“You just say if you borrow or not, if you don’t borrow, it’s your loss.”

Listening to Hawkeye’s words, Chen Xing shrugged. Hawkeye has really changed a lot during this time, becoming more and more arrogant.

Looking at Chen Xing’s calm appearance, Hawkeye was extremely aggrieved in his heart.

Originally, I wanted to find a close swordsmanship master to compete, who knew that after a fight in Rogue Town, Chen Xing would run.

Specially followed the navy to Alabastan, but met Chen Xing, and actually happened to meet Chen Xing ‘injured’.

After that, he went directly to Chen Xing’s ship. After Chen Xing recovered from his injuries, Chen Xing actually told him that he had given away the famous knife in his hand.

Am I the kind of person who takes advantage of people’s dangers?

So… Wait until now. And it seems that Chen Xing has no intention of competing with him at all, and also asked him to borrow his big treasure black knife.

Hawkeye breathed a long sigh of relief: “Good.” Saying that, he pulled out the black knife from behind his back and handed it to Chen Xing. There was also a reluctant expression on his face.

If he didn’t borrow it, Chen Xing and his discussion might have to find some excuse to postpone it.

“Don’t be scared by me.” Taking the black knife, Chen Xing shrugged lightly.

Coming to the edge of the boat, Chen Xing raised the black knife and watched it in his hand.

It is a superb famous sword, although it is not as heavy as the supreme fast knife before him, nor does it have that sharp sword intent. But this black knife night gave Chen Xing a calm and invulnerable feeling. The sword body is also very long.

At this time, Dusty walked to Chen Xing’s side, looked at Chen Xing’s expression, and Dusty said excitedly: “Black knife night.” ”

“One of the twelve works of the supreme fast knife, the blade is a chaotic blade heavy flower T. Only the strongest: Only a powerful Great Sword Hao can be worthy of this famous sword! ”

When it came to the strongest, Dusty froze for a moment, thinking that Chen Xing and Hawkeye had fought swordsmanship and ended in a draw, and then changed his voice.

“Black knives are mostly non-attacking knives… Sharpness may be less than the famous knife of the same level, but as long as it reaches the level of the supreme fast knife, there is no difference in sharpness. ”

Listening to Dusty’s understanding of the famous knife, Hawkeye smiled slightly: “Hmph, you know the famous knife very well.” ”

“Ah! I’m sorry! I’m so smug…” Listening to Hawkeye’s words, Dusty instantly blushed.

In front of the two great swordsmen, he said his understanding of the famous sword… It’s just an axe in the banmen.

“Good knife.”

Chen Xing spat out a sentence lightly, and clenched the handle of the knife with both hands.

Dusty is right, the sharpness of the black knife is indeed worse than that of other knives, but the supreme fast knife does not need to be sharp at all.

The Great Sword Hao who is qualified to possess the supreme fast sword does not need a sword blade. Even with a fruit knife, he can defeat Jian Hao who is holding a supreme fast knife.


Slowly exhaling, Chen Xing stood in place, adjusting the state of his body.

The four moves of Elbaf’s gun all require the user’s spirit to reach the peak, and they need to burst into battle intent to use the power of the move. Otherwise, the hasty use is not as strong as your own ordinary chopping.

Da: Da:

Feeling the fighting intent rising on Chen Xing’s body and the sword intent spreading, Dasqi couldn’t help but take two steps back.

“Dajian Hao: Really.. So strong ..” Tightening the famous knife in his hand, Dusty stared at Chen Xing’s back tightly.

At this time, Dusty did not even have the qualifications to stand beside Chen Xing and withstand Chen Xing’s imposing oppression.

“Big brother..”

“Dear: What’s wrong? ”

At this time, Chen Xing’s momentum had been accumulated, and his arms had begun to turn red and tremble slightly. Feeling this powerful oppressive force, everyone turned their attention to Chen Xing.

Hawkeye frowned slightly. “Has it progressed again… Worthy of you ..”

“Don’t go near this side.” Hawkeye said to the others, and then took a step back himself, clasped his hands to his chest, and looked at Chen Xing seriously.

“Is it my loss not to borrow… Just let me see ..”

Raise your black knife and strike in a swinging stance. A white light appeared on Chen Xing’s body, and then slowly walked towards the black knife cover.


A soft sound sounded, and Chen Xing swung his knife towards the sea in front of him with all his strength, as if he was playing baseball.

“Wei Guo !!!”

With a cold drink, the black knife was swung out instantly.

“What!” Looking at Chen Xing’s attack, Hawkeye exclaimed.

I saw the moment Chen Xing swung his sword, a white shock wave with terrifying oppressive power and destructive power shot towards the sea.

The shock wave was not just one, until dozens of circular white light shock waves shot out from the black knife that Chen Xing let out a breath.

“Boom! Boom! Boom! ”


The shock wave instantly fell on the sea surface, and the sea surface was directly broken by the shock wave, and the sea water exploded.

Dozens of shock waves rushed through, constantly blasting into the distance.

A huge ravine appeared directly on the surface of the sea bombarded by the shock wave, and no waves could fill it.

“Boom! Boom! Boom! “

The loud noise continued to sound, and the shock wave rushed towards the sea in the distance with the momentum of destruction and decay.

The sea in front of him was directly split in half, leaving a huge distant star crack tens of meters wide in the middle, which looked like a huge cave appeared in the sea.

“A million points… It’s worth it! ”

It wasn’t until the shockwave disappeared from sight that Chen Xing withdrew the black knife.

The lethality of this move is indeed strong and will explode. It’s just that the consumption is also very large, even with the blessing of the power of holy light, Chen Xing still feels that his hands are a little sore, and the person has a little fluttering feeling.

Without using the angel form, Chen Xing estimated that his body could only use three moves. And this is only the first move, the next three moves are stronger than this move.

“Divine Skill… Why didn’t I buy it early ..”

Looking at the ravine in front of him that was gradually filled by the sea, Chen Xing smiled with satisfaction.

Returning the black knife to the heavy-faced Hawkeye, Chen Xing said with a smile: “Really scared? Can you block this trick? ”

“It’s not a chopper.” Hawkeye took the black knife and looked at Chen Xing seriously.

“Is it your new comprehension of kendo, very strong, but at full strength, I can block it.”

After speaking, a trace of madness flashed in Hawkeye’s eyes, and the fighting intent on his body rose.

“Come on! Let’s fight! Worthy of being a man I recognize! ”

(I’m coming home late tonight, 2 chapters away.) If I don’t finish writing at 12 o’clock, I’ll stay up late. Rest assured, I owe no JJ)

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