
Chapter 78 Leaving Loguetown (2-in-1 for subscription~)

Clement Captain looked at William blankly, he wanted to Judging the authenticity of this sentence from William’s expression.

And he came to the conclusion: “William is serious.”

Clement Captain looked complicated. It’s not easy for him in character, but he is really very tangled.

Privately, he didn’t think William was a guy who would joke about this kind of thing at a time like this, but “regenerating a broken arm” sounded too outrageous.

Looking at the little bean in William’s hand, Clement Captain only felt that his mind was about to spin.

“What? Don’t you believe it?”

William was a little puzzled, but Clement Captain didn’t look like he didn’t believe it, but seemed to be struggling to accept it or not.


Clement Captain sighed, under the slightly blank gaze of the Loguetown Captain, he opened his mouth slowly.

“Second Lieutenant William, I know you’ve always liked to play pranks and jokes with friends, subordinates, and bosses, but isn’t this joke a bit too much for someone who just broke his hand? I think We need to separate for a while, and we will meet after we have calmed down.”

Captain Clement suddenly lowered his face, as if he was suppressing his anger, he waved his right hand to signal William to leave , It seems that I really don’t want to see him for the time being.

This made the complexion of the Loguetown Captain return to normal. Was it actually the character of Second Lieutenant William?

A handsome Marine who looks quite normal, but he has such a bad personality. I heard that he has a good relationship with Smoker. Sure enough, it’s not a good thing. A vile joke.

I have to say that the outrageous level of “rebirth from a broken limb” is amazing enough even in the “Pirate King” world.

In this world, the general method of dealing with “dismembered limbs” is to just cut them off. Of course, this is for ordinary people.

And those who have access can use scientific means to install a robotic arm or something, and those who have the ability can use their Devil Fruit to get a prosthesis out.

Of course, “Xiandou”‘s unremarkable appearance is also one of the reasons. It really doesn’t look like something that can “reborn a broken limb”.


William withdrew his hand and put the fairy beans back into the System. The attitude change of Clement Captain seemed natural, but William could see it. The difference in it.

Based on what he knew about Clement Captain, what he said just now was very strange, obviously intentional.

This made William realize what he was worried about. Clement Captain was willing to believe his words, but he was unwilling to accept his gift. He didn’t want to make extra troubles.

I glanced at the Loguetown Captain, William shrugged, who was standing next to me, but didn’t care what this guy thought.

“Well, I just wanted to liven things up a bit, maybe a little too much? But I did it with good intentions.”

William took Clement Captain’s words , he expressed his innocence, and then he didn’t mention what happened just now, he turned around and left, and the one who left was a neat and tidy one.

“This Second Lieutenant William”

Loguetown Captain shook the head, William’s image, in his mind, had begun to draw an equal sign with Smoker.

“Let him go, we are used to it. This may be the particularity of geniuses, and it is difficult for ordinary people to understand them.”

Take this opportunity, Clement Captain also expressed his true thoughts. He did feel that William was “weird”. This “weird” was because William was too “fearless”, as if he really wouldn’t die.

“Second Lieutenant William is indeed a person full of mysterious sense”

Although William and Smoker have been quietly drawn in the heart, the Loguetown Captain has to admit, William is a lot harder to understand than Smoker, and more eccentric and mysterious in terms of strength.

“His ability. Obviously it is unique to Zoan Devil Fruit, but he is not afraid of sea water, and he was injured so much that he was alive again”

Loguetown Captain couldn’t help but stunned, only felt that William seemed to be shrouded in mystery, which was really confusing.

On the other side, William, who had left, had already returned to his residence. He started to pack his things, and there was no point in staying here any longer. He was going to prepare to return to the 16th branch.

Clement Captain’s attitude is very clear, that is, he doesn’t want to cause him trouble, and William can understand him.

Because once he can come up with such a magical thing, he will definitely be targeted. Whether it is Pirate or any other force, it is trouble and danger for him.

To be honest, this moved William very much. Captain Clément was indeed a very pure person. When he first met him, he responded to Captain Calle’s call and participated in the “Oycott” together. Kingdom Saving Battle”, and just now, he sacrificed an arm to save Loguetown Captain, obviously he and Loguetown Captain are not so speculative.

William is not surprised that Captain Clément does this kind of refusal to accept the “fairy beans” these days.

One is that he doesn’t want to cause trouble to William, and the other is that Captain Clément is also good-faced. He is impossible to accept such a precious thing as William, and he is very principled.

“Actually, I don’t really care about trouble.”

William sighed, he dared to tell Clement Captain so blatantly, it shows that he is not afraid of trouble.

The “Jenova Cell” has proved to him that death in the physiological sense of ordinary people has no meaning to him, and he is not afraid of death, so what is he afraid of? Tortured? That will only give him more EXP.

If I have to say, he is actually the biggest trouble in this world now. If he chooses to rot, then Xenovia cells will proliferate in this world, which is undoubtedly a problem for this world. A colossal catastrophe.

Actually, William still had some vague expectations, and he kind of hoped that more trouble would come to him.

In this way, he can quickly become stronger with the “help” of powerful enemies. This battle with “Shiliew of the Rain” has brought him more improvement than the previous battles. too many.

Of course, after this battle, he also discovered one thing, that is, System doesn’t seem to agree with him to “kill”.

Because of the “Shiliew of the Rain” fight, he gave him the hardest blow, no doubt the last “death” blow.

However, that one shot didn’t bring him any “EXP”, which is very unfortunate, because that one shot might allow him to directly improve to Level 1! Obviously, System did not approve of his crazy “killing” behavior.

So, after Clement Captain rejected him, William didn’t force it any more. Now may not be the time. When he is stronger, he will give Clement Captain again, when the time comes really not afraid of any trouble.

After packing up his things, William then went outside Loguetown, where he wanted to pick up the three little fellows, Bartolomeo, De Zaya, and Gambia.

“So soon?! Don’t you mean the time hasn’t been determined yet?!”

When I arrived at Grandma’s house, William explained his intentions, which surprised Grandma a little, because William was still there yesterday. Said he was not sure when to leave, but came over today and said he was going.

“Well, since the mission is over, I have nothing to do here, so I just wanted to go back to the branch to help.”

William was a little embarrassed. No time for preparation was reserved for the three children.

Grandma frowned, but didn’t say much.

“Wait a minute, the three little fellows went out to play. I’ll help them pack up first, and I’ll let them go with you when I get back.”

Grandma started to get busy, and the three Among the little fellows, although only Gambia is her biological grandson, Bartolomeo and De Zaya also grew up under her care. This grandma is really strong and kind.

“I’ll go look for it.”

William nods, grandma packs things here, and he goes out to look for the three little fellows by the way.

The village where Granny is located is not very big. William turned around and quickly found the three little fellows.

“You guys are going to be Marine?!”


“Why?! It’s not that we want to join the underworld together. Right?!”

The children’s exclamations came one after another, of course, there were also doubts and some very dangerous speeches.

“Because we’re going to change Loguetown!”

Akagami girl Dezaya akimbo looks very proud.

Gambia and Bartolomeo stood aside, both very proud. The haze of being rejected by Smoker yesterday seemed to be swept away, which made William feel that the happiness of children is so simple and pure.

“Change Loguetown?”

The other kids looked like they were talking stupid, this kind of feedback made the three little fellows very satisfied, It’s the feeling of shocking the audience.

“That’s right! And we’re still training with that Hero of the Marines William!”

Bartolomeo shouted loudly from the side, not to mention the pride in his tone, This leaves William with a black line.

“What?! Is that the second lieutenant of Hero of the Marines William who saved the Oycott Kingdom?!”

The surrounding children also cheered and exclaimed , they seem to be a little late to the news.

“Of course! It’s him!”

Gambia puffed up his chest to meet the shocked gazes of the children, as if he also had his share of the “Hero of the Marines” medal.

“If this goes on like this, Garp old man is really going to sue me for infringement.”

William in the heart complained, but judging from the children’s reactions, his new The effect of the title is really powerful.

Moreover, these three little fellows recovered from being rejected by Smoker, actually because they knew his news?

When he came yesterday, the three little fellows obviously didn’t know who he was, which was completely different from today’s attitude.

William shook his head laughed, he no longer observed secretly, but walked out directly and called three little fellows.

“Bartolomeo, Dezaia, Gambia, what are you three doing here?”

William’s sudden appearance instantly became the focus of the audience. What I have to say is that , the handsome photo that Captain Kahler gave him in the newspaper is indeed very in line with his own image, these little fellows who have just read the newspaper for a long time recognized it, and then began to scream.

“Second Lieutenant William!”

The three little fellows Bartolomeo, De Zaya, and Gambia were startled first, and then they all gathered around excitedly.

“We are saying goodbye to our friends!”

Little girl De Zaya raised her hand and said, this little De Zaya has an Akagami head, looks full of energy and is very heroic.

“Oh? Are you finished saying goodbye? I’m here to pick you up.”

William didn’t break it, he smiled and explained his purpose.

“Farewell is over!”

Bartolomeo immediately shouted, without any hesitation, Gambia and Dezaya were the same, it seems that their friendship with those children is indeed true is plastic enough.

“Let’s go then.”

With three little fellows, William began to return, and the little fellows behind them looked at them with admiration.

William’s appearance has indeed brought some changes to East Blue’s atmosphere, he is becoming East Blue’s “superstar”, which is not necessarily a good thing for Marine, just like drug police generally want Like incognito, Marine is too high-profile and may be targeted.

However, William was alone, and he was not afraid of targeting him at all. He was also afraid that Pirate would not come to him.

“Lieutenant William! Are we going to the 16th branch now?”

Bartolomeo looked at William with admiration in his eyes, as for “Lieutenant Smoker who inspires change in Loguetown” , has been left behind by him at this time, how can it save a kingdom that has been invaded by Pirate? !

And, why did they have to change Loguetown with that Smoker Lieutenant? After they gradually become stronger, can’t they change Loguetown by their own abilities?

“That’s right, go back and pack your things.” William nodded

, then the three little fellows cheered and ran back home, and started to pack up with grandma.

Seeing this scene, William felt a little sigh. Sure enough, the younger you are, the less sadness you have to leave home. I will miss the peaceful life in my hometown.

The three little fellows didn’t have much stuff, and they were quickly packed up, carrying a small cloth bag.

“Take care of them, don’t let them be as good as you, but don’t make them too useless.”

In the nagging admonition to the three little fellows After a few words, Grandma looked towards William. She didn’t think that the three little fellows in her family had any special innate talent, so she didn’t ask too much, as long as they weren’t too useless.

“Don’t worry, they won’t let you down.”

William assured that the three little fellows will be able to get along with Commodore at worst, and maybe even get along too. A Vice Admiral Dangdang, as for Admiral, don’t even think about any special fortuitous encounter.

With three excited little fellows, William returned to the branch base in Loguetown. At this time, both Loguetown Captain and Clement Captain have also returned to the branch base.

William went to Captain Clement, and at this time Captain Clement’s left arm had been treated in more detail.

“Yo, William, don’t mind what you just said, you understand.”

Seeing William, Clement Captain smiled and greeted him.

“Sure, but are you sure you really don’t need it?”

William paused and asked again.

“Don’t talk, don’t talk, do you know how much perseverance it takes to refuse? Do you see me as someone who can accept something as valuable as you? Besides, it will bring so much trouble. “

Captain Clement waved his hand impatiently, telling William not to mention it again, but he used a lot of perseverance to open his mouth to refuse.

(End of this chapter)

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