
Chapter 91 “Busoshoku Haki” Awakening (two in one please subscribe~)

“Thank you very much for your explanation, Major William, I Will think and try to apply these ideas of yours.”

Monkey D Dragon looked serious, and he showed respect to William, which may be why he was able to pull up the Revolutionary Army so quickly, even Kings like Ambrio Ivankov were conquered by his charisma.

“You don’t need to thank me, I’m just talking about nothing serious. Don’t go around saying that I told you this.”

William was a little embarrassed and a little sorry, He himself is half a bucket of water, and he is still here to teach real doers to make revolution. It is true that he “doesn’t have a face.”

However, when it comes to revolution, it is necessary to understand the concept first. It is not enough to just rely on blood. He thinks that in terms of concept, he is still a bit more advanced than Monkey D Dragon. Can guide the Revolutionary Army.

“Don’t worry, I won’t talk too much. When we really get on the right track and grow stronger, you are welcome to join us. Maybe we will become what you expect.”

Monkey D Dragon laughed, he didn’t want to force William to join the Revolutionary Army, the twisted melon is not sweet.

Now they are obviously not in line with William’s expectations, William will not join them, and if they really embark on the line drawn by William in the future, then Monkey D Dragon believes that William will definitely join them.

“hmph, let’s understand the concept of revolution first, don’t change the soup without changing the medicine, lay a solid foundation and be more pragmatic.”

We will talk about it later. , at least William has no idea of joining the Revolutionary Army yet. If the Revolutionary Army can really dig deep into the grassroots, slowly develop, and solidify its foundation, it may become a bit of a climate. Now they are just a group of terrifying elements running around.

“We will.”

Monkey D Dragon seriously nodded, and then his figure disappeared in front of William’s eyes, disappeared in a gust of wind, but it really didn’t come. Shadow, gone without a trace.

“Bastard, take me back with you!”

William stood up speechlessly. Although it’s not far from Isshin Dojo, can’t you take him back with you? ?

Whispering in his mouth, William returned to Isshin Dojo on foot, and by the time he returned to Isshin Dojo, the Revolutionary Army had all been evacuated, and they seemed to have completed the transportation of food, which may be Monkey The reason why D Dragon didn’t bring him, save him from coming back and seeing the Revolutionary Army here.

Walking into Isshin Dojo, William saw Koshiro Shiroyuki sitting cross-legged in the Way of Sword room, Koshiro Shiroyuki was obviously waiting for him to come back, Monkey D Dragon should have passed the breath with Koshiro Shimoyue, talking Know his attitude towards the Revolutionary Army.

“Master Koshiro, those Revolutionary Army people have gone?”

William has nodded pain, this Monkey D Dragon not only didn’t give him any EXP, but also made him “calm” “Life is disrupted.

If it wasn’t for the fact that the “Book of Hate” would have to be liquidated once it was written down, William would have written a fiercely note to him in the “Little Book”, which is simply too inappropriate.

“Yes, they’re gone.”

Koshiro Shiroyuki replied, he looked towards William, waiting for William to ask questions, it seems that he is ready.


However, William just said “oh” and then stopped talking, which made Koshiro a little embarrassed.

“Don’t you have anything else to ask?”

William didn’t seem to really want to ask, but instead, Shuangyue Koshiro stopped in Bengbu first, and he took the initiative to speak.

“Ask what?”

William’s face was calm, which made Koshiro Shiroyue even more confused. He had a stereotyped impression of William’s authenticity, and he thought that William would be interested in his identity very interested.

“I’m not from the Revolutionary Army, I just… did some food business with them, but didn’t join them.”

After a moment of silence, Koshiro Shiroyuki decided to explain. For a moment, in case William really misunderstands him.

“I know, I don’t care about that.”

He nodded to Shuangyue Koshiro, and then comforted Shuangyue Koshiro, of course he didn’t care about it, after all, Koshiro’s At that time, he already knew something about this matter. Simple friends and business relationships were actually simpler than he thought at first.


Shizuki Koshiro was silent again.

“It seems that I think too much. William, you are not someone who doesn’t know how to work around. The Revolutionary Army and Pirate are different. Although I didn’t join them, I still hold their ideals. A supportive and encouraging attitude.”

Shizuki Koshiro’s face softened, and he expressed some of his own opinions.

“Although I don’t dislike them so much, I don’t support their current behavior. If you do a transaction next time, remember not to let me know, or I will still bring people, and it may be The army is encircling and suppressing it.”

William wiped his face, he is not the same attitude as Koshiro Shuangyue, he can pretend not to know about it, but he can’t choose to turn a blind eye after encountering it.

This is William’s “smooth” approach, after all, most things in this world cannot be summed up in “black and white”, there are always some things that need to “turn a blind eye” , requires “rarely confused”.

“Don’t worry, it won’t make you embarrassed, this time. It is indeed a coincidence.” Because of the embarrassment of his identity, he had been hiding it from William before.

“Okay, it’s a deal.”

William nods

, and then simply doesn’t mention it.

Shuangyue Koshiro took a reassurance in his heart, determined that William would not be overly aggressive, and naturally he would not mention it any more.

“Koshiro master, please teach me how to master Haki first.”

Of course, the impossible thing really didn’t happen, Monkey D Dragon’s one pass operation, let William learn Haki’s desire became stronger and stronger.

No matter what kind of Devil Fruit Ability User Monkey D Dragon is, you must learn Haki to be eligible to fight him.

This is what Monkey D Dragon said by himself. William has a reasonable doubt that Monkey D Dragon is a Logia Devil Fruit Ability User, because only by learning “Busoshoku Haki” can we defeat the Logia Devil Fruit Ability User. It’s possible, otherwise Monkey D Dragon doesn’t need to say that.

“No problem, you can also ask Sir Father for more advice. He is more proficient in the application of Liu Ying than I am.”

Shuangyue Koshiro was stunned for a while, but then he stopped. After giving a response, he also understood William’s thoughts and why William suddenly wanted to learn Haki urgently.

Although William is not very old, generally few people can awaken Haki at this age, but Koshiro Shiroyuki has great confidence in William, he feels that William has met the conditions for learning Haki, and he should not learn if he wants to. Difficult because William has shown aptitude.

“When Haki is almost done, I plan to leave East Blue. There is no challenge here for me. I will go to Grand Line to pursue some new challenges.”


William went on to say that whether it was Garp’s invitation or the excitement of Monkey D Dragon, they were constantly stirring his emotions, making his desire to become stronger and stronger. keep fighting.

And the strength of East Blue is not suitable for him to continue. William didn’t expect that he would grow so fast in East Blue. It can only be said that he encountered a lot of unexpected things. opportunities, and sometimes plans just don’t keep up with change.

“Going to the Grand Line? Isn’t it a little early?”

Shizuki Koshiro was surprised.

William has always been very down-to-earth. Whether it is learning sword techniques or blacksmithing, he is very diligent and diligent, not seeking instant benefit at all.

This made Koshiro Shimotsuki and his father Kosaburo Shimotsuki very satisfied with William, and they thought that William would be able to continue his studies in Isshin Dojo steadily.

“I think I need a stronger opponent.”

William explained that it is natural to be able to become stronger through closed-door penance, especially for him, now that it is too slow Slowly possessing the “half-demon” lifespan, he can completely kill most people. After two or three hundred years of cultivation, he will come out of the mountain, and it is guaranteed that he will be able to get out of the mountain in seconds.

However, that’s not what William wanted. He until now has the goal of getting to the top of the world and stirring wind and rain. It is not his way of doing things that he wins by making others die. Ten thousand years is too long, just fight for the day!

“William, you’d better think about it, I know that the dragon may have stimulated you, but when he was your age, he didn’t have the achievements you have now, you are still young, and you are far from yourself. It’s still early for the peak, don’t seek instant benefit like this, the future belongs to you.”

Koshiro earnest and well-meant advised persuasion, but these words made William feel numb, “The future is Your “Is it alright?

“Relax, Koshiro master, I won’t leave so early, at least until I have mastered Busoshoku Haki and Kenbunshoku Haki, I’m looking for new challenges, not The Grand Line is the cannon fodder.”

William smiled and waved to Koshiro Shiroyuki’s heart, he was not insane by the stimulation of Monkey D Dragon.

Otherwise, he can go directly to Garp to apply for a transfer to Marine Headquarters. William knows what level he is, and at least what strength he needs to go. He just informed Koshiro Frostuki in advance.

Besides, William also prepared a big gift, and he was going to take it out to shock the whole world when he went to Marine Headquarters. Now he doesn’t have the ability to get that big gift, and he even has mastered the dual skills. After Haki, he couldn’t guarantee that he would get that big gift.

“.That’s fine.”

Koshiro nods. In fact, according to his idea, William can settle in East Blue for a few more years.

With William’s innate talent, he can do a major event business when he is three-four years old before entering the Grand Line.

But some things can’t be forced, William has his own ideas, and Koshiro Shuangyue can only make suggestions. How to do it depends on William himself.

After that, William began to learn sword technique with Koshiro Shuangyue, while learning how to awaken and condense “Busoshoku Haki”, and when learning Blade Technique, he would also ask Kosaburo Shuangyue for advice one time.

Shuangyue Koshiro is better at teaching, and Shimoyue Kosaburo is better at being experienced, and “Haki” this thing, in addition to natural awakening and comprehension, the most important thing is to see if it is reliable The people who led the way, Koshiro Shuangyue, Koshiro Shuangyue, father and son are obviously very reliable.

Therefore, one month after encountering the Revolutionary Army, William successfully awakened “Busoshoku Haki”, which is a good thing for William who has to do a lot of things and learn a lot of skills every day. A very fast pace, after all, he doesn’t practice “Haki” hard every day without doing anything.

The tireless sparring of Koshiro and Kozaburō is the main factor behind William’s quick awakening.

In the past month, father and son sparred with each other so frequently that William was promoted to Level 1 and got a chance to draw a lottery. This can be considered a surprise.


William exhaled, and then a turbulent imposing manner emanated from the body. The “Busoshoku Haki” armor of layer black shine looks very formidable.

“Not bad.”

William is quite satisfied, his “Busoshoku Haki” innate talent is okay, in fact, before the most basic “hardening”, “Busoshoku Haki” is still There is a more basic stage, which is just a faint imposing manner that haunts the body, which some people behave like when they first awaken.

“Busoshoku Haki” is different from “Haoshoku Haki”, “Busoshoku Haki” can be acquired through cultivation, and can also be strengthened through cultivation, and the main cultivation of “Busoshoku Haki” is the unit “Busoshoku Haki” “Quality” and “Total”.

The amount determines the strength of “Busoshoku Haki” to a certain extent. The “quality” of “Haki” basically represents the upper limit of the strength of “Busoshoku Haki”.

“Quality” is high and “quantity” is small, it is explosive type, “quality” is low and “quantity” is more, it is biased towards lasting type, of course, the barrel effect also applies here, “quality” and “” “Quantity” can’t be too low, otherwise it will neither break out nor last, and both “quality” and “quantity” are the best. Most powerhouses have no shortcomings.

Of course, if there is “amount”, there will also be consumption, and the consumption speed is also different according to the intensity of use and the amount of use.

The same “quality”, the more “quantity”, the longer the “Busoshoku Haki” can be used.

After the “Busoshoku Haki” is consumed, it can recover on its own by resting, so the speed of recovery is also critical.

Monkey D. Luffy inherited Monkey D. Garp’s innate talent. His “Busoshoku Haki” is very strong in terms of “quality”, “quantity”, and “recovery speed”, and even just It didn’t take long for the awakening to be comparable to or even surpass the old powerhouse, and it was a bit outrageous to achieve a crush on “Busoshoku Haki”.

William’s “Busoshoku Haki” isn’t that exaggerated, but when you wake up, you’ll be able to breathe every second of the air.

But as soon as he woke up, he skipped the initial stage and could directly “harden”, and he also gained a “slightly Small Accomplishment” proficiency, which can also be said to be quite innate talent.

(End of this chapter)

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