In the Warring States Office, the marshal looked at his henchman Kirk and said, “I know, you go down first.” ”

After Kirk left, Sengoku muttered: “This kid… When did you get together with the Draco, is it by chance…”

In the evening, Lins came to the naval headquarters from the Chambord Islands, and went directly to the Sengoku office as soon as he came.

After knocking on the door and entering, Lin Si looked at the Warring States with a calm expression, handed over the written document report that had been prepared in his hand, and said, “This is the ins and outs of this incident.” ”

Sengoku took a deep look at Lins, then picked up the document and flipped through it carefully.

After half a ring, Sengoku put the document down and asked in a deep voice: “Why…. Working with Golden Lion? ”

He didn’t ask why Lin Si’s strength was already to the extent that he could kill the four emperors, this was already a matter and there was no need to ask.

When Lin Si heard this, he laughed and said, “Sure enough, I still can’t hide it from His Excellency the Marshal of the Warring States.” ”

“Don’t you understand the threat of the golden lion, he is a person of the same era as Whitebeard, a white-bearded our navy is already burned out, and another one…” Sengoku looked a little angry in a rare way.

“Your Excellency Marshal, why should you be angry, the threat of the golden lion has always existed, but I pulled him to the surface, otherwise what the hell is he doing behind his back, how can our navy see it.” The death of Bigmom is a good thing for the Navy, and one less of the four emperors died. And if the golden lion does not come out, his potential threat will not disappear. ”

“Even if this is the case, you should not join forces with the Golden Lion, the power of all nations is more threatening than the Golden Lion!”

At that time, Lins asked for orders to personally take the head of the golden lion. But for now, let him be the four emperors for a while, stabilize the situation of the four emperors of the new world, and not be destroyed. ”

“You…” Sengoku raised his head sharply, his eyes looked directly at Lins, and he found that he was beginning to guess this kid a little!

“This time, the four emperors Charlotte Lingling, as well as forty-one important cadres, ministers, and combat members, Charlotte Snagg and Kelijia among the four generals, are all in ambush, and the threat of the Charlotte family has disappeared. Isn’t this something that the marshal is happy about? Ignoring the mood of the Warring States, Lins continued,

“It even captured a stone tablet of the historical text in Charlotte Lingling’s hand.”

“Historical text stone stele…” Warring States thought thoughtfully.

But his expression changed, and he continued to return to the previous topic: “But the fact that you are cooperating with the Golden Lion is bold and violates military discipline!” ”

“The existence of the Qiwu Sea system does not mean that our navy can also cooperate with pirates, but when to cooperate with whom. Lin Si asked himself, eliminating the threat of Charlotte Lingling, not to mention, but also pulling the golden lion to the bright side, which is a matter of killing two birds with one stone. ”

“Why didn’t you report it beforehand.”

“In fact, this is also a coincidence, when I was blackmailed to participate in the tea party, I happened to encounter the golden lion attacking all nations, so I temporarily wanted to cooperate with him, he came to drag the four general stars, I came to kill Charlotte Lingling, otherwise I alone would not be able to kill Charlotte Lingling smoothly.”

Sengoku took a deep breath, unable to find any breakthrough point from Lins’s words.

He sighed: “Linsi, what step have you calculated, did you also calculate the old man?” ”

“Why did Your Excellency Marshal say this, since I joined the Navy, my contribution to the Navy is obvious to all, the big and small pirates are soft, I am dedicated to the Navy, why did Your Excellency Marshal say such chilling words?” Lin Si looked at Sengoku with a surprised expression.

Sengoku couldn’t help but clench his fists, his eyes turned sharply at Lin Si, and continued: “You want to sit in my place…”

Toot Toot ~

Before he finished speaking, the Sengoku phone rang out of place.

Lin Si’s eyebrows were slightly raised, and there was a smile in his eyes.

“It’s me.” Sengoku picked up the phone and spoke with a calm face.

The other end of the phone grunted quickly, and then hung up.

Sengoku’s expression was a little subtle, and he looked at Lin Si and said, “The five old stars are going to hold a meeting on this matter tonight, you go back and make a little preparation, and then go to Mary Joa with me.” ”

“I see.” Lins smiled and stepped back.

In his heart, the effect of the plague fruit virus attack in Alden was really remarkable.

At night, Mary Joa is brightly lit, and many characters are made on the round table of the golden conference room.

The commander of the whole army, Gang Bone Kong, the marshal of the navy, the warring countries, the admiral of the navy headquarters, the yellow ape and the green pheasant, the representative of the Draco family, Rozwald Saint, as well as the five old stars and Lins.

The red dog did not attend because he was out on duty at this time, the yellow ape was in charge of the naval intelligence department, and most of the time was at the naval headquarters, while the green pheasant happened to be at the naval headquarters at this point in time.

There is only one person in the appearance of the five old stars, it is the old man with a strong figure in a kimono.

“Ahem, since everyone has arrived, let’s start a meeting on the killing of the Four Emperors Bigmom Pirate Group by Vice Admiral Lin Si of the Navy Headquarters this time.” The five old men coughed and spoke.

“It’s really terrible, what’s wrong with the young people of this era, even the heads of the four emperors can be easily removed.” The yellow ape exhaled and glanced at Lin Si seemingly nonchalantly.

The green pheasant held his chin with both hands, looking calm and did not want to speak.

Steel Bone Kong looked at the junior Lins with burning eyes.

“Isn’t that a great accomplishment? Vice Admiral Lins has such strength, which is a great blessing for the Navy and the World Government, and it is not okay to reward such a great achievement. I propose that the Navy government create the post of the fourth senior general of the headquarters and put Vice Admiral Lins on board! Rozwald Saint was the same as usual, but at this time he clapped his hands and looked at Lins and said with admiration.

“The fourth senior admiral of the navy headquarters…” As soon as these words came out, everyone on the scene was stunned.

Even the five old stars seemed to be a little unexpected, and looked at Rozwald Saint with surprise.

Lin Si’s expression was indifferent, and he chose not to speak at this time.


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