The next day, Chen Xing came to the only small town in the vicinity, Orange Town.

There are also two little loli behind, it is Nami and Nokigao. When I left the village, I happened to meet, and Chen Xing took them with him.

What’s wrong with two more eye-catching little loli following.

Hearing that they were going to play in town, the two little loli readily agreed. They are still playful years, just because they have to help the family, so they basically grew oranges in childhood.

Taking Chen Xing’s hand, Nami said playfully: “Brother Xing, are you going to the town to buy materials again.” ”

After speaking, I already knew, and quickly praised my appearance.

Seeing Nami’s cute appearance, Chen Xing did not refute it, and nodded with a smile: “Yes, the iron at home has run out.” Going to town to stock up. ”

“Chen Xing, you buy so many materials every time, but I rarely see you selling finished products.”

Noki asked angrily, his tone revealing doubt.

People in the village who needed fishing or agricultural tools were all looking to Chen Xing to help build them. But Chen Xing never received money.

How did Chen Xing’s Bailey make money, and I didn’t see him sell things in town.

Chen Xing was suddenly a little speechless… Explained lightly: “I usually get up very early to go to town. How would you know. ”

As soon as he got the system, Chen Xing would take the weapon to the town to sell when he was short of money. Later, as the price of system recycling became higher and higher, Chen Xing sold directly to the system.

Because the points are the most important.

“Let’s go quickly, please eat a big meal today!”

Hearing Chen Xing’s words, Nami and Nokigao’s faces both smiled.

“Great meal! That’s great! ”

“Nami! …”

Nami was bouncing happily, but Nokigao, who was two years older, was a little more mature, calming the excited Nami.

I walked for about an hour before I reached the town.

Since he had promised Nami and Nokiko to treat them to a big meal. The first thing I did when I first arrived in town was to find a decent restaurant.

“Chen Xing? Yo! Bring your little girlfriend to dinner? It’s actually two. ”

“Tom, long time no see. Find us a quiet spot and serve me the best meat and dishes. The sooner the better. ”

As soon as he walked to the door of the restaurant, Tom, the restaurant receptionist who was familiar with Chen Xing, greeted him. Tom knew that Chen Xing was the youngest and most powerful blacksmith in Cocoa West Village. I often come to the restaurant to consume.

Tom only thought of envy, Chen Xing looked like a child, but he could already play a good weapon. It’s already a little famous in town. It belongs to the kind of big man who does not worry about eating and drinking in the future.

Hearing Tom say that Chen Xing brought two girlfriends, Nami and Nokigao’s faces began to turn red, and they opened their mouths to say something, but they still didn’t say it, but their faces turned even redder.

Within minutes, big fish and meat were on the table. Even the other guests in the restaurant looked over.

“Can three children eat so much? It won’t be an accident! ”

“Hmph, don’t you know. That boy’s name was Chen Xing, and he was the most talented blacksmith in town. It is said that it can shoot the legendary sword. The blacksmiths eat a lot of food. ”

In the whispers and surprised eyes of the crowd, Chen Xing took the two little loli to eat a meal happily. After paying the bill, I went out.

“Awesome! He ate a portion of ten! ”

“Blacksmith… Is it really so edible…”

“Hiccup… Nami, Noki Takao. Next we’re going to buy materials. ”

Eat and drink, it’s time to get down to business. This time, Chen Xing plans to buy more iron. Directly impact 50,000 points at home and raise the sword art to level 5.


“It’s so full~”

Amid the laughter, the group of three came to the shop specializing in selling ore.

In this world, iron is the most widely used. Most of the weapons are made of iron.

It’s just that there are actually many rare ores, just like sea lou stone. If that rare ore is added to forging, the quality of the weapon will be much better.

It’s just that in the East China Sea, and in a remote town like Orange Town, you can’t see rare ores at all, and occasionally you can buy some of them by fishermen who go out to sea.

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