“Ding: Ding…”

Late at night, Chen Xing entered the studio to carry out the daily blacksmithing task.

Vivi leaned against the wall, holding a newspaper and constantly flipping through it.

“I didn’t expect… It’s really you. ”

“When I saw the writing on this ship and so many knives… I thought about it..”

“I didn’t expect it to really be you!”

“A great sword master who can tie with Hawkeye… There are also two natural Devil Fruit abilities… The same natural system as Klockdar…”

Vivi said in a trembling voice, “If it’s you… You must be able to defeat him. ”

After creating a famous knife, Chen Xing wiped the sweat from his face, and said without changing his face: “Klockdar, just a pirate who was scared by a white beard. ”

“People who have lost that domineering and confidence and only think about using external forces. He is not qualified to do it with me. ”

Klockdar is just a Muggle after all, and he doesn’t even have the confidence that basically belongs to pirates, which is not worth mentioning.

And too much reliance on the fruit’s ability, there is also a fatal weakness. It’s not a pity to be defeated by Luffy in the early stage with water and the protagonist’s aura.

“Of course, since I promised you. Will help you do it. ”

After eating, it took Johnny and Joseph a full hour to convince Vivi that they were not pirates.

Wei Wei, who knew Chen Xing’s identity, was instantly shocked.

As the only East Sea town before Upside Down Mountain, Baroque Studios also has an informant in Rogue Town.

Specially collect some information on pirates who want to enter the Great Voyage, and some major events that have happened.

The day before yesterday, they got the biggest intelligence in Rogue Town in recent years, that is, Hawkeye, one of the seven martial seas of His Majesty, made a move in Rogue Town.

As the world’s number one swordsman, Hawkeye actually fought a tie with another swordsman, and that swordsman actually sold famous swords in Rogue Town.

If it was Chen Xing and his gang, they could definitely save the kingdom of Alabastan that was about to collapse.

Thinking of this, Wei Wei steadied the excitement in her heart and said gratefully: “I thank you on behalf of all the civilians of Alabastan.” ”

Vivi had changed into a set of Nami’s clothes at this time, a blue hooded sweatshirt and a short white skirt. Her long aqua blue hair was tied up and draped behind her. (Not many BBs, all of whom have watched anime.) People know more than I do. )

The body exudes an aura of youth and nobility. The corners of Chen Xing’s mouth curled up and walked towards Wei Wei.


Chen Xing’s right hand was raised, and he directly gave Wei Wei a wall that had never been used.

“No thanks, just give me the rare ore and Bailey then… Or… You can pay the bill yourself. ”

Chen Xing pinched Wei Wei’s chin and said softly.

“I… I know… My father will give you what you want…” Feeling a heat in front of her that she had never felt before spread to her face, Vivi shuddered and stammered in reply. His face was flushed.

After knowing the identity of Chen Xing and his group, Wei Wei’s original panic had disappeared, followed by only a strong sense of gratitude.

Just when her hometown is about to fall into the abyss, a powerful figure appears and can save her hometown.

These things should only be seen in books, it is simply pie in the sky.

And it’s just paying for some Bailey and ore resources that are useless to the kingdom at all.

“Go, rest early.” Saying that, Chen Xing gently squeezed Wei Wei’s smooth and tender face.

“Hmm… You also rest early…”

Vivi answered in a low voice and walked towards the door. At this time, Vivi’s heart had been completely let go….

“The kingdom is saved…”

Looking at the departing cute girl, Chen Xing laughed softly. “Nice girl… My flirting skills have really improved. ”

“Klockdar… For that blank history… Count you unlucky. ”

“Ding… Bite… Ding…”

Soon, the sound of metal clashing spread across the room, gradually echoing…

“Ding, congratulations to the host for creating a weapon of the Great Knife level, rewarding Bailey 40,000 and points 5,000.”

“Phew. 700,000 points, in a month of persistence, can break a hundred. ”

“My dear, we’re almost to Alabastan!”

Looking at Nami who ran in, Chen Xing nodded: “Okay, I’ll prepare.” Let’s rest in Alabastan for seven days. ”


Walking up to the deck, the deck that was covered with snow yesterday can no longer see a trace of experiencing heavy snow.

This was the weather of the Great Route, and in just a few days they experienced spring, summer, autumn and winter.

And Chen Xing felt that when he arrived here, the temperature was still rising. This means that the desert kingdom of Alabastan is not far away.

“Alabastan also has a piece of history…”

Although Chen Xing still remembers the plot here, he can’t remember many things clearly.

After another three hours of sailing, a huge land appeared in front of him, and from the sea, only the endless desert could be seen.

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