Back on the boat, Nami complained dissatisfied, “It’s too slow!” Luffy, we’ve all been waiting for you here for a long time! Since you came over so leisurely. ”

Akin helped Luffy explain, “Actually, the captain was just dealing with Smogg, maybe he wasted a little time. ”

Luffy got on the boat and explained, “No, Smogg was too careless, he was solved by me in three or two strokes, and he just met an acquaintance.” ”

“Acquaintance? Is there someone you know here? Solon wondered.

“Ah! Indeed it is! Otherwise, why didn’t you have the navy chasing you! It was because he helped me block the navy chasing behind. Luffy said lightly.

Usopp said with some concern: “Then your friend will be fine!” ”

Luffy said confidently, “Don’t worry! The people who can defeat him in this world are only a handful, and those navies can’t take him. ”

“So powerful?” Usopp was surprised, “Who the hell is it!” ”

Nami said loudly: “Don’t say this, now it’s time to set sail, this wind is in the right direction.” ”

“Alright! Little ones, let’s go. Luffy said loudly.

After leaving Rogue Town, getting closer and closer to the Great Passage, Nami exclaimed, “Luffy, look quickly.” ”

“What’s that? That beam? Luffy muttered.

“That is the light of guidance, and in front of that light is the great channel.” Nami said a little excitedly.

“Is it finally here? My body is already boiling, everyone, let’s also do a sailing ceremony on this great ocean! Luffy said loudly.

“That’s good!” Saying that, Solon moved over a bucket and put a foot on it: “I want to become the world’s number one swordsman.” ”

Luffy said excitedly, “I’m going to be One Piece.” ”

Nami said, “I want to draw the most perfect chart.” ”

Carmen said: “To be the number one chef in the world. ”

Shangis said, “I want to find the Sea of Miracles.” ”

Akin said, “I want to witness the world of the strong.” ”

Locke said, “Assist the captain to become the greatest pirate.” ”

Usopp hesitated slightly, but immediately followed, “I want to be the bravest sea warrior.” ”

“Very well, the departure ceremony is complete, brethren, set off for the great passage.”


On the other side, in the town of Rogue, Smogg, who was injured by Luffy and stopped by the dragon, his face became more and more ugly, punched the table, and said to the navy on the side: “There is no time to continue to waste here, prepare to sail and set off for the great passage.” ”

The navy on the side was surprised: “But, Colonel Smogg, the order of the navy headquarters is to garrison here!” ”

“Less to Lao Tzu, when did I hear the orders of the headquarters!” Smogg roared unpleasantly.

“Then I will go too, I will never forgive you, Roroja Solon, I swear to arrest you.” Dusty on the side said firmly.


“Stop ink, hurry up and get ready.” Smogg shouted at the navy.

The navy listened and was immediately startled by Smogg, and immediately left the room.

“Straw Hat Boy, I will never let you escape from my hands, let’s see you in the Great Passage!”


“This is the entrance to the Great Passage, Upside Down Mountain?” Luffy looked at this and was surprised.

Solon on the side also looked at this scene in surprise, and said: “This completely subverts common sense, since the water is kept upward, it does not matter if it is upstreamed on the mountain, and the other side of this mountain is the great channel?” ”

“Let’s go! From this moment on, the Straw Hat Pirates have finally appeared on the stage, the great channel, just waiting for me to conquer! Luffy exclaimed excitedly, feeling that the boat was following the current as if it was climbing a mountain, Luffy looked back a little and excitedly said, “It’s amazing!” Great fairway. ”

“Aaaaah! It’s so tall! Usopp grabbed the passage with some trepidation.

Shangis took a puff of his cigarette and said terrible things in a very indifferent tone: “If you fall, people who can’t swim will definitely die, but I think the same situation is true for people who can swim in this kind of place!” ”

“Here, flying to the highest, where is the great channel?” Luffy said excitedly.

“It’s starting to slide.” Solon Shangis and the others grabbed the boat a little nervously.


“What is that thing up front! A mountain? Luffy saw a black thing in front of him and said, “Damn it, Usopp, don’t be screaming somewhere.” ”

“That’s not right! Upside Down Mountain used to have nothing to do with Ben! What kind of thing is that! Nami looked at the huge black shadow looming ahead.

“It’s not a mountain, it’s a whale.” Solon exclaimed.

“Aaaaah! You’re going to die, hurry up and turn the rudder! Hurry up and turn the rudder. Usopp shouted.

“Damn it? Can’t listen to it? “Since Solon forcibly turned the rudder, the speed of decline has not decreased.

Nami yelled, “Luffy, hurry up and think of a way, it’s about to crash, it’s going to die.” ”

“Such a big fish, how do you tell me to think of a way! Although I am quite powerful, my attack can’t defeat such a big fish, and if I attack it, it will be troublesome. Luffy said with the same calm look.

“You guy, it’s too calm!” Usopp yelled.

“Hmph, okay! Let me show you how powerful your captain is! Isn’t it just a fish? 3rd gear bone balloon. Luffy said, directly biting the thumbs of his hands, blowing air inside, and his fists suddenly turned into giant fists tens of meters in size.

“The arms are getting bigger.” Nami was surprised.

“Since you still have this trick!” Solon exclaimed.

“Armed color arm hardening.” Luffy threw his hands back sharply and smiled contemptuously: “It’s obviously just a fish, don’t get me in the middle of my navigation, let me get out of the way!” Retractable Grizzly Gun. ”

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