After Luffy and Renly left the auction venue, they immediately headed towards Xia Qi’s tavern.

The priority was to treat the badly injured Xiaoba, during which Rayleigh also said something innocuous to Luffy. Mainly thanks Luffy for saving Xiaoba, and also asks Luffy ‘What is One Piece?’ ‘s question.

Luffy’s answer did not disappoint Renly, but instead laughed and bluntly said that Luffy deserved the hat.

However, the crisis has not been resolved, it is Luffy who beats the Draco, not someone else, and others may be implicated, but Luffy must be captured and sent to the Draco.

What happened in the Chambord Islands quickly spread, and the members of the Straw Hat Pirates who were temporarily playing their own games also gathered in Xia Qi’s tavern for the first time.

“Luffy, what happened, it’s all saying that you hit Draco!” As soon as the group of straw hat pirates gathered, Nami looked at the troublesome captain with a look of disaster.

“Now is not the time to say this, this is my life card, each of you will take a copy, my ship I will help you coat it, but during the time of coating the ship, you must hide as soon as possible.” When Renly thought of Lins, he suddenly felt a heavier heart.

Luffy, though sloppy, is never vague when it comes to making big decisions, which may also be his instincts.

“Who the hell did you provoke?” Solon asked a little puzzled.

“Luffy beat the Draco, although I also feel very happy, but the Draco is a Draco after all, a family with the highest power in the world government. The admiral has already dispatched one, we must evacuate this place as soon as possible, and the other party is likely to find us in a short time. Sanji took a puff of his cigarette and said with a somewhat solemn expression.

He naturally didn’t blame Luffy for causing trouble, but he didn’t want to go head-to-head with the admiral.

“More than one general-level figure has set eyes on you! Move quickly, scatter, and hide from each other, and my ship will be coated in three days. Then you will come here to meet and take a boat to Fishman Island, which is where the navy cannot reach its hand. Renly nodded at Zenji and urged.

Each member of the Straw Hat Pirates was given a piece of Rayleigh’s life card fragment, so that they didn’t have to worry about finding their companion’s direction.

“Uncle Reilly, thank you.” Luffy smiled at Rayleigh, and then left Xia Qi’s tavern temporarily with Nami and the others.

They came to a group of redwoods and told each other to leave in different directions and hide.

“With such slow action, it’s no wonder that someone will catch up.” Just as the Straw Hat Pirates were about to turn their heads and leave, Lins’s voice suddenly sounded in everyone’s ears.

I saw Lins carrying a huge black scythe in front of Luffy and the others.

Lin Si was dressed in black and did not wear a general cape, Luffy did not recognize Lin Si’s identity for the first time, but intuitively felt that the other party was not easy to mess with.

But seeing that Lins was alone and his companion was around, Luffy did not have much panic in his heart at this time.

However, Yamaji was different, and he recognized Linsi’s identity at a glance, his eyes shrunk, and his heart completely tensed.

“Who are you?” Luffy looked at Lins and asked.

“Luffy! He’s the Admiral of the Navy…,” Yamaji whispered in Luffy’s ear.

When Luffy heard this, his eyes suddenly sharpened, but he said: “Ace told me about you, saying that if I meet you, don’t care about the rest and just escape.” For Ace to say such things, you guy is really powerful. ”

“Oh? I think he’s right. Looking at Luffy’s performance, which was exactly the same as his impression, Lins had no expression on his face.

“What are you guys grinding, he’s dragging time! Hurry up and put him in order, don’t wait for the arrival of large naval forces! Solon suddenly shouted, and somewhat recklessly attacked Lins.

It seems that because of Robin’s affairs, the Straw Hat Pirates did not encounter the instant annihilation of the green pheasants, and they did not have an accurate understanding of the strength of the general.

“One Knife Flow, Lion Song!”

Solon rushed forward, put his right hand on the hilt of a knife on his waist, and let out a low roar in his mouth, and then a violent arc flashed, and the slashing move was unfolded, and Solon’s body suddenly turned into an arc of light and was about to pass through Lins’s body.

However, at the moment when the sword light touched Lins, Linsi stretched out his hand and clamped Solon’s blade, making his forward momentum stop abruptly, as if hitting a mountain out of thin air, and he stopped.


Sauron’s blade trembled, and then under the expressionless slight force of Lins, his good knife that Lins could not see the name was crushed by Lins.

“I’m not dragging my feet, and it’s good that I’m not in a hurry.” Lins looked at Solon who was stunned, and the black giant scythe in his left hand swiped at Solon.


Solon’s heart burst out a monstrous wave of blood, and a deep bone cut appeared, and Solon was instantly defeated by Lins and flew back.

“Solon!!” Luffy reacted and suddenly shouted angrily.

“The strength is about the same as I imagined.” Lins watched Solon’s performance, and he didn’t need to wait to perform his strongest move, and he could determine his current level with one move.

But Erl!

“Second gear!”

Bang! Luffy immediately cast the second gear, stared at Lins with his eyes, and rushed forward.

“Luffy!” Nami exclaimed worriedly, while Usopp and Chop quickly ran to Solon to check on their injuries.

Yamaji saw Luffy make a move, although he did not have an accurate understanding of the strength of the general, it was impossible for Luffy to deal with Lins alone, and he and Brooke suddenly struck left and right, cooperating with Luffy.

At the same time, the yellow ape is also rushing towards this side, accompanied by pacifists and war peach pills.

Looking at the imposing Luffy, a smile appeared on Lins’s expressionless face for a moment.


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