
The head of one of Ace’s men rolled down, and the blood ticked on the plank with a crisp sound.

“What are you doing!” Eston shouted angrily.

Lin Si threw the scythe in his left hand, looked at Ace, who was lying on the ground and unable to move for a while, and slowly spoke: “If you think that I am torturing you, then you are very wrong.” You must have heard of my deeds, even though I killed countless people, but the torturous things have never happened once. And for you, the nameless pirate crew, I have always either let it go or kill it. ”

“Then let them go! I’m not enough alone! ”

“Don’t shout loudly, it will only make people think that you are weak. Released them? Isn’t it already half gone, and look, your crew is driving your Spades out of here. Lins said as he glanced at the pirate ship in front of him.

Then he put away his scythe, as if he did not want to kill the crew members himself, but ordered Lyle and Toby on the side: “Kill all the pirates captured.” ”

“Yes, Lord Scythe!”

The two moved quickly, and soon nearly thirty pirates knelt on the ship’s board, and as long as Lins gave an order, it would be the end of death.

“Ace! Help us! ”

“Ace! Ahhh! ”

The pirates shouted in horror and begged for mercy, and Lins motioned for a couple or two, and Toby gagged them.

“What the hell are you going to do! Stop! Ace struggled to lift his neck and yelled at Lins with an angry glare.

Looking at Ace’s still slightly immature face, Linsi couldn’t help but raise his eyebrows, and his body squatted down.

Lin Si looked at Ace, reached out and pinched the latter’s face, and said, “You are still too tender, Fire Fist の Ace!” ”

With that, he nodded at Toby.

“Ready!” Toby immediately noticed, and the navy’s muskets were aimed at the captured Ace’s men, ready to shoot.

However, Linsi suddenly thought of a sound, and when Ace shouted ‘don’t’, ‘stop’ or something, he said: “Don’t kill together, come one after another.” ”

Toby’s expression was stunned, and the number of times Lins ordered the execution of pirates was no longer a few, but this was the first time that they were killed one by one.

However, Toby could not question Lins’s decision, so he started from the left and shot one after another.


A single gunshot represents the death of one of Ace’s crew members.

At this time, Lins had already stood up and leaned against the railing, as if vaguely expecting something.

Roger’s son, Ace, who flows with the blood of One Piece, his talent is undoubted, at the age of twenty, he has the strength of the Seven Wuhai or even stronger, and he has the potential of overlord domineering, and it is even more amazing if he can inherit his father’s ‘listen to the voice of all things’.

It’s just that…. He did not live to be twenty-one, he did not live to be thirty-one …. Even if he has the potential to become the Four Emperors, there is nothing he can do for a short life.

Of course, the current Ace is only about seventeen years old, but the talent he shows is shocking.

“Stop!!” Ace yelled at Lins’s men, but his limbs were instantly cut off by Lins, and he couldn’t move at all.


Another shot rang out, already the tenth person was shot, there were twenty left, and complete execution would not take time.

Lins looked at Ace’s painful and self-reproachful expression with a twinkle in his eyes, Ace was very similar to his brother Luffy, he would resist and roar when disaster struck, but blood could not solve the problem.

“It seems that this is it…” Looking at Ace’s appearance, Linsi let Ace leave after he was ready to execute, so he turned his head boredly.

Ace is very important, and there must also be a top battle for Lins Laishu, and the abdication of the Warring States is the beginning of the closing of the overall situation of Lins.

Of course, Ace must also die, after all, Lins is on the side of the navy.

However, the moment Lins turned around, Ace’s voice paused, and then roared presumptuously: “Let you stop Lao Tzu!!! ”


A powerful overlord-colored domineering aura swept out from Ace, covering a radius of nearly 100 meters.

Lin Si was rushed by this sudden overlord color domineering, his hair danced wildly, and his eyes couldn’t help but be surprised.

Knock knock~

Lins’s navy fell one by one, and Toby could barely hold on.

Lins’s warship is only loaded with recruits who need to be honed, and even his henchman Alden is not there, how to talk about resisting the overlord color domineering.

After Ace finished yelling, he seemed to be shocked by what he was doing at this time, and his eyes looked at the fainted navy and his subordinates with some shock, and his eyes were immediately a little confused.

“The great overlord-colored domineering is the most qualified among the overlord-colored domineering I’ve seen so far.” Lins chuckled.

Is there a difference between overlord color domineering? Lins couldn’t say this, he just felt that he had seen the overlord of the female emperor, Doflamingo’s, bigmom’s, and the golden lion’s.

Everyone’s overlord-colored domineering gives him a very different feeling, but the feeling that Ace gives him is pure, pure… Yes, it’s pure feeling.

Linsi shook his head, now he finally has some understanding of why the Warring States executed Ace, Ace is Roger’s bloodline This is one thing, but it is estimated that the biggest reason is that the Warring States saw the shadow of surpassing Roger from Ace.

Ace can be said to be a natural resource, if he lives, no one can say what kind of existence he can grow into ten or decades later.

“Kazuma… Lord Scythe? Toby struggled to support Ace’s overlord-colored domineering and looked at Lins.

“Forget it, you don’t have to kill the rest. Wake them up and let them go. Lins said briefly to Toby.

Immediately, Linsi looked at Ace and said, “Companions may make you stronger, but they will also become shackles that bind you.” You can be king if you know the trade-offs. ”

Ace frowned and looked at Lins with a confused expression, of course he was very happy that the other party let him go, but what he said made him a little confused.


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