
Chapter 89 Dragon’s Invitation (two-in-one please subscribe~)

“en? William, why did you come so early today? ”

Koshiro Shiroyuki was a little surprised when he saw William come in. Because of the sudden arrival of the dragon, he deliberately cleared the field, but he did not expect that William, who always came on time at noon, came here this morning!

In order to send Luffy back, Monkey D Dragon didn’t come at the previous time, so there was no time for Koshiro to prepare, and William also changed the previous schedule because of Luffy’s affairs.

These factors were too sudden, and Koshiro Shiroyuki couldn’t predict them, which caused the awkward situation.

“It happened to be nothing in the morning, so I came early.”

William calmly answered Koshiro’s question, but his eyes were always on Monkey D Dragon.

After William came in, Monkey D Dragon put on a hood. If it wasn’t for William who was coming at him, then you might not be able to see the true face of Monkey D Dragon, this guy The response is really fast.

Of course, this may also be habit, because of the face of Monkey D Dragon, there is a real bounty order.

“Wait a moment, Sir Father is in the bamboo forest, you can go to him, Kuina is in the backyard, you can go to her too.”

Shuangyue Koshiro wants William The intention of leaving first is a bit too obvious, and it feels a bit “a clumsy denial resulting in self-exposure”, which is really hard to remember.

No way, to say who is the most embarrassing person right now, it must be Koshiro Shiroyuki. He neither wants to be labeled as Revolutionary Army, nor does he want the dragon to misunderstand that he brought Marine over here. It’s just not two people.

William stopped and didn’t leave, he was still staring at Monkey D Dragon, which immediately made the atmosphere of the scene weird, Koshiro Koshiro secretly said in one’s heart not good.

“What? Is there something wrong? Major William.”

Monkey D Dragon took the initiative to speak, breaking the embarrassment, his voice was steady, without a trace of tremor, there was a kind of mystery The imposing manner lingered around him, seeming to frighten those who were watching him, making it impossible to speak madly at him.

“Are you Monkey D Dragon?”

However, the fearless William is here to find trouble, and the Haki application of Monkey D Dragon did not affect him, mainly the dragon also did not Nothing against him.


William’s straight to the point once again made the atmosphere stagnant, and Koshiro Shiroyuki only felt a little tingling in his forehead.

“William this guy. It’s really like his style.”

Shizuki Koshiro thought about how to ease the tension, with his attitude towards William. Understand, William will certainly not turn a blind eye to the wanted criminal dragon, “East Blue Hero of the Marines” is not just a joke, but a reputation for real performance.

For William’s sense of justice and due diligence in Marine’s work, Koshiro Shiroyuki saw it in his eyes.

“That’s right, what? Are you going to arrest me?”

After being recognized, Monkey D Dragon didn’t panic, he looked towards William, under the hood expression with a smile.

Monkey D Dragon still knows something about William, William has a lot of contact with Garp, and he is still so famous in East Blue, as the leader of the Revolutionary Army, Monkey D Dragon, who was also born in East Blue, will of course focus on.

It’s just that his opening made Koshiro Shiroyue embarrassed on the spot. He really didn’t know how to go down.

“What are you doing?”

William moved his wrists and ankles a few times. The feeling that the ants don’t care is still uncomfortable, isn’t it because they were born twenty years earlier?

“As you can see, do business, buy food.”

Monkey D Dragon is patient, in fact, despite his fierce face, the Revolutionary Army’s style is very Violent, but as a leader, the dragon himself is calm.

I think so too, otherwise he would be impossible to pull up the Revolutionary Army organization. In addition to strength, Monkey D Dragon is also a leader with strong personal charisma and organizational skills. As a leader of a weak force, blood must be Yes, but the impulse must not be there.

“Is the Revolutionary Army so reasonable? They still spend money to do business? I thought you all robbed your supplies.”

William laughed, he was really kind Curious about the history of Monkey D Dragon, starting from scratch, and then pulling up such a large team in a short period of time, the story must be wonderful.

“Actually, you are right, but what we are robbing are those nobles who have done a lot of evil. We use the money they plunder to strengthen our resistance.”

Monkey D Dragon explained seriously, which surprised William.

What does this guy mean? Want to influence me with their thoughts?

William thinks it’s a bit outrageous. His actions in East Blue should not show any inclination to join the Revolutionary Army.

“What we pursue is freedom and overthrow the cruel rule of the World Government. We have no ill will towards ordinary people. In fact, ordinary people are the most important part of us. The world has become like this, and I think William, you are no exception.”

Sure enough, as soon as Monkey D Dragon’s words came out, it confirmed William’s idea that the Revolutionary Army leader really wanted to bring him in.

This may be the benefit of increasing fame, even for a guy like Monkey D Dragon, because of his reputation at East Blue, he’s given a good look.

Of course, this is mainly because everyone is at least the same in some positions. Monkey D Dragon doesn’t think William’s strength will be strong, after all, East Blue’s own sea sentiment is here.

“Sorry, I have no plans to join you for the time being.”

William shook the head, according to his understanding, the current Revolutionary Army is actually not as tall as Long said. superior.

They are indeed subverting some rotten “World Government” member countries, but they obviously do not have the strength to hold the revolutionary achievements. In fact, they seem to have no intention of management, and only take overthrow as their goal.

Their spirit of resistance is obviously not the foundation of their rule.

It’s a bit nasty to say. Now their behavior is a little too idealistic. They think that as long as the corrupt ruling regime is overthrown, the people will live a happy life.

William still insists on his own ideas, “It is difficult for great advanced ideas to arise naturally among the poor.”

The Revolutionary Army’s behavior of overthrowing the rotten Government and then handing it over to the people’s free management is somewhat biased towards “no-Governmentism”, which seems to be consistent with their “pursuit of freedom” and “overthrowing of the Government” course of action. able to match.

“No Governmentism”, William disagrees, maybe that is the final form, but at least it is not what the current productivity of the “Pirate King” world can satisfy.


Monkey D Dragon grasped the crux of William’s words, and he had a feeling just now that this major Marine at East Blue famous seemed to be interested in them Not too much hostility.

“nonsense, Monkey D Dragon, obediently surrender.”

Although some of the fact that he is not “loyal” is exposed for a while, William has no regrets.

This is also part of his plan, although the other party may be interested in his fame in East Blue, but since Monkey D Dragon expresses his cherishment for his talent, then he can give the other party Release some hints and express some information that you may go against the water to hang interest.

In this way, if you encounter Monkey D Dragon in other places in the future, you may be able to escape with this “cherishing talent”.

William shouted out loudly and chose to take the initiative to shoot, and when he shot, it was a blow with all his strength.

White’s fluffy ears emerged from his hair, his fangs and sharp teeth had grown, and his hair color had also changed. The original black hair was dyed silver-gray along the way. 45% fit, not enough to completely whiten.

“Bilgewater Scimitar” was dyed with Monster Qi, exuding a slight red light, William himself was all around, also slightly red, and seemed to be covered with a faint blood-colored feather.

William’s confidence in his ability to quickly master “Busoshoku Haki” comes from this. Although the magic power is fundamentally different from “Busoshoku Haki”, the application method is similar. He feels that “Busoshoku Haki” should be You can also get started quickly.

William’s imposing manner is like a rainbow’s “Drawing Slash”, slashing Monkey D Dragon’s waist straight. If this move is solid, it is guaranteed to turn Monkey D Dragon into five or five points.

However, this is overthinking. Faced with William’s aggressive attack, Monkey D Dragon’s response is very casual.

He stretched out a hand and grabbed William’s blade directly. With only three fingers, he easily cracked William’s attack, and even the fruit ability was useless.


Even if the mysterious man in front of him should be on par with “Pirate King” and “Marine Fleet Admiral”, the battle strength should be in “ Yonko” and “Three Great Admirals”, but cracking his attack so casually still makes William feel a little unacceptable.

This was seventeen years before the plot started, and the current Monkey D Dragon is almost thirty-seven or eighteen years old. It should be really strong, but it shouldn’t be so exaggerated, right?

Be aware that precognition, Kizaru, and Akainu are not Admiral now!

Monkey D Dragon, who is about the same age as Akainu and Kizaru, even if it is really stronger than “Three Great Admirals”, it will not be too much stronger.

Assuming that Akainu and Kizaru may be quasi-Admiral’s strength now, then Monkey D Dragon’s breakthrough is Admiral’s strength.


Thinking of this, William was relieved. Even if Monkey D Dragon didn’t have the strength of Admiral now, it wouldn’t be too far behind.

With this kind of strength, it is normal for him to have no power to fight back.

“You still don’t know how to use Haki?”

Casually catch William’s blow, Monkey D Dragon is still the same calm look, still the kind of everything The tone in his grasp makes William a little out of temper. After all, this is a thorough crushing, and this is one of the battle strengths of the cream of the crop in the future.

However, no matter what battle strength it is, only holding the knife can’t give William EXP, and he can’t feel the pain of the knife, so William is ready to launch a verbal offensive.

“Your father said you were going to teach me yourself.”

William answered, apparently intentionally, to distract Monkey D for a while. Dragon’s attention, an opportunity to grab for himself.

“Really? It seems that he is really optimistic about you, so I want to pull you to my side even more. It’s not reliable to follow that old man. Believe me, I’m someone who has come here. .”

In the face of William’s little trick, Monkey D Dragon remains unmoved, and he who has experienced it will not be distracted by this kind of thing.

And he was mentally prepared for this kind of thing. He knew that his father, the Old Guy, valued this child very much. This is a good young man from East Blue.

“You’re not very reliable. Do you think you’re doing a great job? Do you know what your image looks like in the eyes of most people in the world? You’re the most vicious terrifying elements in the world!”

William retorted sharply. He said that Monkey D Dragon did not respond to Garp, but when William talked about his ideals, Monkey D Dragon could not calm down, because other things may not matter, but ideals No insults are allowed, and no one is allowed to trample on them wantonly.

“The people we save will understand us, just like those who joined us, and there are many who are willing to support us.”

Monkey D Dragon calmly retorted, if It’s not trying to pull William “into the club”, and there is still the face of Koshiro Frost and Garp old man, Monkey D Dragon is too lazy to explain to William, so he will not be so kind to him.

“Maybe, but I think it’s only temporary. Without the propaganda channels, you can only allow the World Government to smear and slander you, and make people suspicious of you.

Even if It is those who are saved by you. They also spend a lot of time re-establishing their understanding of you. First impression and stereotype are very important.

As long as the World Government keeps instilling you in the people It is the impression of the most evil terrifying elements, and no matter where you go, you will be regarded as the most evil terrifying elements.”

William was firing a machine gun. , I’m afraid there aren’t many real “people with lofty ideals” in the Revolutionary Army. Except for the cadres and some backbones, it is estimated that most of them are just eating.

Just like the “mob” summoned by Krieg, Monkey D Dragon also relied on personal charm to gather a large number of people who are willing to serve him, but his Revolutionary Army is more organized than Pirates Some, to make his “mob” look less “rabble”.

Without effective ideas that can be spread, it is difficult for the Revolutionary Army warriors under him to be truly thoughtful and religious warriors, but just a group of soldiers loyal to him.


Monkey D Dragon was silent, William’s “publicity channel said”, it really made him a little shaken and enlightened, maybe this little fellow said Makes sense?

And taking advantage of this opportunity, William tried to break free, and then he sadly found that even if Monkey D Dragon was a little distracted, he couldn’t draw his own knife.

So William took out the “CZ-75 pistol” and put the gun on the dragon’s forehead. Although he knew it was useless to do so, can this kind of thing be written on his resume? already? To prove his strength?

I’m the guy who put a gun to the head of Monkey D Dragon!

(End of this chapter)

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