
Chapter 82 William’s Road (two-in-one for subscription~)

The doubts in William’s heart, Kosaburo Frostuki obviously did not intend to He replied that he just kept going in silence and returned to the Isshin Dojo with William.

“Sir Father.”

Seeing Kosaburo Shirogate coming in, Koshiro Shiroyuki immediately stood up and saluted, just as William said, although Kosaburo Shimotsuki seemed to associate himself with “Harmony” The country” was divided, but at home, they still followed the “Wano country” habit.

However, starting from this generation of Koshiro, they seem to be deliberately downplaying, and in the little Kuina, there is almost no shadow of the “Shuangyue family”.

This downplay is very decisive, Kuina has become more like an East Blue person in terms of name and behavior.

Aside from still being obsessed with the Way of Sword, Kuina will not be considered a “Wanoku” wherever she goes.

“Is he the one that you newly harvested?”

Shizuetsu Kosaburo sat down, and then asked Shimoyuki Koshiro.

“Yes, William is also very interested in forging, so I asked him to ask Sir Father if he has any questions.”

Shuangyue Koshiro sat down and gave a serious answer.

Isshin Dojo’s decorations, furniture, etc. are more “modern”. Naturally, when eating, he sits directly on a small futon and eats on a small table. William is a little uncomfortable.

Although there are many elements in this world, the environment in which William until now interacts and lives is actually quite Western, and Isshin Dojo and Frost Yue Family are very special in it.

“Forging knives can’t be mastered by just learning it, and if you don’t plan to master it, learning it is just a waste of time.”

Shuangyue Kosaburo looked towards William, This is more euphemistic, but the meaning is actually to persuade William not to be greedy.

“Also, I won’t teach anyone who just learns casually. At that level, Koshiro, you’re enough to teach.”

After the euphemism, Kosaburo Shimoyuki also Expressed his attitude, if you are just a little interested and want to learn casually, then don’t look for him, just follow Shuangyue Koshiro to learn, Shuangyue Koshiro’s level is enough to be responsible for this kind of teaching.

Shuangyue Koshiro looked towards William, his eyes were obviously asking about his attitude, whether he was just learning casually, or did he really want to further his studies in casting and forging knives, this kind of thing obviously only It’s up to William to decide.

“Old Mister Kosaburo, I really want to learn how to forge knives. I am very interested in this craft.”

Is getting the eyes of Koshiro master Watching, William’s response was also very quick, and he made his stand without saying a word.

Whether you can keep learning, that’s a matter of the future. Now anyway, let’s take down the qualification for this study first.


Shimotsuki Kosaburo looked at William again. From the appearance alone, William is really not like a craftsman who is capable of forging, even as a Marine, It’s not normal for him to be a little sunny and handsome.

He is more like a bright and positive boy next door. Although this boy’s body is a bit strong, William’s deceptive appearance is indeed easy to confuse some observant people. .

Because just by looking at William’s hands, he doesn’t look like a serious trainer, and he doesn’t even have calluses on his hands.

A person with soft skin and tender meat on his hands is like a pampered young master born in a wealthy family.

“Try it.”

Out of trust in his own son, although he felt unreliable in his heart, Kosaburo Shuangyue did not directly refuse, but decided to let William practice first.

If he can be accepted as a Disciple by his son, and he is also taught very seriously, it will definitely not be a waste of four bodies, and William just asked him for advice with “three generations of ghosts”. His attitude also made Kosaburo Shuangyue willing to give him a chance to reach out and not slap the smiling face.

“Thank you, I will do my best!”

William thanked him happily, not because he despised the “knife forging technique” of Koshiro master Shimoyuki, but Kosaburo Shimoyue I don’t like it, Old Master obviously thinks that his son’s knife forging skills are “half a bucket of water”, so he can only teach people who want to learn casually, and at most he will not mislead his children.

Moreover, since there is a “forging god” like Kosaburo Shiroyuki here, then William really doesn’t need to waste the time of master Shiroyuki Koshiro and let him teach the subjects he is not so good at, everyone Has their own field of specialisation, it’s good that Koshiro master Shiroyuki concentrates on teaching sword technique.

Although Kosaburo Shuangyue seems to be a Way of Sword expert, but in Way of Sword, he did not deny his son Koshiro Shuangyue. Obviously, Koshiro Shuangyue has more innate talent in Way of Sword, and he is no longer him. Can also criticize.

After finishing this matter, the entire group quickly finished the meal, and then William came up with the idea of taking the little Marimo-head away. Naturally, Koshiro Shuangyue was not without exception. Just take care of it.

Although the child’s physical innate talent and interest in the Way of Sword surprised Koshiro Shiroyuki, Zoro is still too young.

If you really want to start the Cultivation sword technique, you have to wait until you are about three or four years old. Now it’s a little too much spill things through excessive enthusiasm.

Roronoa ·Zoro bit his lip. He lived here in the past few days. He was quite comfortable. He had food, drink and someone to take care of him. He could watch others practice swords anytime, anywhere. Take the Way of Sword class with those apprentices.

In the past few days, he and little Kuina were sitting in the Way of Sword room watching other apprentices take classes, which was already a regular activity.

“I’ll come later, don’t worry.”

Seeing Roronoa · Zoro’s “happy here, don’t think about the Marine branch”, William just felt a little funny, If this little fellow stays for a few more days, I’m afraid that he will betray directly?


With William’s answer, Roronoa · Zoro reluctantly gave an answer, and finally moved his steps.

This time William didn’t tug at the back of his neck, but returned to Battleship with him slowly.

“Don’t be upset, did you see this knife?”

Watching “Little Marimo-head” sullen, William took “Snow Walk” in his hands, in Roronoa · Zoro’s eyes shook.

Looking at the knife in William’s hand, Roronoa Zoro’s little face was full of envy. Just now at the dinner table, listening to William, Shuangyue father and son talking about famous knives, he was very yearning, and hoped that he would too. To be able to have a good knife.

“When you grow up a little bit, this knife will be given to you. This is Yuikiri Snow Walk, which cost me millions of Beli to buy, and the three generations of ghosts, as long as you can I’ll give you that knife when it’s approved.”

William looks rich and imposing, and his words start the eyes of “little Marimo-head” Lighted up.

“Really? How big is it?”

In a hurry, “Little Marimo-head” has a sharp tongue.

“Six years old.”

William thought about it for a while and decided to advance the time a bit. Now Zoro System starts Way of Sword training earlier and uses real swords Naturally, it can also be advanced.

“Six years old.”

Zoro waved his fingers and began to count, which made William a black line, and the little fellow’s cultural education should not be left behind.

“Let’s go, as long as you perform well, study hard, train hard, and be obedient, I will definitely give you the knife when you are six years old.”

William picked up his fingers and counted Unsure of Roronoa Zoro, he “haha” said his terms with a smile, and “Little Marimo-head” agreed without any hesitation, he will work hard to get those two famous knives.

William nods with a smile. He still believes that “Little Marimo-head” can do it. Roronoa Zoro has already shown some traits that he will have in the future, such as “Road Crazy” , “firm”, “to be strong and not admit defeat”.

Back on the Battleship, William ordered to return, with only Snow Walk and Bilgewater Scimitar on him.

“Three generations of ghosts” was left in Isshin Dojo by him, and asked Kosaburo Shiroyuki to the Old Master. William still has some expectations in his heart. Maybe with the ability of the Old Master, he can really crack Heavenly Dog. The mountain family creates the secret of ghosts.

William is also planning ahead. After all, Saijo O Wazamono’s “First Generation Onitou” has a high probability of being in the hands of one of the “Gorosei”. The secret, when you really meet “Gorosei” in the future, you can also prepare in advance.

Although as a Marine officer, William seems a little rebellious to think about this kind of thing, but he, a Marine lieutenant, wants to replace “Gorosei”, to replace “Im”, isn’t it a very progressive Heart and encouragement?

After all, a soldier who doesn’t want to be a general is not a good soldier. A real man was born between Heaven and Earth.

After finding these two famous quotes to justify his behavior, William himself has no psychological burden at all. People always have to pursue something.

He wanted to gradually become stronger before, but fortunately, he didn’t have to be a spectator whose fate was decided by others.

As for how to do it, he hadn’t thought about it before, but now, after spending some time in Marine, William has some ideas that are not very mature.

William has enough awareness of his own ideological level that he thinks he is not the material for ideological work.

After all, it’s not just empty slogans, and great ideas don’t come naturally.

The oppressed toiling masses will not spontaneously produce great ideas, but will only riot, become mob, and become Pirate. The toiling masses need someone to lead and organize, and they need to have a group with Thought pioneer leadership.

However, people who can truly accept thought reform and spread ideas are not so easy to find, because this reform process is not achieved overnight. directly into a “pioneer”.

This must go through a long period of theoretical study, work practice, and a long process. Only in this way can we truly transform the toiling masses and let the masses know how to resist, organize, and use their hands to seek.

A better life, instead of “zero yuan purchase” with both hands.

The world of Pirate King, with serious class conflicts and huge population, can be described as plentiful and easily available.

It seems to be a fertile soil, but if you want to truly raise your arms, the toilers of the whole world will join together to resist oppression. That is not something that can be accomplished overnight.

And like Monkey D Dragon, it is difficult to achieve success if it is only satisfied with planning a coup d’état on one island, instead of burning the world with a clear-cut idea.

Although they are working hard and fighting, their ideas and creeds are not enough to support their success.

William believes that in the original timeline, Monkey D Dragon may subvert the “World Government” in the future, but it will definitely not be his own credit, but the “Straw Hat brat gang” It has nothing to do with the oppressed general public, just because “Straw Hat brat” won, so they won, and it has nothing to do with ideas and concepts.

After all, this world is called “Pirate King”, not “Monkey D Dragon”. Monkey D Dragon, like Marine, is just used to set off.

At the end, there is another Imperial Family “D family” from the previous dynasty, and Monkey D Dragon they are actually “reverse D”, which is not an impossible thing. , although there is no such trend yet, because they take “freedom” as their program of action.

Although William didn’t master the essence of “Dragon Slaying”, he didn’t have the confidence to help Monkey D Dragon and the others to do ideological work.

However, if he was in the position of Im and Gorosei, William really thought it was “I’m okay with me”.

William thinks that if he is in that position, no matter how badly he does, it will not be worse than the current “World Government”, and no matter how bad he is, it will not be worse than Celestial Dragon, no matter what. Said that he also has a bottom line as a human being.

Now that he has a System, William feels that he still has the courage to try. After all, he has such an innate talent. If he doesn’t stir up the wind and rain, he can’t always be a small Marine in East Blue, right?

Back to the captain’s room, William rubbed his hands together. The goal is very long-term, but what he has to do now is to enrich himself and gradually become stronger, otherwise a little Marine Lieutenant will have such a dream , is just a daydream.

“Start the lottery.”

Calling out the big round color wheel, William gave an instruction to press the button, the pointer started to turn, he still had a chance to draw, anyway You can’t draw ten times in a row, so you can draw when you need to, and you don’t need to save.

“The lottery is over, and the item is obtained: Book of Hatred (Warhammer Dwarf).”

After a few seconds, the pointer simply stopped rotating, and a translucent pop-up window popped up. The result of the lottery was written on it, and William chose to receive it with a puzzled face.

A book with a simple cover, although large but not thick, appeared in William’s hands, with the words “Book of Hate” written on it.

This thing William knows, the “little notebook” unique to dwarves in the medieval Warhammer world, it remembers all kinds of miscellaneous hatred, but what use can this thing give him? Do you keep a diary? Serious people who keep a diary?

William opened the “Book of Hate”, and the first page was written in big bloody letters: “All hatred will be reckoned!”

Can this be blocked? If I don’t understand, there may be a chapter released, or it may not be released. The content is not bad. I will delete it in time when it is released.

(End of this chapter)

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