
Chapter 45 He is not a random hacker (please support all kinds of votes~)


With a wave of Sunil’s arm, ten hands about 1.5 meters in length deflected bullets. The 21 million bounty gold Pirate is obviously not a vain name, he can’t just shoot to death , at least William had a hard time shooting him.


Sunil’s feet made a force, and the whole person rushed towards William. The thorn in the ten hands pointed directly at William’s chest.

William narrowed his eyes, and continued to shoot while pulling back. A rapid burst of fire from the “CZ-75 pistol” forced Sunil to stop. Such a rapid rate of fire obviously made Sunil. Very uncomfortable, he was tired of blocking for a while.

William retracted the “CZ-75 pistol” to his waist. He had already realized that it would be very difficult to shoot the “Skull Breaker” with his shooting skills, and he had to finally fall to the truth. The duel between the sword and the gun comes up. Of course, closing the gun does not mean that you will not use it later, but you have to wait for a good opportunity to use it again.

“That’s right! Let me see your strength!”

Seeing William put away his pistol and began to concentrate on preparing for melee combat with him, Sunil was wearing sunglasses A smile appeared on his face.

This guy looks a little funny, but he is about the same height as William, and his body looks very strong and exaggerated.


Sunil stepped forward again, this time he only waved ten hands with his right hand, and his left hand was always ready to counterattack.

William is very careful, because the ten-handed weapon is undoubtedly a sword restraint, or the design of this weapon itself is to restrain swords, capture, stun, and capture opponents.

When the ten hands are used, they are mainly to attack the opponent’s wrists, necks and other weak points. If they are used together, they can easily wrap the opponent’s weapons and disarm them.

William raised the knife to hold the swipe of Sunil’s right hand.

With the sound of “Dang”, the force of this blow was very powerful, completely worthy of the exaggerated tendon on Sunil’s body, but William still held the blow firmly.

“It can be done.”

William knew in an instant, facing Sunil’s following left-hand swing, he did not make any countermeasures, but directly Choose a tough resistance to this blow.

“Rokushiki ·Tekkai!”

William’s blood flow rate increased instantly, and he decisively used “Rokushiki ·Tekkai”, which had become more and more proficient.



William couldn’t help taking a deep breath, but he could clearly feel it. , Sunil didn’t break the defense this time. Although this guy’s bounty gold is as high as 21 million, he is a bit far behind Krieg in terms of strength, but this blow is also worth a lot of “EXP”.

The ten hands are in the shape of iron rods about one meter five in length. There are gauntlets, which can be used to block or block the slashes of the framed sword.

Sunil’s “Ten Hands” is obviously a very formal “Ten Hands”, so the “stab” of his “Ten Hands” is a steel rod, and the shots are completely Blunt weapon damage.

The blunt damage of his “Skullbreaker” is incomparable to the blunt damage of “East Blue Overlord” Krieg’s “Battle Gun”, although his strength is actually quite strong , but William’s “Rokushiki · Tekkai” also raised Level 1.


Sunil was stunned for a moment, and then was caught by William at this moment, he bounced the ten hands he was holding, and then the machete swept away , cut directly into Sunil’s lower abdomen.

Sunil instantly came back to his senses, he took a step, pulled his body back, and the machete slashed against his lower abdomen, leaving only a small scratch, ten-handed skill. It is very important to footwork, after all, it is a sharp sword to fight against.

After avoiding William’s slash, Sunil, who was retreating, stopped abruptly, and his ten hands were pinched towards William’s machete. This guy wanted to cut William’s scimitar first. Scimitar clamped and disarmed!

As I said before, the usage of ten hands is very varied, stabbing, striking, blocking, hammering, and you can also use stalking to contain the opponent’s weapons. Now Sunil is playing this kind of abacus. .

William certainly couldn’t get him to, as they had learned how to deal with this weapon back in the Marine training base.

Ten hands are not suitable for military use, because it has neither a sharp blade nor the weight of a whip, mace and other weapons, it can’t break through armor at all, so the best thing to deal with this weapon is heavy armor , Although the ten hands are also blunt weapons, they belong to the blunt weapons that cannot be used to hold heavy armor.

But when dealing with people who don’t wear heavy armor, these ten hands are very dangerous. Some Masters who use ten hands can control other people’s swords with only one ten hands, and even break the sword directly. Then use the other hand to easily smash the throat of the enemy.

But William is not too afraid, because his “Bilgewater machete” is obviously not that fragile, at least this guy wants to break his knife directly.


William slammed the machete down, bounced off the ten hands Sunil wanted to wrap around, and then slammed into Sunil.

William is basically invincible after discovering that Sunil’s ten hands can’t beat his “Rokushiki · Tekkai”.

Although his “heavy armor” can only take effect when he is not moving, “heavy armor” is “heavy armor” after all.

Sunil dodged again. Although he had a strong physique, his footwork was very oily. His physical fitness could only be considered average. bounty gold, relying on this one-hand achieved perfection of ten-handed use of technique and agile footwork.

In battle, he usually disarms the enemy with ten hands first, then slowly toys with the enemy, until finally, he uses his ten hands to smash the skull of the exhausted enemy.

But today, Sunil felt that he had met an opponent, this bastard, Second Lieutenant Marine, whose body was surprisingly hard.

His ten hands hit this guy like it didn’t work at all.

Sunil didn’t give up, he gritted his teeth and continued to fight with William with his footwork. With the advantage of dual-wielding weapons and the ability of weapons to disarm, he kept looking for opportunities to attack William. In the end it always fails.

Sunil gradually became irritable, and this time was naturally the time for William to wait, because people are always prone to mistakes when they are irritable, and once they make mistakes, for Sunil, who relies on footwork, Often fatal.

William took out the “CZ-75 pistol” again, and this action allowed him to take Sunil ten hands.

The moment he saw William stretch out his hand to draw a gun, Sunil hit William’s left wrist with ten hands, and the “CZ-75 pistol” fell off William’s hand and fell to the ground.

While William seemed to fly into a rage out of humiliation, he used his right hand to slash forward and chop Sunil randomly, Sunil flexibly retreated, far away from the attack range of William’s machete .

Then, the cross-shaped sword aura rushed into his face.

12 years ago, 27-year-old Shanks took away the CP9 escort Gomu-Gomu No Mi, I guess he knew something? ┐(-`)┌

(End of this chapter)

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