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“Whew… Perfect, I could just make up a story and it would come out. ”

Chen Xing stretched tiredly and looked at the four Luqi lying on the ground.

The memory fruit was too energy-consuming, just deleting and modifying the memory of four people, Chen Xing felt like he had been playing iron for ten consecutive days. Sleepy.

However, the ability of this fruit is really BUG, and it is really invincible to engage in spy warfare.

Even if there is anything, these four people can recover those modified and deleted memories in the future, and by that time, the matter will already be over.

And will the world government spare these few people who have betrayed the world government… Do they dare to speak out about it… Obviously, it can’t work, even if they recover, they can only break their teeth and swallow it in their mouths, and they can only attach themselves to Chen Xing.

“My lord, is this all right? Is there no way to recover? “

Robin looked at Chen Xing with a pale face and asked gently. What had just happened was beyond her imagination.

Devil Fruit ability that can read other people’s memories, modify memories, and even erase memories? Isn’t this the ability to be invincible? It’s easy to turn the world upside down, right?

If Chen Xing was interested in ancient texts, then Chen Xing could read her memories. No need to take her with you at all.

“Hungry for my body? … What a strange thing ..”

“Well, that’s it… No one can recover their memories except me… Of course, even if it can be restored… By that time, the winner will still be me ..”

Chen Xing nodded in satisfaction, and this bait was successfully laid. Everything went well.

This memory fruit was prepared for these four stunned green agents. From the time he knew that all his experiences had been found out by the Navy, this matter was already doomed.

Even if these people don’t come to Chen Xing’s trouble, Chen Xing will take the initiative to find these people.

CP9 Rancai’s foot-picking but in terms of intelligence capabilities, they are indeed the strongest part of all the groups of the World Government, so Chen Xing needs all their intelligence.

Whether it can be used or not, it is always right to know all the thoughts of the enemy. Insight into everything feels like: It’s still very good.

And as a puff girl… How to say it, you have to make the women around you feel a little safe, otherwise you will have a face every day, and you won’t feel much when you do things.

“Except for Kalifa, the three of you continue with the previous mission… After going back, find an opportunity to kill Spandam and let Luki sit in that position.”

“As for the credit for promotion… After half a year, I can tell the world government the news that Robin is by my side, and tell the world government that Kalifa has failed to carry out the mission and has died, and you can find it yourself. Report to me all the actions of the world government and the navy. ”

“As for Kalifa… You have other things to do to go to this place: Let’s just say that I have the same philosophy as them, and tell them about the movements of the world government. ”

After talking for more than half an hour, Chen’s series of things were all arranged. As for the aftermath, they can contact again at any time.

In the early hours of the morning, the intersection of the sky and the sea has begun to slowly turn over a faint white light.

Four figures broke through the darkness and appeared on the pier, flashing in two different directions.

“It’s not early, go to sleep.” Chen Xing rubbed his eyebrows and walked towards the door.

“Why don’t you let them say I’m dead? The world government and the navy will not let you go so easily. ”


Turning around, he found Robin still standing in place, looking at him with red eyes.

“I said, follow me, you can live in this world with integrity. There are some things that always have to be solved, and with me, you don’t have to worry about that. ”

“Now is not whether the Navy and the world government will let me go, but whether I am willing to let them go.” Of course, if they were sensible, I could just be a blacksmith in peace. ”

Chen Xing probably knew what Robin was thinking.

Let Luki and them report the information that Robin has died, and the world government will indeed be relaxed, but people’s appearance cannot be completely changed, unless they become someone else’s appearance. Someday it will still be recognized.

But what’s the point of living like that, it’s better to take the initiative than to be passively defensive.

“What’s wrong, moved?”

“Hmm… Move! Looking at Chen Xing’s gentle smile, Robin nodded emphatically, and tears came out of his eyes.

Is it against the world government for her… Which woman will not be touched by this?

In order to survive, he has been hiding like a rat, and no one will like that kind of life.

Looking at Robin’s mood change, Chen Xing grinned at the corner of his mouth and said, “Then repay me in a different place.” ”


After going crazy for a whole half of the night, Robin lay in Chen Xing’s arms and slept deeply.

“Whew… The sun is out. “By this time the sun was already pouring into the bedroom through the window.

Thinking of completely conquering Robin, a mature royal sister, Chen Xing’s heart was full of a sense of accomplishment. After lying on the bed for a while, Chen Xing got up.

A lot of rare ores have been collected, and the seeds of destruction of the world government have been sown. I’m leaving this place today.

Coming to the deck, everyone except Robin had already gotten up.

“Mr. Chen Xing, are you really leaving today, or do you want to play in the capital of seven waters for a few more days?” Seeing Chen Xing come out, Iceberg greeted him with a smile on his face.

Chen Xing can be said to be the great benefactor of the capital of seven waters, thinking of so many threats hidden by Yin (Li Li Zhao) around him, Iceberg felt afraid for a while, if not for Chen Xing reminding him, he would still be in the dark.

“I will come again next time, after all, there are so many rare ores in the capital of seven waters.” Chen Xing shrugged his shoulders and refused Iceberg’s retention.

The sea is so big, I want to see it!

Two steps forward, Chen Xing patted on the shoulder of the iceberg, leaned forward, and a subtle voice came into the iceberg’s ears: “Kalifa, I helped you solve it.” You just have to keep an eye on the shipyard. ”

Iceberg’s eyes trembled, and then he laughed loudly: “Don’t worry, Mr. Chen Xing, we will also help you collect rare ores.” Looking forward to the next transaction. ”

After chatting for a while, the Black Pearl slowly sailed away from the port of the capital of seven waters.

Looking at the shouting merchants on the dock and the icebergs waving his hand, Chen Xing’s eyes narrowed. “O Hades… Of course, it’s better to hide it in my hands. “_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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