
Chapter 80 Like a scumbag (two in one please subscribe~)

“Don’t get me wrong, they are my old family in Loguetown children.”

William hurriedly explained that the three children were not “picked up” this time, but were brought to join the army through regular channels.

“There is only one old man left in the family of these three children. They really have no energy to educate these three children. The old man heard about the deeds of our branch, so he asked me to take them three Bring it here, hopefully they can grow into good Marines in our branch.”

William starts babbling again, which isn’t really rubbish, he’s just artistically crafting the existing fact.

Seeing that Captain Culler’s expression gradually began to soften, William struck while the iron was hot, and he continued:

“Also, when I was hanging out in Loguetown a few years ago, I suffered from that. The grandma takes care of me a lot, and I really have no way to refuse.”

William looked embarrassed, as if he really compelled by circumstances to bring these three little fellows back to the branch base.


Kaler Captain looked at William speechlessly. He didn’t believe that everything William said was the truth. Purpose, William can make up a bunch of unfathomable mystery stories for him.

“But they are still too young, this age is not suitable for new recruits camp, can’t you wait another two years?”

Kaler Captain rubbed with a headache Eyebrows, since this guy William came, the 16th branch has not lived in peace.

Although they would have often launched raids on Pirate, when there was no action plan, the life of the 16 branch was actually very peaceful, not like there was so much trouble after William came. thing.

“No way, I’m afraid I’ll wait another two years. They’ve failed their studies in Loguetown. You don’t know how chaotic the situation in Loguetown is.”

William spreads his hands, if you wait any longer In two years, the three little fellows of Bartolomeo, De Zaya, and Gambia might have really started to mix in the underworld in Loguetown.

The underworld does not pay attention to any age or age. They have many children Outer Members who are responsible for running around the city to collect information.

“Leave it to Bellmere. After having two children, her mentality has become more and more unsuitable for front-line work, so I transferred her to the position of training new recruits.”

Captain Kale had no choice but to agree to William.

The news of Bellmere’s transfer made William a little surprised, but also felt as if it should be by rights.

With Bellmere who cares about it, obviously the mentality has changed. Although it does not mean that it is not suitable for front-line work, the position of new recruit Instructor is an acceptable position for everyone. result.

With the permission of Captain Carle, William was no longer busy, and he went directly to the logistics department with three little fellows.

On the one hand, he wants to receive his own new military uniform and rank. On the other hand, he also registers the three little fellows. After the registration is completed, they will officially join Marine. , although it is only a training soldier, but also needs to customize the uniform of the training soldier.


William politely thanked the logistics staff, because the three little fellows were too young and their height and size had not started to grow, and the logistics staff had to rebuild them for them. Make uniforms.

This is quite troublesome, because these little fellows grow up very quickly, and may have to change their uniforms very frequently, but if they grow up, they don’t need special uniforms. The department has a lot of inventory.

“Now, you have officially become the trainers of the 16th Marine Division. As long as you train hard and perform well, I will incorporate you into the official Seaman team. You are young and neglected.”

After the registration was completed, William began to pour chicken soup for the three little fellows who were temporarily unable to receive uniforms.

However, Bartolomeo and Gambia obviously don’t need William to encourage them, because these two guys are very excited now.

Dezaya looked serious. Compared with her two friends, this Akagami girl was normal and a little abnormal.

“Let’s go, I’ll take you to see your future Instructor.”

Satisfied, William took three little fellows to Bellmere’s dormitory, and then rushed null.

“Nojiko, where’s Bellmere?”

Opening the door, William only saw little Nojiko and little Nami, Nami was dozing off on the cot, while Nojiko was sitting on the bench , is struggling to learn to recognize words, William is not surprised by this.

“She said she went to train new recruits.”

Seeing William come in, Nojiko immediately got up and looked towards him, and then answered very seriously.

“Understood, then you can continue to study, we are leaving, by the way, let me introduce to you, these three are Bartolomeo, Gambia, and Dezaia, who are newcomer’s Marine trainers.”

William got the news from Bellmere and wanted to go directly, but after hesitating for a while, he introduced the three little fellows around him to Nojiko.

“This is Nojiko, your Instructor’s daughter, that’s Nami, too, there’s a guy named Zoro away, and I’ll pick him up here tomorrow.”

William gave a brief introduction to them. He hoped that these children could learn from each other and make progress together.

The three guys are Bartolomeo, Gambia, and Dezaya. They should learn from Nojiko and strive for progress.


The three little fellows, Bartolomeo, Gambia, and De Zaya, all greeted Nojiko generously.

The eyes of the three are full of admiration, because the three of them know the words combined, maybe they don’t know as much as the little Nojiko who just started learning, it is really a cultural desert.


Nojiko also responded graciously.

“If you have time in the future, you should all follow Nojiko to learn cultural knowledge. Don’t be a Seaman who doesn’t know big characters. It won’t be of much use.”

William made a plan to learn cultural content for three little fellows, not expecting them to become “scientists” or “scholars” in the future, but at least don’t be “illiterate”.

William was in the same living environment when he was a child. He shyly went to learn basic writing with the villagers. Later in the Marine school year, although his cultural class was not very good, he was not. illiterate illiterate.


For this arrangement, Bartolomeo, Gambia, and Dezaia all agreed in unison. At least for now, they are still interested in learning culture. Interested in class.

Leaving with three little fellows, William went straight to the new recruit training camp.

The usual training, living and rest of the new recruits are carried out in a separate area in the base, and this area is the “new recruit training camp” of the 16th branch Marine.

When William took three little fellows and found Bellmere who was training on the school field with a group of half-big brats, Bellmere’s face was not good.

The three children around William made her conditioned to think that William had found three more children for her to adopt, and her name was written in the adopter column.

There’s no way this can be done. Who told William to do things too “dog” last time. Bellmere now sees William and strange children appearing together, and he is a bit “PTSD”.

“Second Lieutenant Bellmere, these three new recruits are handed over to you, please make sure to train them into Seaman who can stand on their own.”

William has changed the rank of new lieutenant on Bellmere’s head, and deliberately shook it in front of Bellmere’s sight, which made a “#” appear directly on Bellmere’s head.

“Okay, Lieutenant William.!”

Bellmere said word by word, which made William laugh, and it was interesting to tease Bellmere occasionally.

“I’m so sorry, Bellmere, it’s not long since I came to the branch, and I’ve changed from your subordinate to a higher rank than you.”

William blinked and said with a smile. .

“hmph, I’ve thought of this for a long time.”

Bellmere rolled his eyes at him, but didn’t lower oneself to somebody’s level with him, she did. to prepare for this day.

Hearing Bellmere’s answer, William “haha” laughed for a while, then resumed his seriousness, he said to Bellmere seriously:

“No kidding, these three. A little fellow, please, in addition to the daily military training, remember to let them also learn some cultural knowledge with Nojiko.”

Give Bartolomeo, Gambia, Dezaia to Bellmere, William I’m not worried that they will be abolished, although the systematic training in Marine is not necessarily stronger than the underworld from childhood.

But when they grow up a little more, William will personally take them out to sea to fight the Pirates, and when the time comes, they will definitely grow faster.

“The Three Children”

Bellmere was hesitant to speak, her concerns exhibit one’s feelings in one’s speech.

“Don’t worry, they are in the army normally.”

William understood Bellmere’s concerns, so he took the initiative to explain that the three children were legally no longer her mother.

“That’s good.”

Bellmere relaxed, she was really scared by William.

If William does that again, then she will have to support her. She is impossible to really abandon the children.

“I’ll be waiting for you in front of you, go after me, and I look forward to seeing you stand by my side.”

After arranging three little fellows , William was about to leave. Before leaving, he suddenly left an inspirational sentence in a whim. He didn’t want to really let these three guys out of the crowd. He would often come over to inspire them.

“Yes! We’ll do our best! We won’t let you down!”

Bartolomeo raised a hand to assure that the same goes for Gambia, the two of them. He looks a little bit “ugly and cute” with his face flushed and excited, but only De Zaya with a blushing face is really cute.

“It’s very popular, Lieutenant William.”

Seeing this, Bellmere jokingly said.

“That’s natural, but take care of my three little fans.”

William raised his head with a smile, and was driven away impatiently by Bellmere. He was very reassured that although the three children were not “hanging” under Bellmere’s name, William believed that Bellmere, an Instructor, would arrange the lives of the three children.

“Looking at it this way, I’m really irresponsible, just like a scumbag who gave birth to a bunch of children, but only cares about them, leaving Bellmere to widow and raise children alone. “

William began to examine himself, and the more he examined, the more he felt that he was not a human being, although his current body was indeed difficult to be defined in the category of “human”.

“I will help Bellmere more in the future.”

Although he is physically a “dog”, William still wants to be a person psychologically, and he feels that he should take some responsibility , at least things with Roronoa · Zoro, Bartolomeo, Gambia, Dezaya can’t be too troublesome for Bellmere.

The matter of Nami and Nojiko was decided by the two of them through negotiation. It doesn’t matter if Bellmere takes more responsibility. These four guys are all made by him.

Under the condemnation of conscience, William, who had planned to pick up Roronoa Zoro tomorrow, immediately called Phyllis, Ellis, Igley and several Seaman who had followed him before, and he now Go to Shuangyue Village.

William has now been promoted to lieutenant, and his specific official position will naturally follow. He has been promoted from the deputy platoon to the deputy company and has become the boss of Bellmere’s original platoon, so naturally he can mobilize the original platoon. Seamans.

Wait until William arrived at Frost Moon Village and came to Isshin Dojo. It was already past five in the afternoon. There were not many apprentices in Dojo at this time. After all, it was almost time for dinner.

“William? You’re back.”

In Isshin Dojo, the first person William met was Kuina, who was holding a small bamboo knife and waving earnestly. When he saw William After that, little Kuina was a little surprised.

“I just came back today, what about Master Frost Moon and Zoro?”

William asked with a smile, but Kuina didn’t need to answer this question, Koshiro Frost Moon who heard the voice had already come out, little Marimo -head followed behind with a bamboo knife.

“I’m back, Master Frostmoon”.

William greeted with a smile, then winked at the little Marimo-head.

Roronoa ·Zoro stared wide-eyed, then ran towards him, came to stand beside him, which made William feel very relieved that this stinky brat has a conscience and is not blind in vain Bring him back two knives this time.

“Just come back.”

“It seems that you have a plentiful harvest this time, is that the snow walk and the three generations of ghosts?”

As the son of a famous swordsman, Koshiro Shiroyue did not cast anything by himself. Famous knife, but he still has this vision, otherwise he would not be able to teach William to cast a knife.

“That’s right, it’s Yuikiri Yukikura and Yaodao Sandai Onikiru.”

William took out these two swords and handed them to Koshiro Frost.

Shuangyue Koshiro took them separately, and then he pulled out two knives and began to observe. He focused more on “Three Generations of Onitoru”.

“This is the technique of Wano Kingdom. It is the work of Heavenly Dog Yamatoru, a swordsmith in the Kuri area, although it is far inferior to the first generation of ghosts and two forged by his ancestor, the legendary swordsman Goucher. Daikichi, but he has already got the true meaning of it.”

Shuangyue Koshiro is quite emotional, the three generations of Koshiro have not been around for a long time, but they have not fallen into the reputation of the ghost.

(End of this chapter)

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