
Chapter 38 Courage (please support all kinds of votes~)

The topography of Mount Gorbo is indeed as Garp said, It is difficult to conduct large-scale marches.

The mountains are full of towering trees covering the heavens, shielding the sun, and there is no road. Where to go is entirely by groping.

Fortunately, William also has a hand in navigation. Although it doesn’t work much on land, it’s not a problem to simply judge a direction. After all, some things can be used everywhere.

But he wasn’t sure that he could find the stronghold of the Sig Mountain Bandit regiment, because the information given by the village chief of Slapp was too little.

The village chief of Slapp did not know where the stronghold of the SIG Mountain Bandit regiment was. His knowledge of the SIG Mountain Bandit regiment only came from hearsay, and only knew a general orientation.

William took the new recruits into the mountains. In fact, it was more about pretending to exercise the courage of these new recruits.

These six new recruits are also very young. Although they are definitely older than William, they are only seventeen or eighteen.

“Take a break, who, Igley, you roasted these rabbits, Tal, Tipper, and Gore are on guard, Phyllis, Ellis, you brothers Come with me.”

Walking in the mountains for a while, William ordered to rest in place.

They were not idle on the road. They beat a few rabbits at random. A group of half-big brat was the best time to eat. They just ate at noon and ran in the mountains for two or three hours in the afternoon. Immediately hungry again, just in time to roast rabbits.

“Yes, Lieutenant!”

The six new recruits responded in succession. Igley, who was tall and chubby, was in charge of roasting rabbits; The three of Er were in charge of vigilance, while the two brothers, Phyllis and Ellis, were taken by William to the nearby mountain spring to fetch water.

In sea navigation, fresh water is one of the most important resources. William and his team still have a lot of water on the Battleship, but when they disembarked, they only brought a small water bottle with them.

Aside from the issue of Mountain Bandit, the scenery of Golbo Mountain is actually pretty good. Building a hut is sure to be a pleasure to live in.

Of course, the premise is to have enough strength. In addition to Mountain Bandit, there are also many dangerous wild animals in Golbo Mountain.

On the bank of Ding Dong stream, there are many animals drinking water at this time. When they sensed the approach of William and the “Lis brothers”, the animals immediately became alert. The deer and squirrels who had been peaceful , Birds, etc. immediately fled quickly.

“This place is really good. It’s a pity for the Mountain Bandit to occupy it. The farmers who live around this mountain probably don’t dare to go up the mountain, right? This time there is a lot less meat sources.”

The big brother Phyllis in “Lis Two Brothers” sighed with emotion.

“Yes, without the wild game in the mountains, farmers who want to eat meat can only eat fish, and eating fish every day is also very tired.”

younger brother Avery Si then said that the two brothers are not too old, one is 18 and the other is 17. In the world before William, it was the age to study hard for the future, but in this world, They had to fight and kill for a living.

“It’s not that bad. There are also a lot of people who raise chickens, ducks, cattle and sheep. It’s just that there is less income from hunting.”

Sitting on the rocks on the shore , William took a sip of water. He felt that it would be good to come out and enjoy a pleasant afternoon occasionally.

“Unfortunately, I was planning to go out for an outing this time.”

William’s ears moved, and he sighed with regret.

“Go and inform them and prepare to fight.”

William ordered Phyllis and Ellis who were drawing water, and then he ignored the confused two. Brother, the figure quickly disappeared, and rushed towards the target.

“Oops! Oops! It’s Marine! Marine has come into the mountains!”

Not far from where William and the others drew water, two Mountain Bandit with buckets Looking at them with lost one’s head out of fear.

“Go back and report to Boss Sig!”

I don’t want the two Mountain Bandit buckets, I just unloaded the burden and ran away quickly, even to check how many people there are in Marine. There is no courage, and the quality of Mountain Bandit is evident.

“Looks like luck, and actually went in the right direction.”

William flickered and came to the place where the two Mountain Bandit dropped the buckets, looked towards the In the direction of the escape of the two Mountain Bandit, he had to sigh with emotion, “Blind cat meets dead mouse”, he just walked in the direction pointed by the village chief of Slapp, and actually found the Mountain Bandit group of Sieg.


With a saber in hand, six new recruits, Phyllis, Ellis, Tull, Tipper, Gore, and Igley, caught up with them .

William’s sudden order made the six new recruits panic.

Phyllis and Ellis, who were drawing water, took the water bottles and ran back, while the four Igleys who received the order didn’t even care about the rabbit who had already driven to the fire, and took the water bottle. With a saber, he chased in the direction of William’s disappearance.

“Second Lieutenant William! Have you found the seat of the Sig Mountain Bandit regiment?”

The nervousness of the six new recruits exhibits one’s feelings in one’s speech, after all, with Sig Mountain Bandit The battle of the regiment will be their first battle in the true sense.

“Sure, don’t be nervous, it’ll be over soon.”

William laughed, although these six guys are new recruits, but compared to Mountain Bandit, that’s still excellent A lot of.

“gu lu.”

The new recruits are still nervous, but William simply didn’t give them any nervous time, he’s already gone.

William took the lead, leading the charge, and soon he was at the base of the Sieg Mountain Bandit regiment, a small camp of modest houses.

Because William came so quickly, the Sig Mountain Bandit regiment had not even recovered from the news from the messenger.

“Marine is here! Marine has come to the door!”

When the Mountain Bandits on guard outside shouted, Seeger was in the house with a bottle of wine, Thinking about why Marine was in the vicinity, now he doesn’t have to.

“oh la la!”

Sig rushed out the door with the bottle in hand. What he saw was the extremely flustered Mountain Bandit and a Marine who broke into the camp. Second lieutenant, there were several corpses lying beside that Marine second lieutenant, and Sieg’s eyes suddenly panicked.

“Is no one coming? Don’t worry, as long as you listen to me, I will give you a good time, just like these guys.”

Standing in the crowd , William is encouraging the Mountain Bandits.

However, these Mountain Bandits are not even as good as the “Krieg Pirates” mob, they don’t even have the courage to go forward.

“Go! Lieutenant William! We’ll help you!”

Mountain Bandit’s lack of courage, but the six new recruits brought by William are very courageous. After William was “surrounded”, six new recruits without the slightest hesitation launched a charge to rescue William who was surrounded by Mountain Bandit.

I want all kinds of tickets~~~

(End of this chapter)

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