(Sandora Ascends to the Sky is episode 189, held by bean vines and clouds.) Johnny and the two brothers in episode 135. I won’t write much about that. Again, all anime fans, everyone knows more than me. )

Here is the real ancient ruins of Mount Dora!

In fact, the upper layer is too, but because it is half covered by island clouds. So only a few scattered ruins can be seen on the upper floor.

“Gold! Gold! Hey, Johnny, Joseph, Dusty, come and help me find gold! ”

“Yes! Sister-in-law Nami! ”

“Nokigao~Dear sister~Use your ability to help me find gold~”

“This is Sandora… Ancient ruins that have not been discovered for hundreds of years. ”

Seeing this legendary city, everyone strolled around curiously.

After all, Shandorah is an ancient civilization that disappeared eight hundred years ago, and it is also a story that everyone heard when they were children, and now they see it with their own eyes, and their hearts are excited.

Chen Xing was also looking around. I just walked around for a while, but I didn’t see even a little bit of gold. When I saw it, I could only see a small amount of gold buried in the ruins.

“By … It’s all taken by Anilu to make a boat. ”

Chen Xing suddenly remembered that Shandora’s gold had been taken by Anilu to make that spaceship. Now the remaining gold here is also buried in the ground, which has never been found by the people of the empty island.

Others were eaten into the stomach by the Sky Lord very early.

All that can be found is the gold in the golden bell. I remember the golden bell in the plot, there is a lot of gold there, and it scares people to death.

Excluding the golden bell and the base of the bell, the columns on both sides are worth hundreds of billions of Baileys.

“Gee… I have to go to Anilu…”

Originally, Chen Xing thought that he would let Hawkeye cut Ainilu, but now he still has to take a trip for those more gold. Money is not too much.

As for the Ark advice… In the points mall, Chen Xing can even buy better spaceships. I can’t look at the one on Anilu at all.

“Do you understand?”

In front of him, Robin was standing in a dilapidated house, facing a stone wall carved with a large number of ancient texts.

“It’s really ancient writing, and the person who can write this kind of writing may be the one who carved history… The destruction of Sandora eight hundred years ago must have something to do with the hundred years of blank history that disappeared. ”

Robin turned his head, looked at Chen Xing seriously, and pointed to the ancient words on the wall. He said to himself: “Keep the truth in our hearts and keep silent, we are the ones who make history, with the bells of the Great Bell Tower.” ”

“Golden Country is real! But here the books and everything related to history are all gone … This is definitely man-made. ”

“Sandora was destroyed by man! The people who destroyed Shandora erased that hundred years of history! ”

Robin gradually became excited, and his body slowly trembled.

Two steps forward, gently hugging Robin, the corner of Chen Xing’s mouth was attached to Robin’s ear, and he said softly: “Want to see the historical text here?” , although there is no record of the blank history. “

“Historical text!”

Hearing Chen Xing’s words, Robin’s pupils contracted, and he looked at Chen Xing in shock: “You mean… Historical text? ”

“I want to see!” Robin nodded emphatically.

As a scholar, nothing appeals to Robin more than history. And this is the lifelong wish of all O’Hara’s dead scholars. It was her dream.

Walking out of the ruins and saying hello to his friends who were digging for gold, Chen Xing took Robin and flew towards the sky.

Flying into the air, you can even feel the oppressive and tyrannical thunder and lightning breath, Chen Xing looked back and saw that in the forest, there were constantly thunder and lightning bombardments, and slashes were shot.

“Poor child…”

The child Chen Xing said is Anilu, no matter how the world changes, he still can’t change the tragic life.

And this time his opponent is much more terrifying than Luffy, and the guy from Hawkeye is a character that many navies and pirates are afraid of at sea…

“Hmph. I’m getting stronger, Chen Xing. ”

Feeling a flash of white light in the air, the corners of Hawkeye’s mouth grinned. Rushed towards Anilu, who was covered in sword marks in front of him.

“Damn Qinghai monkey! I am God! ”

Seeing Hawkeye’s nonchalant expression when he fought, Anilu shouted frantically, and then exploded with lightning and blasted towards Hawkeye.

“God? Your level is okay. Let me see what you can do! “


A black light flashed, and a wound was cut on Anilu’s chest again.

“Damn Qinghai monkey, you pissed me off! Two hundred million volts! Thor! ”

“Here it is…”

Watching Chen Xing fly higher and higher with her, Robin couldn’t help but ask.

“Since you can’t find it, then use the elimination method… There is no on the ground, and there is no possibility in the sea of clouds… So where is the Golden Bell? ”

“Heavens! ….elimination… Is it the algorithm of the East Sea? Huh, it’s really weird. ”

Chen Xing’s speed was very fast, and in just a few seconds, he came to the top of the bean vine of several kilometers. Seeing the color open, Chen Xing flashed towards a white cloud in the distance.

“There! Is that.. The Golden Bell of the Great Clock Tower! The bells of the Great Bell Tower are actually in the sky…”

As soon as he landed on the white cloud, Robin ran forward excitedly, looking left and right around the golden bell.

This kind of bell tower looks tens of meters high, and the columns next to it look to be fifty meters high. The gold in front of you… Minimum worth hundreds of billions of Baileys.

Chen Xing smiled and shook his head: “Do you scholars like to talk like this, the golden bell is the golden bell, and the bell of the big bell tower.” ”

“No… No… Why isn’t it even here! ”

Suddenly, Robin whispered. Sitting on the ground with a disappointed expression.

She searched both in the forest and in the ruins, and did not see the real text of history, but there were ancient texts in the ruins that wrote the existence of history.

“Nothing? What doesn’t? ”

Chen Xing was stunned, asked, and then a smile appeared on his face.

“Are you looking for the main text of history, I said, by elimination. If there is nothing on earth, if there is no in water, then it must be in heaven. ”

“Remember the ruins underneath, why only some roofs can be seen on the upper floor? Why is the real relic underneath, because it is hidden. ”

“Hidden by the clouds.”

“At our feet!” Robin stood up instantly and looked at Chen Xing excitedly. With his hands crossed, countless arms appeared on the clouds, digging beneath his feet.

“Sometimes I really feel like you’re like a god, a true omniscient God.”

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