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“That god is a Thunder Fruit power… Help me kill him! ”


“Thunder Fruit Ability?”

“Big brother: You wouldn’t be wrong: Only one of a devil fruit will appear! Sister-in-law Nuo Qi is the one who is capable of the Thunder Fruit! ”

Hawkeye walked to Chen Xing’s side and said seriously: “Are you serious, another Thunder Fruit ability.” How do you know? You seem to know everything. ”

“Seriously. Defeat these four people, find the Thunder Fruit power, and kill him. I’ll explain it later. Looking at Hawkeye’s rare serious expression, Chen Xing said equally seriously.

“When you return to the sea, talk to me once.” Taking two steps forward, the light fluttering voice of Hawkeye came into the ears of “Five Four Seven” Chen Xing.

Listening to Hawkeye’s words, Chen Xing was stunned, and then laughed: “No problem.” Resolve as soon as possible. That person with the ability of the thunder fruit is at least the strength of 500 million bounties when he reaches the sea. ”

“Five hundred million level? It’s worth my shot once. ”

After that, Chen Xing led the others to walk in another direction.

Hawkeye has been rubbing the boat for the past two days, but he must not let him sell his strength.

After coming here, Chen Xing just wanted to get the gold early and go on vacation to Angel Island. Where is there extra time to go to Anilu.

Anyway, Hawkeye likes to fight, let him deal with a Thunder Fruit ability, he should be snickering in his heart.

On the sea, it is not easy to find a strong person with natural ability. Each natural ability is a high-level combat power of a force, and it is not so easy to fight.

And the weaker Hawkeye can’t see … However, the Thunder Fruit, which is known as the strongest fruit in nature, is different, as long as this fruit is eaten, it can get devastating attack power.

“I don’t know if I’m alive or dead Qinghai people… Then let me redeem you. ”

A priest wearing sunglasses whispered, followed by a huge white dog.

“Get on! Holy! ”

As soon as he heard the owner’s words, the big dog rushed towards the back of Chen Xing and several people.

Feeling the movement behind him, Chen Xing just smiled and did not stop his steps.


A cyan slash flashed, and the earth was cut in half. Behind Chen Xing, a huge canyon appeared.

“Your opponent is me, take me to your god.” Retracting the black knife, he said lightly to the four gods, and he couldn’t see any expression on his face.

“How is it possible… How can the Qinghai people have power…”

A priest wearing a flying cap and a goggle strapped to his forehead looked at the canyon created by Hawkeye and exclaimed.

“Take me to that god.”

“Intruder, accept the punishment!”

“This intruder is not simple, go together!”

Although frightened by Hawkeye’s attack, these priests still did not flinch… Because if they return: They will definitely die. What they don’t know is… Hawkeye is several notches stronger than their gods.

“My dear, do you say that the gods here are also powerful people with thunder fruits?”

“Well, the same ability as you.”

“Doesn’t the Devil Fruit only reappear on the sea after the user dies?”

Listening to Nuo Qigao’s words beside him, Chen Xing nodded: “The devil fruit I gave you is different, you and Nami will not be afraid of water, it can also be said that it is a devil fruit without weakness.” ”

“Of course… After today, there will be only one person in this world who is capable of thunder fruit. ”

Chen Xing knew that Nuo Qigao liked the ability of the Thunder Fruit, so he was very concerned about this problem.

Chen Xing also asked about this matter, the devil fruit ability is given by the devil, there is only one demon in each kind, and the demon is repelled by the sea. So you will be afraid of water.

But the devil fruit bought from the system mall is not so much a devil fruit as a simple ability. The demons have been erased by the power of the system.

Although now Chen Xing can purchase a devil fruit from the mall many times. But there are no demons living in the fruit………

As long as the fruit bought from the System Mall is eaten, once another owner with the same fruit ability in this world dies, the fruit will not appear in this world again.

If Chen Xing had to understand the explanation of the system, it meant that every fruit demon that eliminated the side effects was erased by the system. As soon as another Fruit Ability user dies, that demon disappears completely. It’s like the devil is absorbed by the system.

And even if they have already eaten the Devil Fruit, they can still eat the Devil Fruit in the System Mall, but they need to add 100,000 points to the top. And because the demons in the body still exist, it is impossible to get rid of the side effects at all.

“Eh… Then there won’t be another one on the sea that uses cloud fruits… It’s annoying. ”

Listening to Chen Xing’s explanation, Nami’s face suddenly fell.

No matter who it is, it will be unpleasant to see someone who uses the same ability as yourself. Who doesn’t want their fruit abilities to be unique.

“It won’t!”

At this time, Dusty spoke.

“The thunder fruit has not appeared in history for four hundred years, and the headquarters of the Navy even offered five billion Bailey to look for it, but it has never been found, I did not expect that this thunder fruit, which is known as the strongest natural 3.5 series, is actually on the empty island…”

“The Yunyun Fruit has not appeared for more than a hundred years, and people with that ability will definitely not be unknown. So it’s probably lost somewhere no one has ever been, or buried deep underground. ”

“Many powerful fruits have disappeared, not that they have not appeared, but that no one has found them again.”

Listening to Dusty’s words, Chen Xing nodded. I have never seen the cloud fruit appear in the original work.

And even if it appears… Just kill it. Things that affect yourself or those around you… That shouldn’t exist.

“There seems to be a super phantom beast species worth 500,000 points in Sleepy Valley… At this time… Still there! “_

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