
Chapter 9, 16 Marine Branch (please support all kinds of tickets~)

“When did you leave Cocoyashi Village?”

On the way back to the branch base, Bellmere and William chatted while walking.

“After you left my hometown, I left soon too.”

William replied that he wasn’t really surprised that Bellmere became Marine because he was still in Cocoyashi Village He knew Bellmere was going to be Marine.

But what he didn’t know was that Bellmere was still a lieutenant. He thought Bellmere was just an ordinary Seaman. It seemed that he underestimated Bellmere.

“That’s almost five years, right? Didn’t expect that William, who was fighting around at the time, has become a good Seaman now. Timing is such a wonderful thing.”


Bellmere was quite emotional. The last time she went back to Cocoyashi Village, she didn’t see William. The villagers said that he had gone to sea a long time ago, and he had never sent any news to his hometown. He didn’t know if he was still alive.

“You even said that, Miss Bellmere, you are the notoriously bad boy. If it wasn’t for you to lead me, maybe I wouldn’t be so naughty.”

William naturally doesn’t admit it, and he puts the blame on Bellmere, after all, he did follow the naughty Bellmere in the village for a period of time.

“Hahahaha~! Don’t mention the past, who hasn’t had a time when they’re not sensible? Right?”

Bellmere grinned and laughed boldly, When she laughed, her mouth was wide open, her eyes and eyebrows were bent, not only was she not ugly, but she was very attractive and infectious.

Nami in the future is exactly the same as Bellmere’s smile.

Of course, since Bellmere is still doing Marine, she must not have adopted Nami and Nojiko yet, but estimating the time, William thinks it will be almost there.

“William, you may not know, when I went back to the village, when I came back to the village, seeing my clothes and seeing that I became an excellent Marine, how surprised the people in the village were!”

Bellmere smiled happily and shared her experience with William, because she felt that when William returned, the villagers would be as surprised as seeing her.

“That’s natural, two bad boys who were naughty and hated dogs when they were young, and they both became Marines when they grew up, they would be surprised, maybe when they were at first , they all thought we would do Pirate.”

William also laughed out loud when he thought of the expressions of the villagers when he returned to the village. In this era, the probability of a person going out to sea to be a Pirate is better than going out to sea. Being a Marine with a higher probability, “Pirate King” Gol · D · Roger’s roar before his death, I don’t know how many people are greedy for profit.

And like William and Bellmere, these guys who have been restless since childhood, in the eyes of normal villagers, they must be excellent “Pirate seedlings”, not strangled in the cradle in advance, All belong to the scruples of fellow countrymen.

“Work hard, I’ll take you home to see when you’re back to normal.”

Bellmere patted William’s shoulder, she is 1.86 meters tall, patted William’s The shoulders are still pretty easy.

“By the way, your brat grows really fast, is it still growing? I don’t know how tall it will grow in the future.”

Behind the shoulders of patted William, Bellmere He sighed again that the brat who made trouble with her back then is now even taller than her.

In this world of “Pirate King”, the height is a very outrageous data. The average height of the powerhouse is two meters, or even three meters or more, even seven or eight meters, and those people are not Giants, giants are taller.

Of course, the protagonist group “Straw Hat Pirates” headed by Luffy is still of normal height, but the other Pirates and Marines, who are famous in the sea, are basically tall and strong.

Height, in this world, is sometimes a symbol of strength. You may not see anything with normal height, but a guy with an abnormal height has a high probability of being strong.

“It doesn’t need to be too tall.”

William doesn’t want to grow to three or four meters, he thinks his current height is enough.

“Haha ~ I can’t help you~”

Bellmere said jokingly with a smile, she is a girl who loves to laugh very much. Couldn’t make the smile on her face disappear.

The two walked into “Marine Branch 16” with a smile. This is a very normal East Blue Marine branch with all the necessary facilities, and the spirits of the soldiers are not bad.

Bellmere took William all the way. The Seaman they met on the road greeted Bellmere very enthusiastically, and even looked towards William curiously. It seemed strange that this man who was quite close to the second lieutenant Bellmere was. who .

Bellmere took William into the Marine branch office building. At this time, the Captain of “Marine Branch 16” was holding a meeting in the Conference Hall. The officers of the entire branch were present, and the whole room was covered with shawls. coat.

“Report, intern Sergeant William Crow has been brought in, and his identity is confirmed.”

Bellmere knocked on the door and went in, first reporting the situation to the branch Captain.

“Ok, please, Bellmere.”

The branch Captain nods, kindly laughed to Bellmere.

This branch Captain, looks very square, looks very decent, just a little unshaven, and a little decadent.

“Sgt. William Crow? I’m sorry, you didn’t come at the right time, we’re planning to clear the Pirate entrenched near Desia Village, I’m afraid the past few days won’t have time to familiarize you with your work. , if you don’t mind, we will arrange for you to formally enter the grassroots to get familiar with the work when we come back from the Pirate near Desia Village.”

The branch Captain, who looks like a decent and decadent uncle, is looking at it. After talking to William, he spoke to him, and the Captain’s voice was a little lazily.

“Oh, yes, you can call me Kale Captain.”

Kale Captain added, his meaning is very clear, that is this combat mission, Don’t take William.

“Kalle Captain, don’t be so troublesome, I can go with you.”

William said with a smile, without any self-consciousness, as if he hadn’t heard Kale Captain at all I don’t want to take him with me.

“Tsk, it’s trouble to take you with you. If you don’t want to cause trouble, then stay honest. This is not a house, and no one has the energy to protect you on the battlefield.”

Sure enough, seeing William so ignorant, Captain Kahler seemed a little impatient, and he spoke very straight.

Tickets~Tickets~Tickets~Recover all kinds of tickets~

(End of this chapter)

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