As soon as Klockdar said this, everyone suddenly looked at Klockdar even more nervously, and Klockdar said a little playfully: “Then I think it’s better to start with you first, Nafirutali Vivi, the people who brought the Straw Hat and the gang to such a desperate point are you, I think I will start with you first!” ”

“Princess Vivi.” Bell was shocked, and his body immediately turned into a bird form and roared: “You Hugh want to hurt Princess Vivi.” ”

The claw grabbed Klockdar’s body, and a yellow sand came out, and Klockdar smiled disdainfully: “What are you doing in such a hurry!” Bell of the Wall. Saying that, a yellow sand entangled Bell’s paws.

Wei Wei was shocked: “Run away!” Bel. ”

The corner of Klockdahl’s mouth grinned, and a bright red blood spray shot out from Bell’s chest, Klockdar threw Bell aside with disdain, and said, “Even if you are the strongest warrior in Alabastan, you are so vulnerable in my eyes, Rinse Bell.” ”

“Bell?” Vivi shouted, and at the same time the whole person wanted to rush over, Nami’s eyes were quick, and she immediately pulled Vivi and said, “Don’t go over, Vivi, if you die, Bell’s intentions will be in vain, if you die, then who will stop the war!” ”

Solon’s hearts became more and more nervous, originally thinking that they could use water to defeat Klockdar, but they did not expect that since all the water was buried in the sand, in this case, then they had to use domineering.

Solon gritted his teeth secretly, and secretly said in his heart: Maybe this is also an opportunity for him to break through, if he hones his domineering, then his strength will go to a higher level.

After making up his mind, Solon exclaimed, “Let’s go together!” Saying that he rushed up first, the Locke people also immediately followed, if they didn’t fight in their hearts, they would only die, and their little strength was too small in front of Qiwu Hai.

Klockdar smiled disdainfully: “It’s really a guy who can’t learn a lesson, since he still dares to come, but I’m tired of this kind of attack from you.” Saying that, a cloud of sand appeared in Klockdar’s palm, slapped his palm on the ground, and roared lowly: “Desert sunflower.” ”

“Damn, it’s this trick again.” Several people suddenly fell into the quicksand created by Klockdar, and their bodies quickly sank.

“Oops, Solon they…” Choiba exclaimed.

Klockdar looked indifferent and said, “Okay, you guys will slowly experience despair!” Stupid pirates. With that, Klockdar walked over to Nami and them.

Bell, who fell to the ground, grabbed Klockdar’s foot and shouted, “Run away!” Princess Vivi, hurry up and escape! ”

“Bell?” Wei Wei was surprised, and the tears in her eyes couldn’t stop falling.

Klockdar said disdainfully: “Oh, still alive! Bell, if you lie on the ground obediently and don’t move, maybe you can live a few more seconds, right! Saying that, Klockdar kicked Bell straight away and stepped on his injured chest.

“Bell.” This time, Nami did not hold Weiwei, Vivi directly rushed out, and Nami yelled: “Don’t go over!” Vivi. ”

“Crockdahl.” Saying that, Vivi took out the peacock ring in her hand and hit Klockdar, and as soon as Klockdar arrived at the sand, he appeared behind Vivi and grabbed it slightly: “Don’t show that expression!” This is not the expression that a princess of a country should show! ”

“Damn it! Hurry up and let go of Vivi, Klockdar. Saying that, Choiba immediately turned into a huge punch and said to Klockdar.

Klockdar’s body turned into sand, retreated to the back, and said playfully: “By the way, Vivi, how about I give you a choice now!” Whether to rush to Albana to stop the rebel army, or to rescue these pirate companions, how do you choose! ”

Wei Wei did not speak, biting her lips and looking at Klockdal with anger, Klockdar was even more indifferent, and said with a smile: “You should not know the current situation!” While the personnel are here, I will mention you a little to explain! My ideal township battle this time. ”

“Now, in Albana, your father, King Kobula of Alabastan, has now been kidnapped by Mr4 and Miss Merry Christmas, and at the same time, Mr2 pretended to be the king and went to the City of Flowers and did the things I just said, what do you say will happen next!” Klockdar said flatly.

“Klockdar, you fellow, why do this to Alabastan, why do this to the people?” Vivi yelled at Klockdal.

“Hmph, the rebel army lacking weapons, I was also kind enough to pat Mr1 and Miss on both fingers to send them weapons, didn’t they want to overthrow this rotten country? As a hero of the people, I naturally have to stand on the side of the people. Klockdar said lightly.

“Why do you do this, why do you play with human life like this, do you know, how many people have died in the war, why you are so cruel.” Vivi listened to Klockdal’s words, and she was already crying on the ground.

“You guy.” Chobanami and several people looked at Klockdar with an angry look, if the eyes could kill, Klockdar would have been cut by a thousand cuts.

Klockdar laughed and said, “Finally, I am telling you a piece of news!” The senior spies have now gone to Albana, if you appear as soon as you appear will kill you, even if you save these pirates and go to Albana with you, the pirates block the senior spies, or even defeat them, you are also unable to stop the war, whether it is the king army or the rebel army There are millions of elders lurking inside, no matter what you do, the war cannot be stopped, hahaha, hahahahaha. ”

“Finally, the heroes of the people will appear, and when the rebels and the king’s soldiers are concentrated in one place, I will use a shell with a range of about five kilometers to eliminate all the rebels, and then the country will usher in a new hero.”

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