciplined, don’t be so casual.”

Arriving in front of his house, Garp The old man still taught William tirelessly, but William turned a deaf ear, and he was full of curiosity about Garp’s home.

However, William was a little disappointed, but he felt that as it should be by rights, Garp’s home was very ordinary, so ordinary that it was quite ordinary in Foosha Village. It looks like a very ordinary two-story building.

“Just sit down, don’t mind, I haven’t been back for a while, so it might be a little dirty, you insisted on coming.”

Garp opened the door, and the people in the room The light is ok, the tables and chairs are a bit old, but it’s actually quite clean.

“It looks like someone cleaned it.”

Garp froze for a moment, then whispered.

“Will it be the legendary Mr. Long?”

William’s spirit came to him instantly, besides Garp, the only one who would come to the Monkey Family should be that ” Revolutionary Army leader “Dragon? Haven’t heard of Monkey Family or anyone else.

Ask for a ticket~Ask for a ticket~~~

(End of this chapter)

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