“Ah! Finally landed. Luffy, who had been hiding in the barrel, excitedly broke the barrel.

Looking at the person who was shot away by himself, he chuckled: “What an idiot!” Why do you have to stand so close! Isn’t this looking for death yourself? ”

“What the hell are you kid!” “How could it be in a barrel!”

Luffy ignored the words of the two pirates, looked around, and said, “It’s on the ship!” I don’t know if there’s food! My stomach is hungry again. ”

“Hey, I advise you to run away quickly!” At this time, a little boy with glasses on the side said weakly.

Luffy glanced at him and knew that this person was Kebi, as if he had followed Karp to cultivate later!

“There is no need for that, and I’m a little hungry, let’s go find something to eat first.” Luffy said lightly.

“Bastard boy, since you dare to ignore us, let me die!”

“Disturbed my good mood.” After Luffy punched the two pirates who were in the way, he didn’t pay attention to it, and sniffed a little: “Found it, the smell of food, it’s hateful!” I already knew that when I went to sea, I should eat more. ”

Time goes back a few hours…

“Luffy, be careful along the way.” Marcino said, “Remember that your Devil Fruit is still here, and next time you come back, remember to bring your fiancée back to see it!” ”

“Fiancée?” Luffy listened to this word is really choking enough, this so-called ‘fiancée’ naturally refers to Nami, where does Luffy know, after the last time he told this matter, how gossipy those aunts in the village were, from Marcino’s mouth at the beginning it was a girlfriend, I don’t know how to pass it on, and finally since it changed to a fiancée.

“Forget it, if Nami finds out, it will definitely kill me.” In short, bye, everyone, we will see you when I become a sea thief in the future! ”

“Hmph, get out of here! Don’t come back in the future, it’s a shame for our village. ”

Sailing the boat out to sea, as soon as it came out, the offshore overlord immediately ran out.

Luffy laughed lowly, “Why, even you are here to welcome me to the sea!” That’s just right. ”

Luffy looked at the Lord of the Near Sea who kept roaring, this one was even bigger than the one Shanks had killed 10 years ago, and he was biting at Luffy with his teeth and claws.

“Hmph, boring, stretchy, rubber gun.”

After a move to kill the Lord of the Sea, after driving for a while, Luffy looked at the huge whirlpool in front of him with some chagrin, and the ship began to move uncontrollably towards the whirlpool.

Luffy smiled bitterly, “No! It’s really the inertia of the plot! Do you want to hide in a wooden box like Luffy in the original book? If you use moonstep, you must turn on the second gear! ”

That’s right, in these three years, Karp only came back once for the first time, and stayed in the windmill village for about half a year, and then immediately, as if because there were more things in the naval headquarters, he did not come back after that.

However, there are also some doubts, because the Karp people are gone, resulting in Luffy currently only mastering the domineering power of armed color, and the domineering of seeing the color has not learned at all, which makes Luffy a little speechless.

But it can only be calculated, now that he has become a pirate, it is impossible to let Karp teach himself, although it will only be armed with domineering, but it is enough, at least in the first half of the great voyage, there are not many people who know how to be domineering.

As for the Navy Six? With his ability to rubber fruit, Luffy can barely master the four of the six styles of the navy, that is, shaving, moon step, lan foot, paper painting, these four styles, but although he has mastered the four styles, it is better to say that he has only mastered the two styles, moon step and lan foot, Luffy can’t use it at all if he doesn’t enter the second gear to increase his speed.

Luffy looked closer and closer to the whirlpool, and there was no way, so he had to follow Luffy in the original book and get directly into the barrel.

Time returns to the present, and Luffy eats food while listening to Kebi on the side tell about his tragic experience.

“Well, I also understand your experience, don’t say more.” Luffy waved his hand.

“What about Mr. Luffy? Why are you in the barrel? Kebi asked.

“Because not long after I went to sea, I encountered that big whirlpool, and in order to save my life, I had to get into that barrel.”

“In this way, Luffy now you will also insist on going to sea, if, if I also have your determination, maybe you can, escape from Arrita’s control.” Kebi whispered, “Then Mr. Luffy, why are you going to sea?” ”

“This, a guy like you, said that you won’t believe it, my goal is ONEPIECE, that is, I want to become One Piece.” Luffy said confidently.

“ONEPIECE, that is a unique secret treasure in the world, something that countless pirates in the world want to get, impossible, absolutely impossible, Mr. Luffy will never be able to do it…”

Luffy listened to this guy’s words, and grabbed Kebi’s neck directly with his right hand, lifting him up whole.

“Mr. Luffy, it’s so uncomfortable! Help me! Luffy looked at Kebi’s tears, looking disgusted to death begging for mercy, and threw him out directly.

Kebi coughed twice, and the peaceful eyes that had been looking at Luffy were suddenly full of fear.

Luffy said disdainfully, “Boy, that’s why I just said it!” I think a guy like you won’t believe it, because your amount is really small enough, looking at this East China Sea, there are a few people who can say that they want to get ONEPIECE, because if anyone says it, they will think where you just had, and be laughed at loudly. ”

“So the pirates in the East China Sea, there are only these things, if the pirates don’t even have dreams, are they still pirates?” Waste like you, I see that you have been nesting here for me and continue to be a pirate. ”

“Is it possible to achieve it just by thinking of Mr. Luffy like you, with determination and dreams.” Kebi listened to Luffy’s words and cried in his eyes.

“I know this kind of thing! Think for yourself! Luffy glanced at Kirby lightly, he didn’t have much interest in this person, anyway, he wasn’t his partner, even if he got Karp’s training in the later stage, his achievements would not be too big, and most importantly, he liked the navy, and Luffy was completely wrong.

“Actually, since I was a child, I have always wanted to become a navy, enforce justice, send all those pirates to prison with my own hands, and send Arrita in…” Kebi said excitedly, but unfortunately before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by others.

“Kebi, what did you just say?” At this time, Yarlita’s huge body directly crushed the ship and fell from above.

“Kebi, since you are here with an outsider, are you uniting against me?” Arrita said in a low voice.

“Miss Arlita.” The fear of Yarlita had long been ingrained in Kebi’s heart, and he immediately began to snort when he looked at Yarlita.

Luffy looked at Arrita for the first time, and almost wanted to vomit, but fortunately he lifted a step and got the slippery fruit, otherwise being eaten by this kind of woman would be a violent thing.

“Kebi, tell me, who is the most beautiful person on this sea! Kirby. Arrita said in a low voice.

Kebi listened to the question, and Zhan Keke said: “This piece, the sea…” The most beautiful is, of course…”

Luffy’s arm stretched out, directly grabbed Kebi’s neck, grabbed him and said, “Shut up for me, Kebi, this disgusting fat woman, I want to vomit when I look at it, if you still say that it is that disgusting compliment to her, then I can’t vomit for ten days when I go back!” You idiot. Saying that, he threw Kebi down, and as for what would happen to him, it had nothing to do with Luffy.

Listening to Luffy’s words, Yarlita was already angry, and said in a low voice: “Bastard guy, give me death.” With that, he hit Luffy with a stick.

Luffy’s body flashed slightly to the left, and he directly dodged the attack with the smallest movement, the iron rod hit the ship directly, Luffy grabbed the salty pig hand of the iron rod of Arrita, and said in a low voice: “It’s too small here, let’s go outside!” After that, he completely ignored the surprised eyes of the surrounding Arlita subordinates, and directly threw Yarlita out like a broken ball.

Luffy also immediately jumped out, only to see that after Arrita’s huge body landed, he slowly stood up and said, “Damn it!” You guy, Devil Fruit Ability? ”

“That’s right.”

“Are you a pirate hunter? You’re here to take my head! ”

“It’s a pity, no, I’m a pirate like you.” Luffy said lightly: “Although I don’t have hatred with you, we pirates are free to do things, so I’m going to beat you now.” ”

“Beat me up?”

“Telescopic, rubber boomerang.” Luffy didn’t give Alrita time to react, and his body quickly appeared in front of him, killing him directly with a punch.

Luffy’s speed was so fast that before all the pirates here could react, Arrita, who was invincible in their eyes, had already been beaten out.

Luffy glanced at the pirates on the boat, and the pirates who were stared at by Luffy were all excited, and Luffy said lightly: “I need a small boat now, just help me prepare enough food and water.” ”

“Yes, obey.” Seeing Luffy’s strength, these pirates did not dare to disobey at all.

“Awesome, is this Mr. Luffy’s strength? Since he defeated Arrita with one blow. Kebi on the side said enviously.

“Luffy? It’s really Luffy! At this time, the pirate ship on the opposite side suddenly shouted.

“Nami.” Luffy was surprised, and immediately used his shaving to quickly move in front of Nami, “Shouldn’t I say it’s been a long time!” ”

“By the way, Luffy, I just saw it, is the person you flew away seems to be a pirate, the iron rod Arrita!” Nami wondered.

“yes! Indeed it is. ”

“Is it? That’s awesome, Luffy, you’re really getting better and better now. Nami said with a look of excitement.

“By the way, pirates, give Kebi a small boat, he said he wants to go to the navy.” Luffy said to the pirate.

“Nami, let’s go! I have something to tell you. ”

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