Ships sailing in the sea are like isolated islands.

At this moment, Gooding did not know that the major changes that were taking place or were about to take place in the world.

Borusalino lay on the experimental table of Vegapunk; The competition in the new world around the “frozen fruit” and “the form of the Great Buddha of the Renren Fruit Illusion Beast Species” has also officially begun; At the insistence of the Red Dog, the World Government approved the proposal to set up the headquarters of the Navy in the New World!

Gooding, a butterfly flapping its wings, has begun to cause a great storm on the Great Voyage.

However, all this has nothing to do with Gooding at this time.

Guding is on his way to Wano Country.

The country of Wa.

It is not a weak country like Alabastan or Dressrosa that will be subverted by the Seven Armed Seas, but a powerful country of force that even naval ships dare not easily approach.

This country is full of masters.

As long as it is an adult man, he has at least the strength of a naval enchanter. This combat power can be regarded as a huge force in the entire world. It’s just that it has always pursued a closed-door policy, does not communicate with the outside world, and has lost its edge. This is also the reason why Kaido has always coveted the country of Wano.

I am afraid that only forces at the level of the four emperors dare to hit the attention of this country.

Goodin remembers that there was a rebellion in the country of peace, and the mastermind behind it was Kaido the Hundred Beasts.

Thanks to the reader’s plug-in, Gooding carefully recalled what Drought Jack experienced in the Land of Wano.

Drought Jack took the will of Kaido the Hundred Beasts and went to “Kuri” to find the daimyo Mitsuki Ota in the area, but he held his own identity and broke up unhappily in the talks with Mitsuki Ota, and even fought a battle in the Zoga area of Jiuri, and finally lost.

“Drought Jack is far from growing to peak strength, otherwise, Mitsuki Ota would not have sent him away so easily. Mitsuki Ota is only a daimyo of the Kuri region of Wano Country, and there are six more daimyos of regions like him. No wonder even the Hundred Beasts Kaido did not dare to use strong, and could only spend decades slowly trying to figure it out. ”

Gu Ding’s heart had a rough estimate of the overall power of the country of Wa, and he touched his chin and thought: “Mitsuki Ota is a man who completed the great voyage with Roger, and he is also a sword master. Now that I think about it, its strength should not be much inferior to that of the general. ”

“However, each of the admirals has the strength to destroy the country like a disaster, and no matter how powerful Mitsuki Ota is, it is still much worse than Akainu and Qingzhi in terms of destruction. Now that I have the sun, moon, and star body, and the reader plug-in, as long as I don’t meet someone who can kill me in one hit, I can finally suppress it backhandedly! ”

Guding didn’t care about the country of Longtan Tiger’s den. With great power in his hands, he will naturally be as calm as a garden no matter where he is.

“However, when you come to the country of Wano, it is not appropriate to make a big deal out of it. If it really arouses their common hatred, one dozen and seven, it is still a little difficult. Gooding calculated. The reader plug-in is like this, it can make Gooding strong when he is strong, but it will not make Gooding instantly have subversive power.

Just then, the navigators on the Mammoth ran over.

“Report Captain! The port of Tsushima, in the Land of Wano, is ten nautical miles ahead. We can’t go any further, or we’ll be attacked by the garrison of Wano Country! The navigator said.

“I see. You go down. Prepare me a boat. Gooding ordered.

Guding did not want to attract the attention of Wano Country at this time, and if he swaggered in, it might alarm Forrest Gump.

Forrest Gump is the purpose of Gutting’s visit.

“Glory to those who are faithful to me, but all eternal perishment to those who oppose me!” Forrest Gump, what is your choice? ”

Pondering, Gooding had jumped off the Mammoth and stepped on the boat straight to the Land of Wano.

As for the pirates on the Mammoth, Gooding didn’t bother to care. From beginning to end, Gooding used them and did not really think about subduing them. If they were smart enough, they would stay and wait for Gooding. If they choose to leave, then under Kaido’s wrath, where will this sea be their place?

The country of Wano, arrived.

Gooding looks like an outsider when dressed up.

Wano Country as a whole is very resistant to outsiders, although it is not hatred, but it is not welcome.

However, not all people in Wano Country are like this.

At least, that’s not the case with black market owners.

The perennial isolation of the country makes Wano Country equally curious about the outside world. Some interesting items from the outside can often be sold for a good price in the underground black market of Wano Country. Driven by interests, even if the national policy is to close the country, there are people who dare to take risks and smuggle shipping.

“Guns, when do the samurai of our Wano Country need guns? Abandoning a sword and using a gun is an insult to the samurai! Sasaki-kun, if you perfunctory me, I will not be angry! ”

The middle-aged samurai was very dissatisfied with the Desert Eagle taken out by Sasaki, the leader of the underground black market in Tsushima Port, and his eyes were round, and he had the meaning of drawing a sword at each other.

“Echizen-sama! How dare the villain! ”

Sasaki hurriedly defended: “Although we samurai do not use this kind of thing, this can be bought for children and female dependents for self-defense.” ”

“Sasaki, you don’t talk nonsense with me!” Echizen said with anger: “Don’t pretend to be confused, you know what we samurai want most… I got news that you have a knife here, which is as hard as a black knife. I’ve said it all, do you want to continue to pack garlic in front of me? ”

“How dare the villain, but…” Sasaki’s face was embarrassed: “That knife has been booked by that adult!” ”

“I don’t care. If you can get one, you can get a second! Echizen said unreasonably: “Otherwise, Tsushima Port, there will be no place for you to stay!” ”

Sasaki was miserable.

At this moment, Echizen frowned and shouted angrily: “Who is peeping at the main seat!” Come out! ”

As soon as Echizen’s words fell, the samurai beside him also reacted, drew their swords one after another, and jumped out.

Sasaki said badly, this secret meeting must not be known to outsiders. Business on the black market, which does not account for jurisprudence, cannot be put on the table. Otherwise, even the daimyo will not be able to save him. He hurriedly followed out.

“Oh? It was actually discovered. ”

Sasaki looked forward, and a young man in a foreign suit looked cold and said nonchalantly.

“Judging by your appearance, you are not from Wano Country. Then kill you, it will not attract attention at all. Dare to spy on me, you have only one way to die. ”

Echizen stared at Guding and said coldly.

“Oh? Is it? Gooding replied lightly.

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