
Chapter 67 Escorting criminals (two-in-one please subscribe~)

It is a very painful thing to put orange particles in the teeth , even someone like William, who is usually not fighting or on the way to fight, can’t stand it.

After all, “Toothache is not a disease, it hurts really badly”, this kind of pain straight through the nerve is indeed a bit difficult.

However, for personal safety, and in order to use the skill of scurvy therapy (Planck), William must persevere through this painful process.

Sadly, however, neither the resilience of the scurvy therapy (Planck) nor the resilience of the “half-demon bloodline” (the dog Yaksha) understood William’s intentions.

Although it is difficult for William to regenerate his severed limbs, it is not difficult for his recovery ability if he just restores his teeth.

The difficulty is how to get the new teeth to wrap the orange grains.

William’s new teeth were as good as ever, completely ignoring the idea of him wanting to stuff oranges in them.

“It’s numb.”

William’s expression froze. In fact, he can understand it. This is normal. If it can be pushed in, it will be a problem. Where there is no recovery, the existence of these recovery abilities is to heal the wounds of the body, not to give him full use.

However, William has never been one to give up easily, and one failure is not enough to make him give up this idea.


Under Roronoa Zoro’s shocked and even terrified gaze, William’s mouth began to bleed again, and he spat out some white from his mouth again. of broken teeth.

Well, this time is a little whiter than the last ones, after all, it’s new teeth that have just grown in and are not yet warm.

Roronoa ·Zoro: “.”

Although he doesn’t know what William is doing, this scene in front of him can definitely become his “childhood shadow”, deeply imprinted in his memory.

And by the third time, Roronoa · Zoro has some numb, maybe this is William’s special hobby?

William did not pay attention to the mood changes of the little Marimo-head, his mind was on how to make the new teeth cover the orange grains, and in the third time, he finally succeeded, Although the successful method is somewhat unexpected.

It turns out that the recovery ability of scurvy therapy (Planck) and “half-demon bloodline” (dog Yaksha) is not intelligent enough, and the only thing that is “intelligent” is Jenova cells.

I don’t know if it was to please him or not. During William’s experiment, the Xenovia cells, whose fitness gradually improved, helped William complete the work before the two recovery abilities took effect. His plan was to wrap the compressed tiny orange granules with new teeth.

William: “.”

This peculiar unfolding is really something he didn’t expect.

But new questions come one after another. Will these teeth be preserved after the fitness of Xenovia cells is cleared?

William was not in a hurry to be happy, but then started to verify the problem. If these teeth disappeared along with the fit, then it would really be a waste of joy.

However, the final result made him sighed in relief, these teeth did not disappear as the fitness of Xenovia cells was cleared, maybe because these teeth could not affect anything, or maybe Xenovia cells simply constructed a “shell” and were considered harmless behavior.

So, under the deliberate ingratitude of the “Jenovia cell”, William finally succeeded in achieving his goal. He suddenly found that the Jenova cell was quite practical.

William hid the last two teeth on the upper and lower sides into the orange grains, a total of eight, definitely enough for him to deal with some dangerous situations, if eight are not enough, it means that kind of situation, Nor can it be solved by eating oranges.

“Aren’t you going to stop playing?”

Seeing that William didn’t continue, Roronoa Zoro asked weakly, William really scared him.

“.Go to bed!”

William face full of black lines, and immediately urged little Marimo-head to go to bed, he was busy here for a long time, peeling oranges and It was a tooth change, and it was already early morning.

“You don’t sleep at a young age, be careful not to grow taller.”

William slipped the little Marimo-head onto the bed and forced the little fellow to sleep, no wonder he would every night in the future I only slept for three hours, it turned out that I didn’t like to sleep since I was a child.

After pressing the little Marimo-head on the bed, William didn’t care about him anymore, no matter whether the little Marimo-head slept or not, he was going to sleep anyway. Make sure you get at least four hours of sleep at night.

In the early morning of the second day, William dragged the little Marimo-head to get up and wash. The little fellow went to bed late and got up early, but he was not affected at all, and he was still full of energy.

So William decided to take him out for morning exercises. He did stretching, running, and various strength and endurance training step by step, and little Marimo-head was always there.

He is learning from William. Although his movements are nondescript and can’t keep up with the progress, he is trying his best to keep up with William, which makes Seaman click one’s tongue in wonder and feel that William is a new lieutenant. This doll I picked up is very interesting, and it is very competitive at a young age.

“Captain Kahle, are you looking for me?”

After the morning exercise, William was about to set sail when a messenger called Seaman to stop him and ask him to meet Captain Kale.

“Well, there is something you need to do.”

Captain’s beard is unshaven, looking a little tired, with a cigarette in his mouth, his eyes are slightly scattered , a standard “after overwork” look.

William has been running around very fulfilling these days, but Captain Kahler has been dealing with the follow-up matters of the “Oycott Kingdom Rescue Battle”, and he is really tired enough.

“What’s the matter?”

William is a little weird, is there any fight going on recently? Does the branch still have the energy to launch large-scale military operations?

He still has a very clear positioning for himself, that is, the “strongest fighter” and “ace battle strength” of Marine’s 16th branch. If you find him, it must be a fight.

“Delivering criminals.”

Captain Culler frowned, his work was finally done, and all that was left was escorting criminals and handing in reports.

“Mike? And how many other cadres?”

William raised his eyebrows, is the transport of criminals going to Impel Down?

“Yes, those guys with relatively high bounty in Sika Pirates, but you don’t need to send them to Impel Down, I have already contacted the headquarter, they will send someone to do the handover, you just need to go Loguetown just waits.”

Captain Culler confessed that he hoped William would do his job honestly and not make a fool of him.

To be honest, if it wasn’t for fear that others were not strong enough and could easily make mistakes, Captain Kahler really didn’t want William to go. This guy is suitable for anticipation during fights, and he can always make out. Some flowers come alive.

Captain Calle already knew that William had brought back another boy. If he hadn’t known that William wasn’t that kind of person, Captain Calle would really have started an investigation on William.

“Don’t worry, Kale Captain, you are guaranteed to complete the mission.”

William is very confident, after all, “Sika Deer Pirates” is not from East Blue, and there should be no difference. Long-eyed came to hijack the ship to save them, and even if there were, it was just to add a few more criminals to him. After all, East Blue, this piece of land, is probably not as powerful as “Sika Deer Pirates” stronger.

“That’s it, by the way, the news report about the last incident will be sent out soon, so be prepared.”

After explaining the task, Kahler Captain also reminded that William will soon become an “East Blue star”, so he must be mentally prepared.

“I’ve been looking forward to it for a long time.”

William joked, he didn’t think that being famous would be anything, and it shouldn’t affect his normal life.

“It will satisfy you.”

Kaler Captain was also laughed, then waved to William to go out and prepare, requesting to leave tomorrow morning.

In addition to the tasks and news, this time, Captain Carle also submitted a promotion application for William. As long as the above approval is approved, William will be promoted to lieutenant.

Kaler Captain didn’t listen to William’s previous statement, what to take this credit for in exchange for the right to let Nami and Nojiko live in the branch, that’s all bullshit. the most basic thing to do.

Actually, William’s credit and strength are enough for him to be promoted to captain, but considering that his real enlistment time is too short, he is still a new recruit that cannot be renewed. The promotion was a little too fast.

The most important thing is that Captain Carle still has selfishness in his heart. Although he can’t erase William’s credit, he doesn’t want William to be too dazzling. He doesn’t want William to be too dazzling. Was recruited by the headquarters early.

Captain Kahler has understood that with William’s strength and innate talent, it is a matter of time before he is transferred to the headquarters. Do something more at East Blue.

“Goodbye, Captain Kahler.”

Will waved his hand, William left Captain Kahler’s office, but he didn’t know what Captain Kahler was thinking, he was going now Isshin Dojo, Frost Moon Village, please take some time off.

It has only been two days since his apprenticeship, so he will be absent from class for a period of time. This must be explained to master Koshiro Shuangyue, and his class cannot be missed. He has to study in advance, and then Practice on the way to Loguetown.

With Roronoa ·Zoro, William soon came to Frost Moon Village. The Seamans have already run too familiar with this route. Even if the sea route to Frost Moon Village is not easy, they can still relax now. all the way through.

“Master Frostmoon, I’m going to take a few days off. We’ve caught a group of Pirates from the Grand Line, and I’m going to send them to Loguetown to hand over to Impel Down.”

Arriving at Isshin Dojo and seeing Koshiro Shiroyuki, William, without any precautions, told him his mission.

Shuangyue Koshiro looked a little surprised, because the news had not been published in the newspapers, so they had not heard about the Oykot Kingdom and the Sika deer Pirates.

William briefly talked about it, which made Koshiro look solemn. Obviously, Pirates’ demonic behavior made him feel very shocked and disgusted.

“Good catch.”

Shizuki Koshiro affirmed this.

“But. What about your classes?”

However, William was a little worried that he might not be able to come for several days.

Practicing sword technique is not like fishing for three days and drying nets for two days.

In this regard, William put forward his idea, which is to simply go through the content to be learned in the past few days, and then at sea, he will practice hard by himself.

“Very good, that’s fine.”

Shuangyue Koshiro is satisfied with nodded, not because of how good this learning method is, he is satisfied with William’s learning attitude and good learning Attitude is the foundation of success.

“Where’s this kid? Are you going to take him with you?”

Looking towards the little Marimo-head who was having fun in the Way of Sword room, Koshiro Shuangyue asked.

“Of course not, I’ll leave him to my colleague to take care of him.”

William shook the head and took this guy. In the event of a fight, and taking care of him, William didn’t want to artificially increase the difficulty.

“Actually, it’s okay to keep him here. I can help you take care of him for a few days and let him be a company with Kuina.”

Shuangyue Koshiro looked towards William and asked for his opinion.

This sudden proposal made William understand that Koshiro’s recognition of himself should have risen to a new level, otherwise he would not be willing to help him take care of his children.

“Of course it’s better. This kid is very interested in bamboo knives. Maybe he will be a good seedling to practice sword technique in the future. It’s good to let him feel the atmosphere in advance.”

William naturally agrees with Koshiro’s proposal. It is better to let Roronoa Zoro live in Isshin Dojo than to make trouble in the branch base. Moreover, he feels that Roronoa Zoro seems to be the same as in the branch base. More like at Isshin Dojo.

Looking at the little Marimo-head who was obsessed with Kuina and was very jealous of the bamboo knife in her hand, William decided to make one for him now. I really can’t do it myself.

A day passed quickly, William and Koshiro Shiroyuki quickly went through the things to be practiced in the past few days.

Before leaving, William also made a bamboo knife by himself, finally fulfilling his promise to Roronoa · Zoro, which made little Marimo-head very happy.

In fact, it is a bamboo sword. The specification of this bauble is more like a wakizashi, but it is more than enough for little fellows.

Give the “Bamboo Knife” to the little Marimo-head, William patted his head warned repeatedly:

“In the past few days, listen to Master Frost Moon, don’t make trouble, or come back to me I can’t spare you.”

This epidemic is outrageous

(End of this chapter)

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