Although it did not resonate with the soul, this slash, with Lins’s strength, still swung a slender sickle blade shockwave above the surface of the sea, cutting a cut that was as smooth as a mirror.

“It’s really Lord Lins!” Having followed Lins for three years, he immediately clapped his hands and praised when he saw this.

As soon as he took the lead, the others immediately applauded.

“Hee-hee.” Baby-5 laughed, as if he was very satisfied with the power of the other talent.

“Change your form and turn into a sniper rifle and see.” Lins laughed, wanting to see the power of the Crescent Rose Sniper Rifle form.

The baby-5 immediately said yes, and then the crescent rose in Lins’s hand began to deform coolly like a mechanical assembly.

The sickle blade disappeared and was replaced by a large-caliber sniper gun.

“Oh, it looks pretty good.” Tina was interested, as if she wanted to go over and put a shot.

Lins grabbed the huge sniper gun, then aimed it at the sea in front of him and fired it.


A huge crimson beam roared out from the large-caliber cannon muzzle, turning into a pillar of light and rushing directly into the sea, and the seawater it touched evaporated into a hole in an instant, forming a huge hole in a short time, and then it was filled by the surrounding seawater.

Lin’s gaze suddenly became sharp, and he unleashed another shot, but this time it was covering his armed color domineering in a crimson beam.

The power of the yellow ape’s laser cannon is not well understood by Lins, but from the perspective of the destructive power in the original work, the babyy-5’s sniper gun plus its own armed color domineering increase is far more than the latter.

The laser cannon is not the strongest move of the yellow ape, in fact, there is no reference value for comparison.

A whirlpool even bigger than Fang Cai once again appeared on the surface of the sea, and Lins’s face was full of satisfaction.

The power and speed of this sniper gun, if the wind disaster appeared in front of Lins again, no matter how she flew, Lins would have the confidence to shoot it down.

“Let Tina come too.” Tina saw that Linsi no longer had the action to strike, and quickly stepped forward and said with a look of eagerness.

“Nope… No more… Once again, I… I’m about to revert to my original state…” baby-5 suddenly spoke with some embarrassment.

It turned out that Fang Cai’s shelling used her ability, and three times should be the limit.

If it is a sickle form, dominated by the power of Lins, it does not consume much on the baby-5.

Lins understood this almost instantly, so he let the baby-5 return to its original state, and ignored Tina, who was a little gambling.


Time flies quickly, and in the blink of an eye, it is January, and this month Lins will practice soul resonance with baby-5 every day, almost inseparable from the state, which can make baby-5 happy, and the excited mood will not disappear for a month.

At this time, on the cake island in the center of the sea of nations, Bigmom’s tea party was being held in order, and Lins had long forgotten about it.

Near the beginning of the tea party and about to appear in Bigmom, the eldest son, Charlotte Perospero, asked Katakuri, who was sitting quietly on the side, with a somewhat displeased expression:

“It’s almost time for the tea party, and the main purpose of this tea party is for that scythe, and there is no one now.” Mom will be angry! ”

“He won’t come, I don’t see the future of his arrival…” Katakuri said lightly with a calm expression.

“Won’t come? How did you invite him in the first place? ”

“Just hand him the invitation.”

“How can this work, you have to tell him that his handle is in our hands!” Perospero covered his head and shouted.

At this time, a loud shout sounded.

“Mommy is here!”

“My dear sons and daughters, mother loves you~” Immediately afterwards, Bigmom’s humming laughter sounded, and a huge body appeared in front of everyone’s eyes.

Her daughters, as long as they were old enough to marry, were dressed up as if they were deliberately waiting for someone.

“Mom, this is a cake made from Orlo sweet fruit.” Charlotte Owen immediately brought a huge cake to Bigmom.

Bigmom was very gluttonous, drool dripping, making a moisturizing sound, and then swallowed the cake in one bite, revealing an aftertaste and a satisfied look.

The four generals, led by Katakuri, knew that their mother was going to be in a state of rage next.

Sure enough, after Bigmom enjoyed some food, she remembered about Lins, she looked around, her expression suddenly turned angry: “What about that navy boy!” Why didn’t it come! ”

“Mother is angry, that kid is a vice admiral after all, maybe he is busy with official business and delayed.” A son quickly stepped forward to explain.

“I’m bored!” With a wave of his big hand, Bigmom flew the son away, and then his expression showed regret, “I’m sorry, my son.” Mom didn’t mean it. ”

“But! Why! Why didn’t it come! Bring him to me! But the expression of regret was fleeting, and he fell into anger.

Fortunately, it is not a state of complete violence.

“Mom, we have prepared so many delicious desserts for you, Mom better enjoy them first.” Nakatakuri stood up at this time, came to Bigmom and said what he liked.

“That’s what I said, but why didn’t I come!”

“He’ll come, just call him again.” In this way, just another tea party, and my mother can eat delicious desserts again. Katakuri said lightly.

If you don’t come, then naturally you have to force Lins to participate in the tea party with her mother’s rules.

Katakuri is worthy of being Bigmom’s favorite son, and after he finished speaking, Bigmom’s mood quickly calmed down.

Seeing this, everyone hurriedly sent the dessert that had been prepared long ago to Bigmom.

Bigmom soon immersed himself in the enjoyment of dessert.

Katakuri, on the other hand, saw that the situation was stable, and left the game early, obviously preparing how to invite Lins to come.

The people close to Lins followed behind him, and Katakuri wanted to take the heads of the people around Lins, maybe he would have to take his own heads!


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