Everyone in the Straw Hat Pirates looked at Luffy in surprise, looking at Miss Sunday who had just despised himself and others, and was defeated by Luffy in an instant, and his heart was even more high on Luffy’s strength, every time it was like this, he didn’t want to do it and kept playing with you, really started to move, only to find that the gap between the two sides was huge.

Luffy let go of the hand holding Miss Sunday, and Miss immediately covered his neck and sat limply on the ground on Sunday, probably because Luffy pushed a little too harder, and Miss kept coughing on Sunday.

Luffy looked at the fallen Miss Sunday and said lightly: “Go back and tell Klockdar, since he has declared war on me, then I should fight, of course, if you want to come and kill me, let him come in person, or come to a slightly stronger color, this time I will let you go back, remember to tell Klockdar my words.” ”

Miss looked at Luffy with some horror on Sunday, slowly stood up, and resumed his flat tone: “Yes, I know, Straw Hat Boy Luffy, I will relay your words to the boss.” The tone of voice was exactly the same as before, as if it was not her who had just been caught.

Watching Miss leave on Sunday, Locke stroked his glasses and said, “There are also such characters around Klockdar!” It seems that this time it is necessary to fight with the Qiwu Sea. ”

Solon said a little excitedly, “Seven Wuhai? Just came to the Great Channel, you can face this sea thief, and you can also try my recent cultivation. ”

Wei Wei roared: “You can obviously catch her just now, why let him leave, as long as you catch her, then can’t you ask for more information?” ”

“What’s the use of catching her! She is not Klockdar, and you, don’t forget that I am the captain of this ship. Luffy said unpleasantly: “And it doesn’t matter if you let her go, her strength is not very strong anyway.” ”

Wei Wei immediately said loudly: “She is Mr0, the boss’s partner, although she is not your opponent, but didn’t everyone just shoot down the weapon by her all of a sudden?” ”

“That’s because I didn’t even know she was a capable person! It was the hand that just shot down everyone’s weapon, and it seems to have emerged from you, this should be her ability! Luffy said lightly.

“Hand?” Solon whispered.

Luffy said lightly: “Don’t worry about this, these things are not important, now that the goal is clear, let’s go and crush Klockdar!” ”

“Great, Vivi, if you defeat Klockdar in this way, then your country will be saved.” Nami grabbed Vivi excitedly.

“Well, thank you, Nami, and Mr. Luffy.” Vivi thanked her.

“Don’t thank me, just because Klockdar declared war on me, I can’t let him go myself.” Luffy said lightly.

Nami walked over and took the permanent pointer in Luffy’s hand and said, “Great, with this we can go directly to the Kingdom of Alabastan.” ”

“Great, Vivi-chan, so I can send you back to China in a moment.” Shangis ran over and said stupidly.

Luffy said lightly: “It will take more than ten days to sail from here to Alabastan, Nami, we still have to replenish water and food, let’s go to the next island first!” ”

“The next island, I remember she just said, the next island is called Little Garden, right? It seems that there is some danger on that island! Nami remembered Miss’s tone on Sunday just now, and said with some fear.

Luffy confidently patted Nami’s shoulder and said, “Don’t worry!” I don’t know how dangerous that little garden is, but I guess it shouldn’t be more dangerous than Crokdal! You’ll be able to sail with peace of mind. ”

Nami listened to Luffy’s words, she also believed in Luffy’s strength very much, just now that woman could lightly knock down their weapons, and Luffy could easily subdue the woman, there was absolutely no doubt about Luffy’s strength, “Okay!” Vivi, let’s go to the small garden first! Replenish the food and water there, and we will go to your country together, how about Alabastan. ”

“Well, this is natural, after replenishment, we will go to Alabastan at full speed.” Vivi said a little excitedly, although Luffy said that he would help her only if he defeated Klockdar, but no matter what, as long as the result is like that, then it will be fine.

“Go ahead, set off for the little garden.”

Seeing the island, Usopp was surprised: “Is that a small garden?” Where is this small! ”

Solon on the side said lightly: “But it seems that this island is still in its original form, but it doesn’t matter, we just go up to find some food and water.” ”

“Dock the ship! Prepare to go to the island. Luffy said lightly.

Nami and Usopp looked at the tiger on the island with some horror, and shrunk into a ball and said, “How can there be such a big tiger on this island!” ”

“Is this big? I ate such a big tiger when I was a few years old. Luffy said lightly.

“Who can compare to a monster like you!” Nameusopp yelled.

However, the big tiger suddenly bled all over and fell, which frightened Usopp and Nami even more, saying, “What the hell is going on on this island!” Since there are still monsters that can defeat such a big tiger. ”

“Luffy, hurry up and resupply the food and water, let’s leave and go!” Nami said with some fear.

Luffy nodded and said, “Well, Solon, Locke, Akin, you guys go find some food and water!” I want to see the island. With that, Luffy jumped directly off the ship.

“Wait a minute, Mr. Luffy, I’ll go with you!” Vivi said at this time.

Nami was immediately shocked: “Hey, Vivi, Luffy forget it!” You also saw this island, there are monsters that defeat the kind of tigers. ”

“It’s okay? Rest assured! Nami. Vivi said confidently, riding her duck to keep up with Luffy.

Nami immediately shouted, “Luffy, you have to protect Vivi well, you can’t let her get hurt.” ”

“If you dare to bully Vivi-chan back, I will definitely not let you go.” Shangis yelled at Luffy, “Forget it, I’ll come with me.” Saying that, Shangis also followed Luffy’s side and said to Vivi next to him: “Don’t worry!” Vivi, I will protect you even with my life. ”

“Thank you, Mr. Shangis.” Vivi thanked her.

Solon looked at Shangis’s idiotic look and said disdainfully: “Cut, what a flower-mad cook, forget it, then let’s go find some food and water!” ”

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