Suddenly, a huge shock wave appeared behind the group of straw hats, and Luffy, who just wanted to attack, suddenly found that since the huge shock wave directly opened a big hole in the belly of this whale, the group immediately entered the whale’s body very smoothly.

“What was that trick just now?” Luffy looked at the two giants behind him.

“It’s Master Brockie, it’s really amazing! I will become a figure like him in the future. Usopp said with a look of excitement.

“Is it? Then you work hard! Luffy praised a little and turned to everyone, “Okay, little ones, let’s go!” Go to Alabastan and finish off Klockdar. ”


After sailing for a while, Luffy looked at Na Mei as if she was very tired, and her face was not right, and she was a little worried: “Are you okay!” Nami. ”

“It’s okay, I’m just a little tired.” Nami replied a little weakly.

Luffy put his hand on Nami’s forehead and said, “The forehead is hot!” It seems that he is sick! Hey, Locke, you should know a little bit about medicine! Come and help Nami see what kind of disease she was born with. ”

“Sick? Yes, Captain. Locke came over and looked at Nami’s face and said, “It seems that it should be a fever!” I went to the thermometer. ”

Shangji immediately ran over and said idiotly, “What’s wrong?” Miss Nami, since I am sick, I will immediately go to a business meal that can be eaten for patients. ”

“What’s wrong? Nami, where is it uncomfortable? Usopp asked, coming over.

Nami stood up and forced a smile: “It’s okay, it seems to be just a little cold, it’s okay, if I fall, then what can I do!” I’m the navigator of this ship! ”

Luffy picked Nami up and said, “Since you also know that you are the navigator of this ship, then you are even less able to get sick, so you should take a good rest first!” Look a little bit from the outside. ”

Inside the cabin, Locke checked a little, looked at Nami’s body temperature, and was a little surprised: “Since it’s all reached 40 degrees, when did you start feeling uncomfortable!” It doesn’t seem to be a simple fever. ”

“It seems to have just been like this!” Nami said lightly.

“Just now? When you were in the small garden, were you injured by any poisonous insects or poisonous weeds? Locke said lightly.

Startled, Nami pulled her clothes away, revealing a flat lower abdomen with a raised redness on it, and said, “It seems that I was asked for by something.” ”

“Miss Nami, hey, Locke, Miss Nami should be fine!” Shangis asked worriedly.

“What’s wrong? Any questions? Locke. Luffy looked at Luffy suspiciously.

Locke said lightly: “I’m afraid things have become a little troublesome, the small garden is the island of the primeval world, and there is no antidote for the poisonous insects in that kind of place on our ship, and I can’t do anything about Nami’s condition.” ”

“Aaaaah! You wouldn’t say it’s Miss Nami, hey, aren’t you a doctor? Hurry up and figure it out for me! Shangis came up and grabbed Locke by the collar.

“Although I know medical skills, but I am not a ship doctor, there is a way, we can only find an island to take her to see a doctor, if it is just a simple cold, I have no problem, and I can’t help this disease.” Locke said slowly.

“Yes?” Luffy said lightly: “It seems that you have to find an island first!” Then take Nami up to see a doctor. ”

“No, Luffy.” At this time, Nami stood up, went to the drawer and handed it to Vivi, “This is a report from three days ago, the king’s army has 300,000 people who have defected to the rebel army, if you don’t stop it, I’m afraid things will be bad.” ”

Wei Wei looked at the newspaper in surprise and said, “How could it be, originally the king’s army had 600,000 and the rebel army was only 400,000, in this case, the war would be in full swing.” ”

Nami said apologetically: “I’m sorry, Vivi, I didn’t want you to worry, so I hid it, don’t worry!” I’ll be fine, the ship will continue to Alabastan. ”

Locke said lightly: “The poisonous insects of the Primeval Island can be said to be terminally ill for us, since you still say that you are fine, if you die, the captain will definitely be very painful.” ”

“That’s right, you can’t protect yourself now, you still have the leisure to take care of other people’s affairs!” Luffy pointed his finger at Nami’s forehead and said lightly, “Okay, let’s go to the next island!” ”

“But, Vivi’s country…” Nami said a little anxiously.

“That’s right, now that the Kingdom of Alabastan is facing the greatest danger, I hope everyone can go to Alabastan as quickly as possible.” Wei Wei said with some excitement. As soon as he said this, Luffy and Locke, and even the faces of Usopp and Shangis on the side became ugly, and Vivi continued: “So, we need to quickly find an island now, first treat Nami’s illness, this is the fastest way for this ship to go to Alabastan.” ”

“It’s really worthy of Vivi Chan, I really think so thoughtfully!” Shangis immediately said stupidly.

Luffy said unpleasantly: “Che, it’s really boring superfluous words, the voyage of this ship is not up to you, you have to figure it out for me.” ”

“Luffy, didn’t Vivi already say that? Are you looking for an island first? Nami said a little anxiously, “I’m sorry, Vivi, I caused you trouble.” ”

Luffy turned and left, “Keep sailing!” By the way, find an island, now prioritize the treatment of Nami’s condition, and go to a boat doctor by the way. ”

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