The weather of the great channel is unpredictable, and the weird snow day has finally come out, on the Merry, Luffy looks at Akin and Locke repairing the hole in the ship with a look of indifference, and Nami on the side said with some warning: “Luffy, you can’t shoot at will, got it?” You can’t fight on the ship, otherwise, let’s not say continue sailing, the ship will be broken by you, it’s just a snowball fight, since you can beat people like this. ”

Saying that, pointing to the seriously ill Solon people who were held by bandages on the side, Luffy said lightly: “I can’t help it!” It’s just a snowball fight, since they will all fight like that, it can only be said that their quality is too poor, and it is difficult to survive on the great waterway. ”

“It’s you too much of a monster.” The three of Usopp yelled in dissatisfaction.

“It’s obviously just a snowball fight, since you even use domineering, are you trying to kill us? Darn. Solon yelled.

Luffy plucked his ears and said, “I didn’t say that you can’t wrap domineering around snowballs, you don’t use it yourself.” ”

Usopp said tragically: “What game you play is simply the biggest mistake.” ”

Locke, who was mending the hole on the side, stroked his glasses and said solemnly: “The captain’s strength is too strong, and the previous battle with the whale is also the same, we were completely affected, if you accidentally killed by the captain that day, then it would be a little wrong.” ”

Nami immediately said: “That’s right, Luffy, you won’t make a move in future battles, just hand it over to Solon Akin and them, otherwise we will be unlucky again.” ”

“Ah! That’s fine! Luffy said lightly: “Actually, I originally planned to do so, I am also a captain, how can I easily make a move?” Isn’t it too unseemly for me to deal with a miscellaneous soldier? And if I deal with any enemy, everyone will not be able to get experienced. ”

“Okay, that’s it, you don’t have to deal with anything in the future, of course, if Solon and they can’t solve it, then you, the captain, will deal with it!” Nami laughed.

Luffy looked ahead and said with some excitement: “Nami, it’s already here, look!” Where is the Whiskey Peak! We enter the first island of the Great Passage. ”

Solon, who was still seriously ill on the side, immediately removed the bandages on his body, and said with some excitement: “Has it finally arrived?” But Luffy, that mountain peak is really a little strange! ”

Luffy chuckled, “Don’t worry about that much, just go inside, but Solon you recovered really quickly!” ”

“Hmph, don’t you underestimate me, wasn’t it okay for me to be slashed by Hawkeye before? Not to mention snowballs. Solon said confidently.

“Well, thank you for sending us here.” “Then let’s say goodbye to you here!” Mr9 and Miss spoke to each other Wednesday as they backflipped and jumped into the sea.

Solon smiled playfully, “Finally gone?” Those two guys, the two of them are members of Baroque Walker, is it okay to let them go like this? There are probably many of their accomplices at Whiskey Peak! ”

Luffy said disdainfully: “There’s no need to worry, it’s useless to have more characters like them, even if there are their accomplices, don’t worry.” ”

“That’s what I said!” Solon chuckled.

Usopp was a little scared: “Hey, Luffy, obviously knowing where there may be more enemies, let’s just not go, and I always feel that there is some conspiracy, those two people were beaten like that by you, I’m afraid they also hate us in their hearts!” ”

“If you want to remember hatred, let them remember hatred!” Luffy said indifferently: “Anyway, with their little strength, even if there is any conspiracy, it is useless, and the overwhelming power will make all conspiracy and trickery powerless.” ”

“That’s right.” Locke agreed with this, if the two are equal in strength, then they need to rely on perseverance or strategy to win, but if the difference in strength is too large, then it is useless to go against the sky.

“Little ones, let’s go! Towards Whiskey Peak. ”


Entering the range of Whisky Peak, Luffy looked around, due to the weather, there was a lot of fog around Whiskey Peak, but he could still vaguely see the figure of Whiskey Peak.

“There are so many people! But what’s going on here! Solon looked at the figures around him and said, although it is impossible to judge men, women and children from the shadows alone, but just looking at this number of people.

Usopp said with some fear: “Solon, if something happens to you later, you must protect me well!” “On the ship, Usopp and Luffy Solon have the best relationship, but Luffy doesn’t say that he won’t care about him, even if Luffy says to protect him, he won’t dare!” In case of being affected by the battle, a few lives are not enough!

“Welcome pirates!” “Great sea warrior.” “Welcome to the Great Passage, Whiskey Peak.” Gradually approaching, only to find that the people around them were welcoming them, but at this moment, many people on the boat frowned a little, feeling a little suspicious about this matter.

Usopp looked at the crowd below with some surprise, “Are they welcoming us?” ”

“It seems to be!” Solon said lightly, but there was a hint of solemnity between his eyebrows.

Luffy didn’t care, “It doesn’t matter if they are really welcome or fake welcome!” Anyway, let’s follow their meaning and see how they welcome us! ”

Disembarking, a middle-aged uncle with curly hair cleared his throat and said, “Arala, welcome to the Great Passage, this is the town of wine and music, the peak of whiskey, I am the mayor of this town, Ikalem.” ”

“Oh, I’m Luffy, the captain of this ship.” Luffy said lightly.

“We are rich in grapes here, and we are served with wine that we are proud of, and you have sailed hard all the way, so let’s take your adventure stories as a wine dish and enjoy the feast quickly!”

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