“My lord, have I really been discovered? … Those agents of the world government ..”

Watching Chen Xing leaning on the bow of the boat and smoking leisurely, Robin asked with a strange face: “Sir, have I really been discovered, those CP9 agents.” ”

“Whew… It should be, it’s good if it’s discovered, otherwise I’ll have to run it myself. I’m sure of these ducks to my mouth. ”

Comfortably spitting out a smoke ring, Chen Xing said slowly. “We’re going to sea tomorrow, I hope they won’t let me down.”

Robin nodded, she knew Chen Xing’s strength, naturally she would not worry too much about those CP9 agents. I just couldn’t figure out why Chen Xing wanted to see those agents.

If you want to kill it, you can kill it at will.

“Don’t think too much, I promised you that I would do it.”

“It’s still early, we still have a bit of playtime.” Saying that, Chen Xing pinched off the cigarette butt and patted the position next to him.

“Hmm…” Robin instantly understood what Chen Xing meant, and with a light movement of his hand, the dress on his body fell to the ground. Walked towards Chen Xing.

Imperial sister or something, it’s so … Fragrant.

At night, the surroundings are quiet. Soft moonlight poured into the room from the window. Only the occasional shouting of the pier and the sound of the waves crashing against the sailboats broke the silence of the night.

“How? Isn’t it sleepy? ”

Seeing the beautiful woman in his arms looking straight at the ceiling, Chen Xing asked softly.

“Just remembered something bad.”

Robin shook his head lightly and turned his head to look at Chen Xing. “I’m satisfied with my life now, and I don’t want to lose it again.”

“I promise…”

Looking at Robin’s clear gaze, Chen Xing nodded emphatically, and the hand holding Robin tightened again.

“Hmm… Thank you. ”

Feeling the warmth and security coming from his side, Robin closed his eyes tightly, and a sparkle appeared in the corners of his eyes.

Feeling Robin’s low mood, Chen Xing sighed secretly.

“It’s still too soft-hearted… It looks like it’s going to be just a wave: If you are a pirate… It seems to be good. ”

A strange white light streaked through the space, and as the white light gradually appeared, the space seemed to be opened. Four shadows were gradually shining on the bottom of the sailboat.

The same scene happened on the Black Pearl, in the dining room, and a door appeared out of thin air.

“Sure enough… It didn’t disappoint me. ”

Chen Xing instantly woke up from his dream and opened his eyes. A smile appeared in his eyes.

Gently withdrawing his arm from Robin’s hand, Chen Xing gently helped Robin cover the quilt. “What a fodder… Hey. ”

Standing on the side of the boat and admiring for a while, Chen Xing’s figure flashed, and he disappeared in place, leaving a few faint black qi in place.

“Can I rely on you, I’m really tired…” When Chen Xing’s figure disappeared, Robin opened his eyes, and a glimmer of hope flashed in his eyes.

As the son of the devil, she has had enough of fleeing and hiding in the dark. Fed up with mutual betrayal day after day, year after year.

Coming to Chen Xing’s ship, it was originally just a transaction. But as time went on, she felt that Chen Xing was different.

If you can live like this… It seems to be good.

The black light flashed, Chen Xing appeared in the living room, walked to the sofa without a little movement, and sat down leisurely.

If anyone was present at this time, they would definitely find that Chen Xing’s appearance at this time was like a devil crawling out of hell.

If it weren’t for the cute pajamas painted with oranges, no one would have been able to see a person sitting on the sofa.

At this time, Chen Xing’s whole body was covered in darkness, and his skin and hair turned deep black, blending into the late night. Only those bright black eyes were gently flashing.

From a distance, it looked like a pair of evil eyes appeared in the dark.

“I didn’t mean to stir up dust, but the wind blows dust.”

Chen Xing originally came to this world and didn’t want to fight and kill, he just wanted to find her seven or eight wives, and eat fragrant and drink spicy every day.

But this is a world where navies and pirates run rampant. It’s too hard and hard to be alone. Maybe if you want to do this, you must first let the world recognize and fear yourself.

Therefore, since it has already been decided, then it must not be soft. Cut the grass to remove the roots, and destroy the corpse to destroy the traces.

The corners of Chen Xing’s mouth curled and he looked at the door of the hall. In front of the hall, there is the stairs from the restaurant to the hall. With both hands gently pressed, the black mist surged, and it seemed that even the faint moonlight had been swallowed.

Black fog seeped through the windows and gradually enveloped the entire ship. At this time, if someone on the dock approached the Black Pearl, they would be surprised to find that the sailing ship was wrapped in darkness, and then gradually melted into the darkness, and in just a few seconds, there was no trace of the ship anymore, only a thick black fog.

“Kalifa, are you sure it’s on the third floor?” In the restaurant, four figures wearing huge masks and black cloaks appeared.

Hearing Chen Xing say that he would leave the next day, these CP9 agents still did not hold back after all, confident that they still came, using Bruno’s door fruit ability, they easily came to the Black Pearl.

Seeing Luki’s gesture asking, Kalifa nodded gently. Gesture at the same time. “Walk down the stairs to the room on the third floor, the second floor is the recreation room, and the first floor is where two bounty hunters live.”

Seeing Carifa’s response, Lucy turned to Bruno, comparing the shape of a door. Bruno nodded, indicating that he could open the door with the door fruit at any time.

Luki stopped talking and walked forward with his three teammates, his footsteps fell, and he didn’t make a sound at all.

As agents of CP9, these four people have really good ideas.

Generally, even if you are a master who can skillfully use the domineering color, you will not always use the domineering color. For people who are completely calm and hold their breath without making any sound and converge their killing intent, rookies who have just learned to see and smell domineering will not be able to find it at all.

Seeing and smelling color can make people’s five senses more acute, and they can detect the breath of surrounding creatures and changes in feelings. You can meet the upcoming attacks and threats, and even see the domineering cultivation to the extreme, and you can predict the future.

Unfortunately, they were facing Chen Xing, facing a trap that had long been waiting for them to jump.

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