On the island of Vega in the North Sea, Don Quixote’s Pirates, who had just staged a chase battle with Vice Admiral Tsuru on the sea, came to this island after getting rid of Vice Admiral Tsuru’s naval fleet.

The island is not very famous, but it is also a stronghold of the Don Quixote family in the North Sea.

In the center of the island, Doflamingo is at the top and upturned. The leg looked at the report of the subordinates below with an expression of joy and anger.

This subordinate is the former Rao A. One of G’s pirate subordinates, he explained the cause of the matter with some trepidation.

When Doflamingo heard this, he muttered a thing or two, and then let out his trademark laughter.

“Boom~ Rao was defeated by a teenager?”

“No matter how young it is, it is impossible to defeat Rao, I am afraid that he looks young on the outside, since it is related to Vice Admiral Tsuru, it will be an elite disciple of the former Admiral Zefa, and it is not surprising that Zefa’s disciples performed well when they were young.” Diamanti on the side pondered for a moment or two and said the guess in his heart.

Dover nodded, somewhat approving.

Then he didn’t think much about this matter, Rao was defeated and could only blame him for his inferior skills, but Doflamingo secretly noted that Lins was a person, he valued the cadres of his family very much, and naturally would not sit idly by and watch the cadres be defeated and remain indifferent.

“What about Corazon’s whereabouts… Is there any news…?” waved his hand, signaling the pirate men below to step down, Doflamingo looked at Diamanti and asked.

Diamanti looked apologetic and said, “Young Lord, there is no news from Corazon yet, but there is news that I think you should be very interested in.” ”

“Oh? Say it and listen. ”

“Dias Barreiros of the Barreiros Pirates accidentally obtained the fruits of the operation and intended to sell it to the Navy at a high price, and the time and place of the transaction are now unknown.” Diamanti squinted and smiled.

“Barrerus? That former admiral colonel? ”

“That’s right, it’s this person.”

“Boom~ is the fruit of surgery…. Isn’t this fruit capable of attaining eternal life? Doflamingo thought for a moment, and then grinned.

“Diamanti, the investigation of this matter is left to you.”

“No, no, no, how can I be up to such a heavy task to this extent…” Diamanti deferred with a modest face.

“No, no, there is no suitable person except you.”

“No, no, no, young lord, please think more.”

“yes, that’s someone else.”

“Since the young lord has asked for it, let me Diamanti investigate this matter thoroughly!”

“Well, please…”

Doflamingo’s eyes were full of strange looks, maybe he would have to stay in the North Sea for a while longer.


Look at Lins again, at this time, he has already come to the Upside Down Mountain, and riding the turbulent rising water of this Upside Down Mountain can enter the great voyage, and then Lins will not be worried about not encountering pirates.

He did not choose to stay in the North Sea more, his time was only about three months, it was impossible to stay in that part of the North Sea, and Rao · G would not say the whereabouts of Doflamingo’s other cadres, and Lins would not be too obsessed with taking the time to investigate, because it might be too late.

Now Lins has 300 sickle points on his body, and after completing the task, he gets 500 points, which is 800 sickle points, and after the task is completed, Lins must have a free time to find the whereabouts of the devil fruit, or trigger other side missions of the system to gather 1000 sickle points for the second scythe character extraction.

At that time, Lins’s strength will surely improve again, which is of course what Lins wants to see.

Some of the scythe’s character skills are very perverted, such as the flying section in the fire shadow, and the other immortal body will be a biggest guarantee for Lins!

Of course, whether you can draw it or not depends on luck.

Looking at the majestic Upside Down Mountain in front of him, Linsi looked around, and saw that there were no other pirate groups at this time, so he no longer hesitated, hummed, and the motorcycle stepped on the rising water.

Galloping all the way, the cheeks blown by the strong wind hurt, this rising current can be said to be thrilling for other pirate ships, and there are not a few pirate groups that fold here every year, often being washed away by strong currents and buried in the sea.

But this effect was almost non-existent for Lins, his motorcycle was small, fast and easy to control, and almost in a flash, Lins stepped over the Upside Down Mountain to the sea of the Great Route!

Lins looked at the suddenly stormy weather in front of him, grinned, and was arrogant.

The path of Tarins is just beginning now!


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