
Chapter 55 Becoming a good mother (please support all kinds of tickets~)

“Hey, Sergeant Clay, how’s your training going? ?”

Entering the Marine comrade-in-arms’ home, William greeted the Marine comrade-in-arms naturally, yes, this is Sergeant Clay’s home, didn’t expect this guy is still a ” native”.

“Not yet.”

Sergeant Clay smiled and extended his right hand and gave William a high-five.

His left hand was wearing a bandage hanging over his chest, obviously his arm was badly injured, but he didn’t see any other injuries on his body, so he was actually relatively lucky.

“many thanks, you saved me.”

Sergeant Clay’s tone was sincere, and most people have suffered heavy arm injuries in battle, and the next step is obviously to be hacked to death by the enemy.

And Sergeant Clay survived, thanks to William’s timely arrival to save him, so he is very grateful to William.

As for the fact that he did not recommend him to be the squad leader before, he naturally forgot about it. Sergeant Clay is also a good-natured person who is grateful and seeking to repay the kindness. Thanks to Sergeant Clay for offering to help.

“These two children are very obedient and likable.”

An Old Lady holds Nami in one hand and Nojiko in the other, with a kind smile on her face William and Bellmere said she was Sergeant Clay’s mother, and apparently Nami and Nojiko were in her care these two days.

“I’m really bothering you.”

William sincerely thanked the other party, taking care of children is not an easy thing, especially taking care of other people’s children. It’s hard work to serve you like you’re serving your ancestors.

“No trouble, these two kids are too obedient.”

The woman shook her head, always complimenting Nojiko and Nami.

“Are you two going to take them away?”

Sergeant Clay’s mother asked, she had heard from her son before that the two Marine 2nd Lieutenants seemed to be taking them away. She was a little worried about the two girls being brought back to the Marine branch to raise them.

“Yes, we Captain just agreed, Bellmere she immediately pulled me over to take the children over.”

William spread his hands, a little helpless replied .

And at this time, he finally noticed Bellmere’s strangeness. After Sergeant Clay’s mother brought Nojiko and Nami out, Bellmere lost his voice immediately, and it was obvious that something was wrong. .

“Bellmere? Aren’t you going to say something?”

William stretched out his hand and shook it in front of Bellmere’s eyes, awakening Bellmere who had been in a daze for no apparent reason.

“What? What?”

Bellmere was a little impatient, and her mood suddenly became impatient, as if she had discovered something serious.

Then Bellmere took a step back, bowing to Sergeant Clay’s mother under everyone’s astonished gaze.

“I was wrong! I shouldn’t have been in such a hurry to take them away! Please teach me how to take care of the children first!”

Bellmere’s tone was earnest, she noticed How unreliable her previous thoughts were, she only wanted to bring these two children back to the 16th branch and bring them to her side for training.

But she didn’t realize that these two children are still very fragile and young. If they are not taken care of well, they may be in mortal danger, especially the little Nami who is still in swaddling.

Bellmere, an orphan since childhood, recalled her childhood experiences. Every time she fell ill, she was almost on the Gates of Hell. simply cannot live now.

Clay mother nods with a smile, with a look of relief on her face, she has been worrying just now, these two lieutenants are very young, even her son is much younger.

At this age, let alone let them take care of children, they may even be just children themselves.

Cray mother is very worried, is it really okay to give these two dolls to them? Can they really take care of it? Are they capable of taking care of children?

Although we have only been together for more than two days, the two girls, Nojiko and Nami, have left a very good impression on Cray mother, which may be the reason why I always want to hug my grandson. , Clay mother thought more than once, how good it would be if these two girls were her children.

But those worries all dissipated when Bellmere bowed to her and said she would have to learn how to take care of the children and then pick up the two children.

“Second Lieutenant Bellmere, you will definitely be a good mother.”

Cray’s mother sighed, and she was right.

“Come with me, please, and I’ll teach you my experience.”

Clay’s mother was serious, and Bellmere was nodded, too. I will try my best to look good.

“That’s great”

William and Clay, who were standing beside them, sighed.

To be honest, William doesn’t have that kind of awareness right now.

Although he did his best to promote the whole thing and this result, he obviously didn’t really plan to take care of these two children, otherwise he could “adopt” himself instead of ignoring them. To have Bellmere “adopted”.

For Nami and Nojiko, the emotion in William’s heart is more of a emotion for the important figure in the original work.

Otherwise, there are so many refugees and war orphans in the relief center, why did he only choose these two? It is nothing more than feelings at play.

But fortunately, he also knows that he is not a “good father” material, so he has no brains to be the adoptive father of Nojiko and Nami, but tries his best to promote Bellmere to adopt them, Bellmere will definitely be A good mother, William still believed.

“Whoever married Lieutenant Bellmere would be very happy, right? I don’t know which man would be cheaper.”

Beside William, Sergeant Clay couldn’t help it. Expressed emotion.

“What? You have an idea?”

William looked towards him with a smile, but Sergeant Clay just smiled wryly.

“How can I be worthy of it? Second Lieutenant Bellmere is so good, people like us only regard her as an idol, how can we dare to think of her badly?”

Sergeant Clay’s tone was sincere, clearly speaking from the bottom of his heart.

William was silent and did not answer, but his heart was full of emotion, Bellmere’s strength is not strong, just a little stronger than ordinary people, but for these ordinary Seaman people In other words, that’s already to the point of being “impossible”.

In this brief moment, William can suddenly understand the two servants of Hina in the original book, Zangao and Fenbudi, because of their longing for Hina, are determined to follow her as Marine. Do these Seamans think alike?

William sighed with emotion, and waited at Sergeant Clay’s house until the evening. Bellmere was really good at learning, and William would never come with him after he decided!

I want all kinds of tickets~~~

(End of this chapter)

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